Jack Hunter

Jack Hunter (2003)
Ian Lind
Episodes: 3615
Date of Birth: 1949
Date of Death: 2002
Marital Status: Beth Hunter (????-2002)
Children: Scott, Kit, Robbie, Henry and Matilda Hunter
Occupation: Farmer
Though he was dead before we had even heard of him, we learned a lot about Jack Hunter from the remaining Hunters throughout the first couple of years.
When Jack’s eldest son Scott arrived in the Bay, he told Alf that when his father had died, Scott had been out in the country for a day after an argument and when he returned he saw his father waving to him from the paddock and rode down to meet him. When he got there he had discovered that his father had died of a heart attack a couple of hours before.
We also learned that Jack was part of the reason behind Kit’s drinking as Kit held herself responsible for her dad’s death. Thinking he was just joking around she had left him there to die.
Robbie, the middle of the Hunter children revealed who his dad had treated him badly to Tasha and it was part of the reason he was at boarding school.
In 2004 Val Squires arrived in the Bay, where Scott recognised her as the woman that Jack had been playing away with, though Beth was fully aware of this.
The only time we ever saw Jack Hunter was when Beth revisited the farm when thinking about selling the farm and she too saw a ghostly figure on a horse.