Sasha Bezmel

Sasha Bezmel (2011-2015)
Demi Harman
Episodes: 5373–6162
Parents: Sid Walker & Regina Bezmel (deceased)
Siblings: Indi & Dex Walker and Felix Bezmel (all half)
Occupation: Student, Waitress
Sasha was the result of a liaison between Sid Walker and a nurse, Regina Bezmel. Sid was unaware of her existence until she was fifteen, when Regina was killed in a car accident and Sasha expressed a desire to meet him. When he cancelled their meeting because of work, Sasha went to the hospital to meet him and ended up staying with him and his family, although she made it clear she only saw it as temporary. When she heard about Marilyn’s hairdressing business, she went looking for her to apply for a job and ended up flirting with Romeo until she learned he was her brother-in-law. She asked Sid to put in a word for her but he was reluctant. Unaware of his history with Marilyn, she thought he was ashamed of her and ran off, being found by Elijah at the church. Sid did talk to Marilyn but she didn’t have any work for Sasha. However, Roo helped her get a job at the Diner.
When her younger brother Felix ran away from his father’s place, after being bullied, Sasha went out in a storm to find him and twice clashed with Xavier Austin, first when she ignored instructions to stay off the beach and then when he caught her looting his house for food. She also called Sid for an ambulance when she found John collapsed in the house. She hid Felix at the school, which had been damaged during the storm, and stole from the Diner so they could go away together but was distraught when Felix went missing. She was found by Roo and returned the money, learning Felix was in hospital, having been injured when VJ threw a stone through the window. Roo managed to convince Leah to let her keep her job. Sid offered to let Felix stay with them but his father Shawn refused and Sasha felt let down.
Sasha faced caustic remarks from Colleen and Marilyn on her return to work but Roo smoothed things over. She let Sid humiliate himself by failing to correct a misunderstanding that saw Roo arrange dates with both him and Harvey at the same time. Sid pointed out shed hurt Roo as well as him and she apologised. She enrolled at Summer Bay High but spent her first day playing truant and hanging out with older boy Stu Henderson, who she started dating. Sid dragged her home and banned them from seeing each other but eventually allowed it with certain conditions. After arranging to join him at a Year 12 party, she sent him a topless photo of herself after he requested one. Dexter was concerned when he found out about the photo but Sasha ignored him and drove off with Stu and his friends after the party. She started making out with Stu in his car but seemed uncomfortable when he wanted to take things further. When Stu was distracted, Dexter convinced Sasha to leave with him and tried to convince her to break up with Stu but Stu talked him round.
Sasha was shocked when Stu hit her for spending time with Xavier and Dexter instead of him but forgave him after he bought her a ring. When a page was stolen from Sid’s prescription pad, he suspected Sasha and Stu and was on the verge of taking Sasha to the police station when he learned it was April. She tried to move out to the caravan park and, although Roo talked her out of it, the fact Stu had believed her and Sid hadn’t pushed her back towards him. She tried to impress him by getting one of his drawings tattooed on her hip but he hit her again, reminding her he was attacked for having a River Boy tattoo. She nearly told Sid but he was called away on a house call and, when Roo made a comment about giving people a second chance, she kept it to herself. She was chatted up by a schoolie named Lachie at the surf club, who managed to get her number off Ruby. When he phoned her, a jealous Stu hit her. Sasha tried to break up with Stu but he threatened to hurt himself and took off in Xavier’s car. He convinced her to get in with him then started driving dangerously until she agreed to get back together.
When Sid grounded her over the incident, she was relieved but then he relented and she was forced to make excuses to avoid spending time with Stu. She developed an infection from the tattoo and was found collapsed at the bus stop by Xavier, who took her to hospital. She let Sid think it had been Stu’s idea for her to get it so he banned them from seeing each other but Xavier began to suspect something else was going on. Stu continued to pester her, beating her when she refused to get in his car with him. She ran out of a shift at the Diner when she saw him there, then told Sid he had been stalking her, prompting him to warn Stu off.
On the night of the school formal, she agreed to be Dexter’s date but asked Sid to pick her up when she saw Stu there. He followed her outside and, when she told him she hated him, hit her just as Sid arrived. Sid beat Stu up and Sasha admitted to him, Roo and Dexter everything that had been going on. The following morning, Xavier came round to check on her, just before Sid was charged with assault.
When Stu’s father Alan texted the photo she had sent him of herself to most of the town, she went to the hospital to confront them but was threatened by Alan and Sid ended up having to step in. She was pleased when Xavier defended her when they caught Jase McKenzie looked at the photo. When Alan threatened to have Sid charged with breaking his bail conditions if Sasha didn’t drop the charges against Stu, Sasha met Stu in public to try and come to an agreement, then, when Alan interrupted them, said she’d do the same. Stu later approached her with a bruised face and convinced her to get into his car, after which she arrived home in tears and Stu was assumed to have left town.
Xavier kissed her, prompting her to run away and tell him she was toxic and he should stay away from her. When Xavier turned up at school and gave her a poem, she told Sid he was harassing her and asked him to keep Xavier away but lied to Xavier about throwing away the poem, continuing to send him mixed messages. Then Stu turned up dead and Sasha’s hair band was found in his car, prompting her to deny being in his car the day he died. After the farm had been searched by the police, who found Stu’s bloodstained shirt, she shared a kiss with Xavier. He apologised for taking advantage and afterwards she confessed to Sid that she accidentally killed Stu. He took her to the development site where he assaulted her and she pushed him away, causing him to hit her head. She made a statement to the police but was charged with murder when it was discovered she’d lied about arranging to meet Stu and spent a night in the cells.
She was bullied at school by a gang of girls led by Christy Clarke, who had had a crush on Stu, and her friends abandoned her. After being tripped over in the playground and receiving a stack of abusive e-mails, she decided to avoid Stu’s memorial at school. However, she rejected Sid’s plan to move to the outback and Indi and Dexter joined her in holding a private memorial. She ignored posters branding her a Killer around the school but was attacked by Christy and her friends on the beach and beaten up. She tried to arrange to study at home until the trial but eventually told Sid and Gina the truth and helped them get hold of the video proof that saw Christy expelled. Afterwards, she admitted to Dexter that she was planning to move to the city once she turned sixteen.
She and Xavier were confirmed as a couple and she joined him in cooking a meal for John and Gina in an attempt to reunite them. Against Xavier’s advice, she broke into Stu’s house to retrieve a book shed given him with the dedication Lets die for love, you first, only to be caught by Stu’s mother Margaret, who took the book off her. Sid was furious when he found out, especially since he’d just discovered Margaret was poisoning Alan, as was Xavier. Sasha tried to leave town but Xavier talked her out of it and Margaret allowed Sid to retrieve the book. At the trial, she spoke out when Christy claimed to have been in a relationship with Stu, derailing Morag’s attempts to cross examine her and resulting in Morag deciding she couldn’t take the stand. However, she was acquitted partly thanks to Xavier getting a statement from his academy instructor and afterwards she and Xavier declared their love to each other.
At her 16th birthday party, she announced her intention to move to the city to be close to Felix. Sid, Dexter and Xavier tried to talk her out of it but during the night she left anyway. She collected Felix from school and, when Sid followed her down, told him of her plan to have Felix live with her and get a job hairdressing. However, when she realised Felix was now happy with Shawn and his family, she returned to Sid. She continued seeing Xavier, worrying Sid who imposed a curfew and a no sex rule. Xavier was worried when she kept agreeing with him, including ordering a pizza she didn’t like because he suggested it and even offering to sleep with him to keep him happy. After they had fallen asleep together and she had been grounded for breaking her curfew, Xavier realised their relationship wasn’t helping her and broke up with her.
She became caught up in teacher Dave Townsends victimisation of Casey and, after Casey and Xavier stopped her going to a party, admitted to Sid she was scared of people and agreed to attend counselling sessions with Natalie Davison. After witnessing another altercation between Casey and Townsend, she presented Casey’s side of the story to Gina. She confronted Townsend about wanting to press assault charges against Casey and Gina used his threatening her as a result to force him to leave the school. She realised Dexter and her friend Lottie liked each other and acted as a go-between for them. When Gina refused to get Casey a new tutor, she suggested Dexter do it then got dressed up in a revealing outfit for Casey’s visit, only for her and Dexter’s bickering to scare him off. Afterwards, she admitted to Dexter she had feelings for Casey and he reciprocated by admitting he still loved April. She had a go at April for rejecting Dexter, which led to their reconciliation.
Casey confided in her about his father Danny. She offered him a place to stay when he had a fight with Brax and was on the verge of declaring her feelings when he referred to her as a good friend. When Lottie moaned that Roo wanted her to behave like a normal teenager, Sasha convinced her to play truant for a day of rebellion. She was shocked when Lottie’s plans for rebellion involved shoplifting and smoking and convinced her to let her dye her hair instead but Roo interrupted them before they could go through with it. When she saw Ruby talking with Casey, she warned her off him. Casey was annoyed and accused her of having a crush on him which she denied. When she and Natalie helped him after finding him passed out drunk, they made up.
She said goodbye to Xavier before he left town. She was upset when she learned Lottie might be leaving town but, after initially only being interested in the fact she’d lose a friend, eventually convinced her to do what was right for her. She also managed to get April and Dexter talking again after an argument by getting Dexter to draw straws to decide if he’d go and see her and rigging the result. She was upset when April voiced her belief Ruby and Casey were back together. April and Dexter did some digging and learned they weren’t together, convincing Sasha she was in with a chance and inviting Casey to a post trials drink at Angelo’s. However, he turned up with Ruby and, when Ruby kissed Casey, Sasha left the party in tears. She reminded Casey how she felt about him but he reiterated that he didn’t feel the same way.
She was unhappy when Dexter announced he was moving out with April, accusing April of taking him away from them. After trying to talk them both out of house viewings, she admitted to Dexter that she was worried about losing another brother. Dexter was then left in a coma after a car accident. Romeo comforted Sasha as they waited for news and, when he revealed Indi was seeing Liam, she took his side over her sister’s, having a go at Indi. She supported Casey when he was charged with his father’s murder but he told her he felt he was going to jail. They fell asleep together on the beach after a heart to heart and she accompanied him when he went out to the bush where they slept together but she was devastated when he only saw it as a bit of fun. When April tried to organise a roster to look after Dexter, she complained about how bad things had been since he came home, unaware he was in earshot, and then told Indi about what happened with Casey. She refused to see Casey when he came to the house to try and apologise and admitted to Sid what had happened but did manage to clear the air with Dexter. She then learned that Casey had gone missing and tried unsuccessfully to contact him. Dexter confided in her about his fears that he and April hadn’t been intimate since his accident and she explained his fears to April.
When Casey turned up in hospital, she went to visit him against Sid’s wishes and they sorted things out. She got him to help her deliver leaflets for the surf carnival but Natalie advised her to keep her distance from him. When doing so made her miserable, Indi advised her to go see him but she saw him taking a girl into his bedroom and angrily had a go at him, only to learn the girl, Cordelia, was a volunteer from a SIDS charity and he’d been donating his surfboard to a charity auction. She apologised to Casey but he felt she was right and they should stay away from each other although he later changed his mind. When Romeo and Indi renewed their vows in a private ceremony, Sasha nominated herself as bridesmaid alongside April. She spent the day with Casey to try and repair their friendship and gave Sid’s girlfriend Lisa Flemming advice based on her own experiences when it was revealed she was being beaten by her husband. She was annoyed when Casey told him about his fantasy of Tamara Kingsley rescuing him in the desert, since it showed he hadn’t been thinking about her. She later confided in Natalie that she thought she was pregnant and told Casey but walked away when he responded with a shocked silence. She refused to talk to him when he followed her to the farm but ultimately let him and Romeo support her as she took the test. The test came back negative but resulted in her and Casey getting together. She defended their relationship to Sid, who ultimately accepted them. They spent the night together on the beach but woke up to find Tamara, who was real after all, standing over them and punching Casey. Sasha tried to take her to task but Casey sent her away while he and Tamara talked, although he later went to her for reassurance. She supported him during the trial but was jealous of his friendship with Tamara, as he repeatedly left Sasha’s side without a word whenever Tamara appeared.
After Casey was sentenced to a good behaviour bond and periodic detention, Sasha asked Tamara about her plans and Tamara left the celebration but Casey brought her back. Sasha tried to be honest with him about her feelings but they were interrupted. She then asked Tamara not to put her troubles onto Casey but overheard Casey begging her not to leave town. She was shocked when she learned Dexter had had a seizure and turned to Casey for comfort only for him to walk out on her. She followed him outside and saw him kissing Tamara. When Casey came to see her the next day, she told him he had to choose. Casey decided he didn’t want either girl waiting for him during his detention and broke up with her and she was left to congratulate April over getting into medicine.
Despite their break-up, she continued to worry about Casey in prison. When Tamara asked her, she claimed she was no longer interested in him but she was the only person to remember his birthday and surprised him with a cake. She asked Gina for advice on getting up to date with school and Gina suggested she repeat Year 11. When she found evidence someone was sleeping at the school and had her lunch stolen, Roo realised it was Spencer and Maddy, two teen runaways who had disappeared from the caravan park, and got Sasha to leave them a note and some food. She was partnered with Rosie Prichard on a science project and, although she initially found Rosie’s wittering bewildering, after she calmed her down when she fell into the sea they became friends. She invited both Rosie and Casey to a toga party she and Dexter were throwing at the farm since April had missed university orientation week.
When Casey told her Tamara was back in town, Sasha told her to stop causing trouble for him. She was devastated when Casey told her he and Tamara had slept together and later visited him to tell him their friendship was over. However, when Rosie mentioned she’d innocently told Tamara’s violent ex Nelson Gregory where to find her, Sasha warned Kyle. Tamara thanked her for her help. She began to suspect Rosie was hiding something when she saw her talking with Natalie when she was meant to be with her father. Sasha accompanied Rosie to an underage disco where she was meant to be supervising her sister. After Liam had recruited them to make Jett look popular by dancing with him, Rosie introduced Sasha to a girl she claimed was her sister Hannah. Next day, Sasha saw Rosie giving the girl money. She was upset when April arranged for Tamara to move in with Irene and she and Rosie gave her a hard time when she came to school to address their class, although they cleared the air afterwards. She saw Jett with the girl Rosie had claimed was Hannah and learned she was actually Tilda Hogan, a classmate of his. Afterwards, she followed Rosie home and saw her alone. Rosie admitted her mother had walked out years previous and she had been living alone since her father moved to the city with his new family. She tried to help Dexter organise his uni schedule.
Gina asked her to talk to Jett, who was being bullied by Tilda, causing her to miss lunch with Rosie. She also looked after Spencer and Maddy on their first day at school, causing Rosie to tell Maddy that Sasha didn’t want to be friends with them. Rosie called Sasha down to the beach and ran out into the sea despite not being able to swim, daring Sasha to go in after her. Sasha went to help but ended up in trouble herself. They were both rescued by Casey. Sasha covered up the cause for the incident but sent Rosie away when she came to the house and gave her back a friendship pendant she’d given her. However, she did tell Natalie that Rosie needed help and advised Jett to go to Gina about his bullying. She realised April was lying about being okay at uni on her own and tried to get her and Dexter back together. Inspired by Tamara’s complaints about the girls’ uniform, Sasha started up a petition to get it changed but when she tried to involve Rosie at Natalie’s suggestion Rosie accused her of asking her out of pity and belittled the idea. She found she had little support, with even Tamara admitting she had been using the uniform as an excuse not to go to school and was fine with wearing it, although Gina offered to put her proposals to the board. She took little comfort though and admitted to Indi that she missed being able to talk to Rosie about it.
She was shocked when she saw Rosie let Alexander Mullens and his friends kiss her and then score the kisses and tried to convince her to get away from them. She convinced Rosie to spend time with her, Spencer and Maddy only for Rosie to kiss Spencer. Sasha was annoyed until she realised how lonely Rosie was and drew up a friendship contract with her. She was shocked to learn Romeo had walked out on Indi and when Sid told her he had cancer. When Rosie turned up at the Diner and revealed she’d been raped, Sasha took her to the hospital and stayed with her overnight. She angrily confronted Mullens about it and supported Rosie as she gave a statement. When Mullens returned to school, Sasha defended Rosie from his attentions and ended up punching him in front of everyone, getting herself suspended. She was arrested for assault but Mullens suddenly dropped the charges and moved schools after Kyle threatened him.
She took Rosie to the beach to cheer her up but Rosie panicked when Sasha walked away from her while she was sleeping. Rosie suggested the two of them and April have a girls’ night in, which left Rosie feeling more positive. Sasha tried again to get April and Dexter back together and tried to cheer Maddy up following her break-up with Spencer. When she and Rosie, along with April and Maddy, attended a self-defence class Zac was putting on, they met Bella Lugarno, a girl from Yabbie Creek who revealed she had also been raped by Mullens and never told anyone. They convinced her to make a statement but the police were still unable to lay charges. Sasha confronted Mullens’ friend Lachlan Stone when he kept hanging around Rosie but when Bianca and Zac brought the teens together it resulted in Lachlan giving the evidence that resulted in Mullens being charged.
She managed to get Rosie some shifts at the Diner but Rosie fainted while working and discovered she was pregnant. Sasha kept quiet but Rosie assumed she’d told Spencer and got upset, although it was Sid and Sasha she chose to speak to afterwards. She and Spencer accompanied Rosie to a check-up, after which Rosie announced she was keeping the baby and asked for their support. She worried Rosie would mistake Spencer’s offer of friendship for more and tried to get him to back off but Rosie assured them she could handle it. Rosie then decided to drop out of school. Sasha told Bianca she was scared of being bullied and Bianca talked Rosie into staying on. She became aggressive towards Holly Chapman, Rosie’s main bully, in the Diner, prompting Maddy to take Holly’s side. Maddy later made friendly approaches but still felt left out when spending time with Spencer and Sasha.
Sasha convinced Indi to give Spencer an interview for a job at the gym, prompting Indi and Dexter to suggest she had feelings for him. She and Spencer shared a charged hug when she told him he’d got the job but she was embarrassed when Indi sent Spencer rounds to hers and they both claimed they only wanted to be friends. Indi dragged them both to the gym on a pretext and told Sasha not to worry about Maddy’s feelings. Sasha followed Spencer down to the wharf and told him how she felt, prompting him to kiss her. However, they were both reluctant to tell Maddy and decided to hold off on having a full relationship until they did, instead throwing themselves into helping her with a protest over Bianca being demoted for defending Zac. She was horrified when Spencer told her Roo had seen them kissing. The protest was a success but when Spencer and Sasha approached Maddy afterwards they still couldn’t tell her about their relationship.
Despite this, they began their relationship again, resulting in them being exposed by Holly when she videoed them kissing on the beach. Maddy struggled to be fine with the relationship but ultimately decided she couldn’t spend time with them anymore. Rosie announced she was moving to live with her father and asked Sasha to throw a “surprise” farewell party for her. At Rosie’s request, she invited Maddy, which resulted in the two of them arguing at the party and Sasha learning Maddy had never slept with Spencer. Spencer told Sasha he never felt comfortable enough with Maddy and they slept together, only for Maddy to turn up at the house intending to apologise and catch them. Spencer left Sasha to go and check on her and the three of them put on a show of being friends to say goodbye to Rosie. Sid was then offered a new job in Broken Hill and asked Sasha to go with him. Feeling guilty about the rift she’d caused between Spencer and Maddy, she agreed. She was disappointed when Dexter decided to stay behind but left town with Sid.
She returned less than a week later, expecting to pick things up with Spencer, only for him to tell her he wouldn’t let her hurt him again and Maddy to blast her for abandoning him. When she saw Spencer and Maddy getting on well together, she decided to go back to Broken Hill but agreed to stay after Maddy got her and Spencer talking again. She had difficulty getting back into things so Indi suggested they needed to go on a normal date. After initially crying off, Spencer turns up at the house and swept her off her feet.
She was shocked when Chris Harrington, Spencer’s brother, turned up and she realised he and Indi had had a fling last time he was in town. Chris tried to get in her good books but she was annoyed when he dunked her in the sea for a joke and seemed to get on better with Maddy than her, bluntly telling him she didn’t like him. She tried to convince Dexter to help keep them apart but he was quickly won over by Chris. When she saw Maddy spending time with Casey, she thought Maddy was making the same mistake she had and tried to warn her to stay away. She decorated Bianca’s office at school prior to her wedding with Heath only for the ceremony to end in disaster. She got Spencer and Chris to help her clean it up before she could see it but Chris walked off after she argued with him. She was concerned about Indi seeing Chris, especially when she and Spencer walked in on the pair being intimate in the gym, but changed her mind about him when he helped out at the gym so Indi could do an assignment and recommended him for a room at Irene’s.
When Casey was injured in a car accident, Sasha annoyed Brax by suggesting he had been drinking. She was slightly concerned when Maddy confided in her about her feelings for Josh Barrett, who had been a passenger when his brother Andy caused the accident, but made a joke about the appeal of bad boys which seemed to have an effect on Spencer. She was puzzled by Spencer’s erratic behaviour, including being inappropriately amorous and getting into fights with Josh and Chris. When he collapsed and was taken to hospital, Chris revealed he had bipolar, leaving her shocked. She was unsure how to cope with him and upset him by telling Roo what was going on. Spencer was angry but Chris and Indi got them talking again and they went skinny dipping. However, she was bothered by his high energy levels and outbursts of anger and realised he was off his medication. She was concerned when he decided to try and manage without it, feeling Sasha preferred him that way, and upset when, after Romeo died, he tried to seduce her instead of comforting her. She tried to support him when he sought help at Sanctuary Lodge until Oscar told her they were a cult. She went to the lodge but failed to talk him into staying away from them, although she did meet Oscar’s sister Evelyn who promised to try and look after him. She clashed with Matt Page when he started at Summer Bay High. When Spencer turned up in hospital after being beaten by Murray Granger, Sasha visited him and convinced him to go back on his medication but was reluctant to get back with him. She changed her mind after a talking to from Indi and seeing him hugging Evelyn and they were soon back on.
She was upset when Dexter chose Casey as best man rather than her, but after seeing the spa day that served as his bucks party, she acknowledged he needed a masculine influence and settled for giving Casey tips. When Indi announced she was going travelling and Dexter and April announced they were moving to Paris, Sasha was annoyed she hadn’t been considered and worried Sid would try and take her back to Broken Hill. When he announced he was going to do just that, Chris suggested she move in with him and Spencer at Irene’s place, but Sasha couldn’t bring herself to tell Sid she didn’t want to live with him. Irene stepped in and Sid agreed to let her stay. She attended the Bay Meets the River musical festival with Spencer but was annoyed that he spent most of his time keeping an eye on Maddy and Josh before accepting he was just looking out for her.
Sasha, along with Spencer, Maddy and Josh, sneaked into the empty school for a private party but a game of true or dare resulted in Sasha and Spencer becoming aware that all his happy memories were from before they got together. Spencer arranged a candlelit dinner for them at the Diner but was infuriated when Sasha ended up accidentally kissing Chris while blindfolded. Conflicting advice from John and Marilyn didn’t help the pair and in the end Jett had to smooth things over. They tried to support Evelyn after her father’s death and were bemused to find a flyer advertising a party at their house. Sasha convinced Spencer they should go along with it and, when they found out VJ and Jett had organised it, she and Chris both decided the party should continue. However, Irene came home in the middle of it and wasn’t happy. She got them to wait on her hand and foot as punishment, but just as she was relaxing the penance Sean Green, who Sasha and Chris had spoken to at the party, turned up and threatened them. The four of them were held hostage by Sean, who needed medical attention and mistakenly believed a doctor lived at the house, until Chris overpowered him.
She joined Maddy and Marilyn in organising a girls’ night in to cheer up Roo after her marriage to Harvey collapsed. After mentioning she wanted to be a defence lawyer after leaving school, Sasha began running for school captain. She asked Spencer to be her campaign manager but accepted Tamara’s offer to fill the role. However, Sasha opposed the idea of integrating with the Mangrove River students, wanting separate break areas, which Tamara disagreed with, and she saw Tamara joking with Matt after he vandalised her campaign posters. Matt heckled her first speech and, when Tamara stepped in, encouraged Tamara to stand against Sasha. After the two girls argued, Tamara did decide to stand, prompting another argument in Angelo’s. Sasha asked Jett to conduct a poll to see who would vote for her, then refused to pay him as agreed, then tried to recruit Josh as the token Mangrove River student on her team but didn’t show any interest in his opinions. On the day of the campaign speeches, Matt and Josh, with help from Jett, kidnapped Sasha and dumped her in the middle of nowhere. She made it back with Spencer in time to give her speech but told everyone to vote for Tamara.
Matt was elected as male captain and appointed Sasha head of the student council. Sasha helped him write his school captain speech and he kissed her. Jett overheard them talking about it and told Sasha he’d tell Spencer if she didn’t let him onto the student council. However, Matt then told Spencer anyway and, despite accepting the kiss was one-sided, he broke up with Sasha. Jett commiserated with Sasha and she gave him the position. She and Spencer tried to be amicable and Irene said anyone would have to pay a dollar to talk about the break-up: This backfired when the pair paid to have an argument. Sasha was mortified when Spencer and Matt ended up arguing about her in front of the rest of the school.
When Matt dropped out of school, Sasha tried to get his address off Leah, then broke into the office to get the details. She went to his home and found him looking after his sister Ellie. He explained that his mother wasn’t around and his father was drinking and Sasha accepted he needed to go away for a bit, before sorting out her friendship with Spencer. When the pair’s father was arrested and sent to rehab, Matt asked Sasha to help him hide Ellie from Social Services, who were sending her to stay with an aunt. She let them stay the night at the Diner but told Matt about Felix being happy with his new family and convinced him to give up. Sasha began spending time with Matt and found him a place to stay with Leah when he was evicted. They became a couple, which wasn’t affected by her going to stay with Sid and Indi for two weeks.
On her return, Sasha learned she’d won a writing competition in Gina’s memory with a story about Matt and Ellie. She got Leah to talk Matt into returning to school. With tensions running high after Zac had been charged with running over Tamara, Matt suggested Sasha write an article telling his side of the story but Evelyn refused to let her see him. Oscar asked her to write a newspaper article revealing he was responsible for the hit and run but her editor refused to print without proof so he sent her a sound file of him arguing with Evie. Sasha told Tamara while Zac asked her not to write the article. Sasha printed the article, recalling how keeping quiet over Stu just made things worse, and Oscar was charged, resulting in Evelyn and Denny blaming Sasha, although Chris supported her. Sasha invited Matt to attend the mid-year party with her but he was reluctant to put a label on their relationship. She inspired Jett’s rebellion against John by telling him being made to work for nothing was illegal. She ended up arguing with Evelyn about the article but felt embarrassed when Matt had a go at Evelyn about it, prompting him to strip off on the beach as a public apology. Afterwards, they confirmed they were now a couple.
Sasha helped Josh with his studies and had a go at Maddy for not noticing he was having troubles. She found out Matt had been thrown out of the hostel and convinced him to go to Leah for help. When Tamara left town, Sasha was asked by new principal Sophie Taylor to take over as captain. She discussed it with Matt, who felt the two of them being co-captains was a bad idea and offered to step down. With help from Leah, Sasha convinced him to reconsider. She soon had him doing hard work alongside her and rewarded him by spending the night with him for the first time. However, she felt awkward when Spencer stumbled across them and the fact she seemed to want to hide it resulted in Matt announcing it in the school corridor. Afterwards, Matt and Sasha admitted they loved each other.
She was delighted to learn Matt had got a job at Angelo’s and tried to have celebratory sex with him in the Diner but Irene walked in on them. Sasha tried to apologise the next day but Irene wasn’t in a forgiving mood and Sasha ended up quitting. She struggled for money and when she tried to order a pizza she couldn’t pay for it. Irene paid for it and then threw it in the sea, prompting Sasha to wade in and collect it. Irene eventually gave her her job back when she needed her to cover while Roo was in hospital.
She made a failed attempt to encourage Maddy after she was told she had to repeat a year and told Josh not to stay with her out of loyalty. She asked Matt to take time off so they could spend the evening together, but by the time he got it arranged she had agreed to work herself. When she found Matt listening to a song he wrote, she played it to everyone at school but he was upset. She went along with Matt’s scheme to talk Sophie into giving them one afternoon off a week for school captain business but instead she told them she’d let them come in to school early and do the work then.
She and Matt were put in charge of teams for an exercise to come up with business ideas, and when Spencer and Matt were listed as finalists she tried to convince both of them to let her help them. She helped Spencer with a fumbling but well researched presentation that won the competition. When she got a low mark on her poetry, Matt rewrote one of her pieces, leaving her even more depressed at the difference in quality. She was delighted when Zac praised her work, only to find out it was one of Matt’s that he had submitted in her name. Before she could tell Zac, Sophie had submitted it to be assessed by a college and she was shocked when Zac told her it was being published in a university journal. She admitted the truth to Sophie but it was too late to stop the poem being published. When Zac found out and Sasha refused to name Matt, he told her he would fail all her coursework, forcing her to repeat the year. Matt told Zac the truth and he let Sasha submit more poems. She had trouble knowing what to write about so Irene suggested she write about Matt.
However, as soon as she’d finished them, she learned that the deadline for the venue for the school formal was approaching and nothing had been done about organising the market day she and Matt had planned to raise money for it. After a hard day’s work, she only ended up with a face painting stall and Marilyn doing tarot readings, then returned home to find Chris had demolished the kitchen Irene had been going to use to bake scones for them. However, when she turned up the next day she found Matt had been able to pull together a full market. She suggested inviting the Year 11s to raise more money, then asked Leah and Zac for help when Matt announced he wasn’t doing his HSC.
She and Phoebe tried to get Matt to play at the school formal, setting him up so he’d have to join Phoebe on stage at the restaurant, but he walked out, then explained to Sasha that he hadn’t played since Ella was injured when he left her alone with their dad while he was playing a gig. She was flustered trying to keep the formal under control and pleased when Matt came to her rescue by joining Phoebe on stage. When she learned Casey was dead, she told Matt she regretted never telling him that she forgave him for cheating on her and concerns prompted Matt to do his HSC. When Sophie cancelled Muck Up Day, she and Matt decided to instead make a video to celebrate the end of school. She was amused when Matt showed her a video of Leah and Zac kissing in the classroom but told him to delete it. She was angry when he instead included it in the video he showed at school. When he moved out of Leah’s place to avoid the fallout, Sasha hid him in her room rather than have him sleep on the beach. Spencer found out and agreed to keep quiet but also refused to let him stay there again so Sasha tried to find him somewhere else. When she found him sleeping in the Diner, she went to Leah for help in getting Matt to move back in.
She neglected her studies to spend time with Matt, helping him try to make it look like bully Tyson Lee had punched VJ, and met his father Gray for the first time when he punched Matt on the beach. She was shocked that Matt seemed to find the behaviour normal and confided in Irene. Then Matt fell asleep in an exam after staying up drinking with Gray and blamed her. She presented him with a schedule allowing him to spend time with her and Gray and study but received more drunken abuse from Gray, who accused her of setting Matt up to fail. When Gray was arrested for taking Ellie without permission, Sasha told Matt to choose between them. She apologised but Matt accepted he had to keep away from Gray until he sorted himself out.
She played a small role in uncovering the fact Spencer had targetted by internet predator Keith Potts, showing Chris that the T-shirt Keith’s alter ego Amy had supposedly designed was mass produced. She tried to get Matt to go to a uni open day but he went away with Alf and Zac, so instead she joined Evelyn, Phoebe, Denny and Chris for a girls’ night. She kept quiet about Spencer’s experience with Keith until it resulted in him punching Matt. When she still wanted to go to the open days, Matt told her their relationship would never work with her at uni and him in town and broke up with her. She made plans to go with Denny, and Matt arrived at the bus stop to apologise and wish her luck. When she returned, however, she found Evelyn at Matt’s house first thing wearing one of his shirts. Matt explained she had slept on the couch and Sasha turned her attention to stopping Spencer hiding away in his room during a party but when she walked in on Matt and Evelyn playing Twister with Chris she accused Evelyn of being after Matt then told Matt that the fact he was willing to give up on her showed they were broken. However, they agreed to make an effort and she also smoothed things over with Evelyn.
She tried to cheer Spencer up by inviting him for a night on the beach with her, Matt and Josh. She was convinced Matt was hiding something from her and enlisted Spencer to irritate him into telling her; to her delight, it turned out he had applied to uni. She and Matt had difficulty spending the night together and she was shocked when he talked about them living together at uni. When she learned Matt had asked Leah if she could move in with them, she told him she wasn’t ready.
When Matt mentioned Phoebe’s launch party, she told him that most musicians didn’t make it and should have something to fall back on. When she found out from VJ that Matt was Phoebe’s support act, she felt bad and arranged to go on the trip to support them. However, the bus crashed en route. She made a failed attempt to save the bus driver, who had been badly injured in the crash, and was the first person to query Leah’s whereabouts. Afterwards, Matt took her home and comforted her.
She worried about her uni results but took time to chat to Evelyn, who was worried about Hannah possibly being paralysed, about her own experiences with Dexter. Sasha was accepted into her first choice course at Redstone but Matt received no offers. She suggested putting a photo of the comatose Leah up in the Diner, something which initially provoked a furious reaction from VJ, who felt it looked like a memorial, althugh he later changed his mind. She was upset when Matt went back to school to repeat Year 12 without telling her and was disappointed to miss out on the protest to save the mural Josh had graffitied on the surf club. She and Matt arranged a last date on the beach but to her anger he instead ended up in detention and she told him she’d see him in three weeks. He managed to surprise her with a candlelit dinner before she left. They tried to maintain their relationship long distance but when Sasha made a surprise visit the instability only made Matt frustrated, with him pointing out she was just going to leave again. They were also hampered by the fact that Irene refused to let Matt stay over and VJ insisted they comply with Leah’s wish not to stay over at theirs. They spent the night together in the Diner but overslept, causing Sasha to miss the bus so Matt had to drive her in. However, she still failed her first assignment when she didn’t hand it in on time.
She and Matt were restircted to seeing each other in Summer Bay when he was banned from her dorm and Chris told her the relationship wouldn’t work long distance. Sasha decided to transfer to the local uni, even though it meant taking an arts course instead of journalism, but Matt refused and broke up with her. However, when he was unable to look her in the eye and tell her he didn’t love her, she pressed ahead with the plan. She arranged to have lunch with Matt but he didn’t turn up, instead deliberately stirring up a fight between Spencer, Oscar and VJ in front of her, before telling her he didn’t love her. Sasha suggested they go back to their original arrangement but Irene and Denny helped her see she was just dragging things out. They ended things and spent a chaste night together at her place before Irene, Marilyn, Roo and John made a special farewell lunch for the couple at the Diner. Afterwards, Sasha headed off to uni for good.