Diesel Williams

Diesel Williams (2005)
Marcus Jacometti
Episodes: 3956-3985
Occupation: Student
Diesel was first seen as a new student who Barry introduced to Sally.He had a somewhat unconventional dress style(Barry had to remind him nose rings weren’t allowed in school), which resulted in him becoming a target for bully Jason Pappa and his friends.Sally introduced him to Ric, Cassie, Matilda and Henry and Matilda was instantly taken with the newcomer, offering to show him around the school.Diesel agreed to accompany her and Cassie to the surf club but when Matilda was out of the room he told Cassie he wasn’t interested in her romantically.
Diesel again became the target of school bullies when they noticed he had a rose tattoo on his arm and suggested he was gay.Sally and Ric came to his rescue and Sally suggested he get a school uniform so he didn’t stand out so much;Diesel claimed his foster parents hadn’t had a chance to get one yet but seemed reluctant to go to the uniform pool.In order to silence the bullies, he asked Matilda out, telling Cassie he’d changed his mind about her.Cassie dragged Ric into joining the pair on a double date at the surf club to keep an eye on things and Diesel kissed Matilda on the cheek so the bullies could see.When Matilda kissed him goodbye, he felt guilty about using her, especially when Jason told him that everyone knew his relationship with Mattie was a front.The pair got into a fight and Cassie, Ric, Matilda and Dan later found him beaten up.He explained the tattoo was in memory of his mum, who had one just like it.
Sally offered Diesel extra tutoring and, when he claimed she couldn’t go round his, she offered to do the sessions at her place.She was disappointed when he admitted he wasn’t really interested in Matilda, prompting him to be honest with her and tell her he only liked her as a friend.She was hurt by the rejection and ended up turning up at school in heavy make-up and a short skirt, only for Diesel to tell her he preferred the old her.
Diesel was seen going “home” to an empty candlelit house, where he drew a sketch of Sally.When he left a book behind after a tutoring session, Sally went to the address he’d given to return it only to find an old lady who’d never heard of Diesel living there.When she questioned him, he told her that he’d got confused with his old address and she could give him books back at school.He later turned up at Sally’s house while she was upstairs in the shower, claiming they had a study session arranged.Sally told him to come back later but he almost immediately reappeared sporting cuts and bruises and saying he’d been beaten up. Although Flynn was suspicious of his story, Sally agreed to take him to school for a tutoring session to take his mind off it.
When Diesel stole some perfume from Sally’s bag, Henry became suspicious of him and followed him home.Diesel admitted he hadn’t got on with his foster parents and had moved out as soon as he was sixteen.He asked Henry not to tell anyone where he was living but instead Henry brought Sally there. However, Diesel’s mood brightened when Sally suggested he could come and live with her until they could find something better and Flynn reluctantly agreed.After being short with Flynn, Diesel admitted it was his mum’s birthday and he used to take her out for a special meal.Sally offered to let him take her out instead and Diesel enjoyed the experience.Flynn still felt uneasy about him however and arranged him a place at a hostel.
Henry found Diesel with a photo of Sally and he claimed they were having an affair.When Dan found Henry with the photo, he repeated what Diesel had said.Sally was giving Diesel an English tutoring session in one of the classrooms and, discussing the themes of the novel, noted she preferred passionate relationships.Diesel responded by kissing her just as Dan walked in and leaving without a word. Confronting him at home, Sally told him she wasn’t romantically interested in him and he should leave for the hostel immediately.Diesel angrily stormed out and burned his sketch of her.
When Diesel made some comments in class about women leading men on, Sally ignored his arguments and later spoke to him with Dan present, telling him she was his teacher and nothing else.He insisted to Dan that he and Sally were in love and later went to Barry and claimed Sally had been sexually harrassing him, forcing him to suspend her.The news was soon in all the local papers, angering several residents:Ric twice tried to threaten him into withdrawing the allegations, having to be called off by Barry, and Cassie tried to talk him out of it, reminding him of everything Sally had done for him.Diesel turned up at the house and tried to force his way in, telling Sally he’d withdraw the complaint if she admitted she loved him.
Diesel later sneaked into the house and took a locket of Sally’s containing photos of her and Flynn.He later told department investigator Carl Summons that Sally had insisted on tutoring him, told him that she loved him and sent Cassie to threaten him into keeping quiet.He then showed him a series of e-mails apparently sent to him by Sally after he moved out to the hostel, in which she said that she loved him.A few days later, he once again told Sally that he’d drop the complaint if she said she loved him but she told him she wasn’t going to lie.He then went back to the house and returned the locket, narrowly avoiding Sally when she returned home, then went to Carl and a disbelieving Barry to tell them he had more evidence.Carl asked Sally to show him the locket and she found the photo of Flynn had been replaced with one of Diesel.It was enough to convince Carl of her guilt.
With Sally stood down from teaching and facing criminal charges, Barry told Diesel he would make his life a misery if he didn’t admit the truth.Sally then found Diesel upstairs holding Pippa, threatening to harm her if she didn’t admit she loved him.Sally tried to talk him round and persuaded him to let her take a call from Flynn, tipping him off that something was going on.Diesel ran downstairs with Pippa, intending to take her out of the house, and a desperate Sally called out that she loved him.Diesel realised she was lying as Flynn entered the house behind him and lunged at him, allowing Sally to grab Pippa off him as Flynn wrestled him to the ground.Diesel was taken into police custody and admitted to Ken Harper that he had made up the harrassment allegation and had a key cut while he was staying at the house, allowing him to send the e-mails and tamper with the locket.
Sally went to see Diesel at the police station and confirmed that she’d been lying when she said she loved him.He told her that she reminded him of his mother and he’d just wanted her to love him.She replied that she knew what it was like to lose a parent but fixating on her wasn’t the way to deal with his pain and he apologised for all the trouble he’d caused her.He was apparently taken away for psychiatric care.