1988 Cast List

Permanent Characters

Lynn Davenport - Helena Bozich
Martin Dibble - Craig Thompson
Don Fisher - Norman Coburn
Pippa Fletcher - Vanessa Downing
Sally Fletcher - Kate Ritchie
Tom Fletcher - Roger Oakley
Ailsa Hogan/Stewart - Judy Nunn
Floss McPhee - Sheila Kennelly
Neville McPhee - Frank Lloyd
Steven Matheson - Adam Willits
Frank Morgan - Alex Papps
Carly Morris - Sharyn Hodgson
Bobby Simpson - Nicolle Dickson
Lance Smart - Peter Vroom
Alf Stewart - Ray Meagher
Celia Stewart - Fiona Spence
Roo Stewart - Justine Clarke
Matt Wilson - Greg Benson


Lynn Davenport - Helena Bozich
Cast > Cast List > 1988

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