Larry Jefferies

Larry Jefferies (2007-2008)
Paul Gleeson
Episodes: 4554, 4603–4732
Children: Sean, Justin and Aden Jefferies
Occupation: Security Guard
Larry was first seen back in 2005 when he angrily tore strips out of Ric for potentially damaging Aden’s football career and he seemed to stand by while his older son Sean terrorised Ric. He was not seen again until 2007 when he laid into Cassie for the car cash which saw Aden hospitalised.
In 2008 following Aden’s negative HIV scare we saw him go home and confront his father about not intervening when his grandfather ‘did stuff’. Angry at his father’s denials, Aden trashed the house and ran away. He was missing for several days during which time Larry approached Roman, wondering where he had gone and admitting that they had had a ‘blue’. When Aden was found in the collapsed Diner and admitted to hospital, Larry was told his son had a head injury and when Aden came around, he couldn’t remember anything.
Relieved that Aden didn’t remember the events of their fight, Larry lied to him but Roman was unconvinced and pressed Larry to tell the truth. A visibly upset Larry confided in Rachel that he had suspected his father was abusing Aden and his older brother Justin t that he didn’t want to rock the boat so did nothing. Rachel encouraged him to tell Aden the truth and he finally came clean but Aden reacted furiously, kicking him out.
Larry and Aden started to build bridges but Aden asked if he could go and live with Roman, the family home held too many memories and Larry reluctantly agreed. He was unhappy at Nicole living with Aden but softened a little at Morag’s presence in the house. He attempted to build bridges with Aden but secretly he had begun drinking.
He got a job as a security guard and was put alongside his old nemesis Ric but the two managed to put their past behind them and work together. It soon became clear though that Larry was drinking on the job and Ric was forced to covber for him after Larry gave him the guilt trip. Larry was injured in a hold up by Kane Phillips and was admitted to hospital.
Aden was instantly at his side until the truth came out about him drinking on the job and Aden furiously turned his back on him. He later returned when it became clear that Larry’s injuries had left him needing a full time carer. Happy to have Aden back at home Larry vowed to kick the drinking but was caught out by Belle, who agreed to lie for him.
Thinking that Belle had told Aden, Larry landed himself in it and Aden hunted for his secret alcohol stash. Finding it, Aden moved back into Roman’s and refused to have anything to do with his father.
Believing he had nothing left to lose Larry got drunk and took the car out but crashed into a scooter, sending its occupants Jai and Axel flying onto the road. Axel later died in hospital and Larry ran away from the scene rather than admit he was drunk. He burnt the car and contacted Aden for help but Aden again refused to have anything to do with him.
He stole Belle’s savings from Roman’s and continued to drink but it soon became clear that he wasn’t in a good way and he again contacted Aden who finally agreed to meet him. Aden took him back home and even got him a bottle of alcohol while they had a heart to heart and Aden admitted that he resented his father for getting drunk because that was what had bought his grandfather into the house. Larry then admitted that he too had been abused by his father but his revelation, rather than winning him sympathy, tipped Aden over the edge.
Angry that his father had allowed history to repeat itself Aden refused Larry medical treatment, holding him hostage in the house. When Rachel Armstrong came to confront Aden about missing medical supplies, he took her hostage too and later Belle Taylor. They were rescued by the police and Larry was sent to hospital under police arrest where he pulled through. He signed an affidavit at Aden’s trial which went a long way towards getting him off the hook.
Larry later contacted Aden asking to see him and after some cajoling by Belle, Aden went to visit him and listened to what he had to say but it was too little too late for Aden who couldn’t forgive him and he left the hospital and Larry a broken man.