Scott Hunter

Scott Hunter (2003-2005)
Kip Gamblin
Episodes: 3429–4100
Parents: Jack & Beth Hunter (both deceased)
Step Parents: Rhys Sutherland (former)
Siblings: Robbie, Kit, Matilda & Henry Hunter
Step Siblings: Dani, Kirsty & Jade Sutherland (former stepsisters)
Marital Status: Mira Hunter (?-2003, divorced); Dani Sutherland (2004, engaged); Hayley Lawson (2005-present, engaged)
Children: Noah Hyde
Scott rode into the bay in 2003, finding an ill Alf wandering around the bush and helping the search party find him. Dani took a shine to him after meeting him riding along the beach upon his white horse and soon they began a relationship.
Scott purchased the boatshed that had not been heard of within the bay for many years and soon began setting about his dream, which was to build a boat to sail around the world in. This caused problems with both Josh West and Dani. Dani was left unsure as to what this would mean for their relationship and Josh had development plans that were put at jeopardy by Scott owning the boatshed. Scott sold his horse to help finance the project (or because having a horse as a character was too much of a hassle).
Dylan Russell began working at the boatshed soon after and was involved in an accident when a piece of machinery fell on top of him. Scott’s boatshed was burnt down soon after, with Angie the main suspect and his dream of sailing around the world was over.
A benefit dinner was held at the Surf Club to help Scott with his plans, and Alf and Colleen got the wrong end of the stick in thinking that Scott and Dani were going to get engaged. Scott took this opportunity to let the Sutherland’s meet his mother.
It however turned out that Scott was already married to someone he had went to college with called Mira. Mira had faced deportation back to Europe and Scott had helped her out by marrying her, and thus making her an Australian citizen. He called up to Summer Bay hoping that they would be able to work though their divorce and despite her insistance that Scott was the one that she wanted to be with, she soon saw that Scott did not feel the same way and left, telling Dani she was a very lucky woman to have Scott.
Scott’s troubled sister Kit had arrived in the bay and Scott was around trying to help her overcome her alcoholism. Scott also moved into business with Alf, buying a half-share in the Blaxland and began working there.
One day Scott stumbled upon a field where Jacko, his horse, had been staying and she was in a bad condition. Scott managed to buy her back for a much lower price and she was used to take Sally and Leah to Sally’s wedding. However Jacko was spooked when a passing car tooted it’s horn and Jacko began to go out of control, throwing Scott off and eventually causing Sally and Leah to have to jump to safety. Jacko was eventually found, critically injured by a local farmer and after saying a few words to him, Scott shot him.
Kane soon returned to the bay and a bit like a Rocky film, he had a new partner of Dani’s to contend with, but first he took Kane on as a deckhand, unaware of who he was, but soon sacked him. As things got out of control Scott ended up punching Kane and a day later Kane was found seriously injured at the side of the road. Dani had mowed Kane down, but Scott stood by her throughout her trial and eventually her release.
With Summer Bay House becoming rather full, Dani then moved in with Scott at The Palace and they became brother and sister when Beth and Rhys married early in 2004.
Scott had a number of adventures on the boat in 2004. He and Kane took out a couple of American tourists on a diving expedition where they had engine problems and then the divers went missing. They were soon towed back to safety. A day or so later they went out looking to see if they could see anything and they found one of the divers who then attempted to hold them hostage before Alf(!) overpowered him.
Dani then managed to annoy Felix Lawson at her University and they were soon getting sent strange letters, dead animals and funeral wreaths that made them decidely uneasy. Scott and Kane threatened Felix to leave Dani alone. Felix was soon in hospital badly beaten up. It later turned out that one of Dani’s old prison mates, “The Guv” had sent some people to see to Felix.
Then Scott went out on a fishing trip and a policewoman visited The Palace informing them that Scott had died out at sea. However Scott turned up a day later completely unharmed and oblivious to what had gone on.
Noah and Hayley were soon to be married and Dani kept on dropping hints at the prospect of a double wedding. In the end it was Kane and Kirsty that shared the day and Scott had a go at Dani for being a princess. With the attacks on The Palace becoming more dangerous, Dani had her hands burnt with acid, Scott and Dani decided to join Hayley and Noah on their honeymoon and then decided to go to Paris.
However, Sarah Lewis who had been causing havoc in the bay in the previous months escaped the institution that she had been staying in (we later found out she had been let out) and headed back towards the bay. Dani and Scott were about to leave for the airport after staying at the “safehouse” when they realised they had forgotten their passports and headed back towards The Palace to collect them. When they got inside they found Sarah standing there with their passports and Tasha’s gun. Dani was taped up in the house and Scott forced to drive Sarah to Leah’s house, where held them all hostage, eventually shooting Noah dead.
After this, Scott decided to propose to Dani, she accepted and they began setting about arranging their wedding. However Dani got a call from “The Guv” who was new seriously ill in hospital and Dani began spending more time on the memoirs than she did with him. This caused tensions to rise to the point where they broke up and Dani left the bay for good.
Scott, like his sister had done, turned the bottle after this and Kit returned to the bay to help sort him out. He eventually decided to go to Paris for a break with Kit over the Christmas holidays and in the new year he returned with a new haircut, but minus Kit, who had decided to stay on in Paris.
The Palace was then burnt down thanks to a faulty fan and Scott was left homeless, eventually going back to live with his mother. He and Hayley had becoming friendly and one night they slept together. Hayley then slept together with Kim and when Hayley chose a relationship with Kim, Scott left and returned to the city with a new girlfriend called Lisa.
However, it was then found out by Hayley that Lisa was already married and when Scott found out about this they broke up. Hayley had already broken up with Kim as they decided that the relationship wasn’t working.
Hayley discovered that she was pregnant and unsure of the father, organised a paternity test. However the Summer Bay Stalker switched the results of the test and everyone thought that Kim was the father of Hayley’s child. Scott and Hayley then decided that now they were single they should start going out again and Scott even got around to proposing to Hayley. However Hayley turned him down and eventually their relationship fizzled out with Hayley deciding to go out with Kim again.
In the mean time Amanda and Scott started a relationship, much against Beth’s wishes and Hayley and Kim became engaged. However Hayley began to realise that it was Scott that she wanted to be with and not Kim. Then Amanda found it was Hayley that Scott would rather be with and went out to see in a storm. Scott chased after her and they ended up missing. With Scott missing, the wedding was initially delayed and then cancelled when Hayley told Kim of her real feelings.
However not wanting to lose Amanda, she too said that she was pregnant, even though she wasn’t and then began manipulating people at the hospital into first of all getting her realistic ultrasounds and then miscarrying the baby. Scott fell for it, but then found out Amanda’s deceit and the relationship was over. Hayley had left town due to Amanda and was staying in a caravan in the middle of nowhere when she went into labour. Alf, Scott and Kim all began looking for her and it was Scott that found her and delivered the baby.
Scott and Hayley then got back together, became engaged and began to go about leaving Australia for Paris. However Kim wasn’t happy at them taking Noah with them and fought against it. Kim was unsuccessful and upon leaving the hearing he was hit by a car where it was discovered that his blood type didn’t match with baby Noah’s, meaning Scott was indeed the father of the baby after all. He and Hayley then left Summer Bay to go to Paris.