Catie Merrin

Catie Merrin (2009)
Tess Haubrich
Episodes: 4988, 4992
Parents: Reg Merrin
Sibling: Poppie Merrin
Occupation: Student
Catie had asked her father to ask Aden to be her date to the formal. Aden wasn’t thrilled about this idea as the girl has the reputation of stalking the boys she likes. He agreed to go to the formal though he wasn’t happy about it. At the party, she insulted Nicole and Aden quickly made understand that her relationship with Liam was not their business and left her alone to join Nicole. Catie didn’t like being left alone. She eventually had a go at Nicole for being all over her ‘date’.
A few days later, she came across Aden at the Sands and told him her sister Poppie had slept with Liam while they were at the formal. A few hours, she surprised Aden by hiding in a car he had to park. Her father caught them, had a go at them and fired Aden