A very sombre day of filming on 29th October for episode #4585.....
It is with great regret that we announce the tragic death of
Dan Baker. Dan plummets to his death whilst abseiling in the Yellowstone National Park in the USA. In a shock twist, one resident has a supernatural hand in Dan's death and feels fully responsible....
Without a doubt, many fans will be wondering why the writers have decided to kill Dan off. It certainly wouldn't have been an easy decision for them, but once you put it into perspective, there really wasn't much choice.
There was no way that the writers could split Dan and Leah up. Just as Bevan told BTTB back in September, it would betray the viewers and the adoration they have for Dan & Leah as a couple.
If they went with the storyline of a long distance relationship, it would tie Leah down too much and consequently there would be very little in terms of storylines for her.
Leah joining Dan was out of the question, as Ada has no intentions to leave in the near future. Finally there has been far too much on-screen death on the show in recent times, so that only leaves the option of an off-screen death.
Don't let that put you down though, from what I gather the storyline of Dan's death will be handled with the upmost respect for his character and will pay huge respect to the love that him and Leah shared. The aftermath of his death will be felt for months and months, and will alter the lives of many. It also opens up a whole new storyline for Leah which will see her becoming a much more central role in the lives of the kids in Summer Bay, a big plus for the Ada fans!

There is a wake being held for Dan in the Surf Club, however they have run out of room, so the Summer Bay High schoolkids decide to hold their own wake on the beach. Belle is also there covering the story for the paper, with her colleague Gavin (Dan Feuerriegel), however Drew is unhappy about them sensationalising Dan's death.

First to give their speech is Rory, who talks about how Dan treated everyone as an equal. Then next up is Aden. The scene takes an incredibly long time to film, well over 2 hours on an extremely hot day, during which time a lot of the extras are able to take a break whilst they film close-ups of Jack and Todd. In a gap between takes, Jess Tovey decides that the call of the sea is too much for her and has to run down for a paddle too. Director Mark Piper soon follows suit.

Meanwhile a familar face has just re-appeared in Palm Beach and is reacquainting herself with the crew members - Holly Brisley's first day back.
The scene continues with Belle finishing her photo taking, having a heated conversation with Drew, and finally having a chat to her mum Amanda.

An unfamiliar jolly face appears on the beach, and starts rehearsing with the kids for his scene. However once it comes to filming the cap comes off, the jacket comes on, and an entirely new figure emerges....

Meet Mr Bartlett. Summer Bay High's new principal played by Bob Baines. Apparently he is shaping up to be a bit of a villainous character. In this scene he heads down to the beach to order the kids to get back to school, however they refuse and end up chasing him off the beach chanting 'NO! NO! NO!" and throwing sand all over him....welcome to Summer Bay Mr Bartlett!

And with that finished, a very hot day of filming is finally over. Check back soon for our next installment, with a sneak peek of Amanda's return to the bay!