Cassie Turner

Cassandra Turner (2005-2008)
Sharni Vinson
Episodes: 3920–4608
Foster Parents: Flynn Saunders (deceased) & Sally Fletcher
Foster Siblings: Ric Dalby & Pippa Saunders
Marital Status: Henk Van Minnen (2008, engaged)
Children: Summer Rose Turner
Occupation: Student; Waitress
Cassie first hit her screens when she arrived on the beach riding a jet-ski where she met Ric. She created an air of mystery around and it transpired that she actually stolen it and they had to escape an angry owner. The next day she again met Ric and they went skinny-dipping where she stole Ric’s clothes, causing him to ride home naked.
Cassie was formally introduced to Ric at a fair in the run up to Miss Groper where her grandmother, Joy Foxton managed to lower the age limit so that Cassie could enter. Alas, she didn’t win and the day went from bad to worse when Joy collapsed after the event whilst arguing with Colleen.
Cassie clung to the hope that her grandmother would wake up, but there was no hope so, Joy’s son, Cassie’s uncle was called in. Cassie started having flashbacks to when she was younger when her uncle had been abusing her. She wasn’t going to say anything until she worked out the her uncle had moved onto Cassie’s neice and she then reported him to the police. With no family left, Sally and Flynn decided to take Cassie into their home.
There was some sexual tension between Ric and Cassie and it was inevitable that they would get together. However, as promised, they immediately let Sally and Flynn know of the changed situation. However, when Ric got close to Cassie, she began to freak out, reminders of what her uncle had done to her and they broke up after a few months together.
Cassie then started dating someone called Aiden, who Ric became extremely jealous off and this caused trouble at school. However when Cassie discovered that Aiden had attacked Ric, she dumped Aiden who was never heard of again and Cassie got back with Ric at some point later. They had both however been dealt a sad blow when it was discovered that their foster father, Flynn, was suffering from terminal cancer and early in the new year, Flynn died.
Before Flynn died however, overhearing a conversation between Sally and Flynn about Flynn wanting to hasten his death, Cassie had hit out in a cyclone during the caravan upon which an electricity cable fell upon trapping both her and Ric inside. In trying to free them from the caravan both Sally and Flynn had electrocuted themselves.
Cassie then became threatened when Belle Taylor arrived in the bay and unable to trust Ric, they soon split up, upon where she hooked up with Martha’s adoptive brother, Macca. There was initially problems with Macca’s job involving travelling and unsociable hours, and the tablets he was taken often led him to be moody and short tempered. Things came to head when Macca moved into Alf’s flat and after a couple of disagreements he had hit Cassie.
Cassie however saw some good in Macca and they left on better terms, with Macca agreeing to get help for his problems, but Cassie had got back together with Ric who had since split up with Belle. However Belle was still after Ric, and teaming up with Drew, she got Cassie to give Drew some extra tuition, whilst she tried to get back together with Ric at the party. The plan failed. Ric then got offered a mechanical course in the city and Cassie kept in touch with Ric, when Macca returned having recuperated.
Initially Cassie tried to say to Macca it was over and that she was with Ric, but her feelings for Macca were too strong and they ended up together, without Cassie having told Ric that she wanted to break up. True to form, Ric decided to pay Cassie a visit whilst Cassie was kissing Macca on the couch and it all blew up. Cassie was forced out of Summer Bay House and she moved in with Irene, now unable to live in the same house as Ric.
When Ric got together with Matilda, his hurt eased and when Macca got a job in the city he asked Cassie to move with him and though reluctant, she agreed. Though happy in the city she admitted she was lonely and returned to The Bay as often as she could under the guise of being with her family during Ric’s imprisonment. Her continued absences and lies inflamed Macca’s anger and he lashed out at her once more. Cassie moved back to The Bay and Macca handed himself into the police for assulting her.
With her recent experiences of abuse Cassie became obsessed with the idea of setting up a helpline in Summer Bay. With Brad offering a room at the school and Dan willing to act as a counsellor, Cassie began fundraising, convincing the boys of Sumer Bay to strip nude for a calender. With the money raised the helpline was set up only to receive no calls bar one prank, in it’s first day of running. As a disappointed Cassie locked up alone, she answered the phone to a clearly frightened girl. Unable to convince her to call back in hours or speak to a professional Cassie gave the girl her mobile number and offered to meet her. Telling Dan the truth about what she had done Cassie met the girl, Lily only for her to be scared off when Dan arrived.
She later made contact with Cassie again and Cassie won her trust, finding out that Lily was being abused by her boyfriend Kyle. Using her own experiences, Cassie managed to convince Lily to leave Kyle and pretending that she was her friend from the city Ruby, Lily moved into the Caravan Park House. They were found out though when Lily’s mother arrived and announced that Lily was always lying and Sally and Brad had no choice but to let Lily go. Cassie remained convinced that her new friend was in danger and went to visit her with Matilda only for Kyle to come home. With Matilda running for help, Cassie and Lily locked themselves in a room but Kyle broke through just as Brad, Ric and Sally arrived to save the day.
Lily moved back into the Caravan Park House where Cassie seemed to develop almost an obsession with her. When new boy Jules arrived in town, Cassie continually warned Lily off, believing he was bad news. When Lily nearly drowned trying to save Matilda and Jules did nothing to help it seemed Cassie’s fears were confirmed but Lily, recovering in hospital, told Cassie to give him a chance before leaving the Bay.
Cassie and Jules continued their love hate relationship with each other before eventually admitting they were attracted to each other. Things never seemed to go accourding to plan though. Managing to sweet talk Cassie into stealing Brad’s car with the promise of a driving lesson, Jules then sabotaged the car in a successful attempt to get Cassie to himself. Their romantic moment was spoilt though with the arrival of Alf Stewart and Cassie was grounded for a week.
She was furious to find out that Jules had rigged the car to break down but after some sweet talking by Jules at Drew’s party she forgave him, only to be caught once more by Alf. Jules attempted to impress her by stripping down to his boxers in a caravan but Cassie was distinctly unimpressed and also considerably swayed by the older and well travelled Alex. After a jealous Jules stole Alex’s bike and crashed it he was forced to leave town but admitted to Cassie that he liked her before he left.
With Jules off the scene she continued to get close to Alex but he began acting increasingly strange before it was eventually revealed that he was selling drugs. Meanwhile Jules was discovered hiding out at Amanda’s mansion and the two began building bridges. She was devastated when, on her birthday, Jazz revealed that her and Jules had been having a fling and despite it not being true he was unable to deny it. She arrived at her own birthday party in tears.
Determined to stand on her own two feet Cassie took on a job at Noah’s, despite Sally’s concerns. Cassie was attracted to Brad’s best man Henk and despite his efforts and Rachel’s to keep them apart, they were found in bed together days before Brad and Sally’s wedding. A furious Rachel announced that Henk had raped her but despite hearing it from him, Cassie refused to give up on Henk. She was left devastated when he requested a transfer to a city hospital.
Later acquiring his address she convinced Sally to drive her to see him and after being convinced that he loved her, a reluctant Sally was forced to leave her in the city with him. Brad bought her back when Sally was struggling but she remained in contact with Henk. Henk arrived back in the Bay after her exams were over and Cassie was full of plans to leave with him but he told her it wasn’t working and broke her heart by leaving.
She reluctantly agreed to provide Viv with a van as she hid from her abusive husband but was furious to realise that Ric had slept with her behind Matilda’s back. She gave him an ultimatum but he talked her out of going through with it. Matilda found out anyway though and was furious with Cassie for lying to her.
Cassie followed Matilda to a party, determined to apologise but when Matilda decided she wanted to go home she blackmailed Cassie into driving them, despite the fact she’d been drinking. When Aden waved a joint in Cassie’s face, distracting her, the car crashed and the rest of the boys fled leaving Aden seriously injured and Cassie arrested for drink driving. Cassie initially lied to the police about how many occupants were in the car, causing them to not believe her and charge her with driving under the influence and grievous bodily harm. After Matilda convinced the prosecution witness Simon to change his statement, Cassie was let off and was further surprised when Henk returned to town to support her.
Moving into a caravan with him, Cassie confided to Matilda that she was pregnant and when she told Henk he was delighted and proposed to which she happily accepted. Her life though was turned upside down when she got the results of a blood test instigated by Martha at Henk’s suggestion. Cassie was told she was HIV positive, having caught it from Henk. She raced out of the Doctor’s Surgery where she was knocked over by a car and ended up in hospital. Once there she rowed with Henk and Matilda, Ric, Belle and Drew overheard her tell him that she was pregnant and had HIV.
As she struggled to come to terms with her diagnosis and Henk running away again she got support from Rachel and her friends and saw a counsellor in the city who helped her come to terms with things. She returned to the bay after Dan’s death and when Henk returned to apologise she told him she loved him but couldn’t rely on him and sent him back on his way.
Cassie freaked out when, during a cave in at the Diner, her blood was spilt on the floor and after a chat with Roman, who guessed, she confided her diagnosis to a supportive Irene and Colleen. She then decided to tell Alf only for him to leave the house without speaking to her and leaving her heartbroken. He later apologised and she forgave him. Another bad moment for Cassie came when Colleen implied that she might infect little Pippa by touching her but she was firmly put in her place. She decided to give a talk at school on HIV and it went well until Aden stormed out, accusing her of potentially infecting him during their recent car crash. He was given the all clear but avoided Cassie, despite her attempts to reach him.
Despite everything that had happened recently, probably the biggest surprise for Cassie came when Sally suggested that the two of them go travelling together. Having always wanted to travel, Cassie jumped on the idea and preparations were soon underway. The initial plan was for her, Sally and Pippa to drive to Queensland but a last minute change of plan saw her and Matilda set off on a road trip. She said a tearful goodbye to her friends after a party in The Pier Diner and was then waved off by Belle, Martha, Ric and Alf after feeling her baby kick for the first time. She departed Summer Bay on a high, shouting goodbye out of the car window as she drove off.