Jane Sims

Jane Sims (2006)
Nicole Da Silva
Episodes: 4126
Occupation: Student
When Kim said, “It feels like we haven’t hung out in ages,” and Robbie replied, “That’s because we haven’t,” who could have guessed that their belated bonding excursion to a secluded beach would have resulted in romance? No, sadly not between Robbie and Kim, but between Robbie and a girl named Jane who appeared out of nowhere to ruin their boys-only camping trip. Robbie and Kim were attempting to forget the trouble that is girls (namely Tasha and Rachel), but Robbie was caught so off guard by Jane’s interest in him that he had to reconsider his recent vow to stay away from chicks. He tried to deny his reciprocating interest in Jane, but Kim wasn’t fooled, pointing out that Robbie was “having trouble speaking like a normal human being.” This was evident by Robbie’s woeful attempts at flirting, including the phrases “World pizza,” in answer to Jane’s “World peace” comment after he asked her about her interests, and the immortal, “Beer rocks.” At which point Jane left to find her friend, who coincidently turned out to be Robbie’s sister Kit. Kit had had the same idea as her brother by bringing her friend to the beach they had visited as kids. Kit and Jane knew each other from the city, where Jane was in her first year of Social Work at uni, and where she had been helping Kit to stay alcohol-free since rehab. Interestingly, Jane also said she was a bartender. While Kit and Kim discussed their past relationship, Robbie and Jane had another go at getting together. Jane recognized that Robbie had just come out of a serious relationship, and encouraged him by saying that she thought he was charming. Indeed, it was his irresistible line, “The only thing smooth about me is my chest,” that prompted Jane to kiss him. Unfortunately the romance was cut short when Kit received a phone call saying that her and Robbie’s grandfather, Graham, had had a heart attack and the family were about to turn off his life-support. Robbie, Kit and Kim rushed to the hospital. Jane wasn’t with them when they arrived. She was never seen again.