When Lynn left
Lynn had been with Sally from the care home. When Tom and Pippa wanted to foster Sally she refused to leave unless Lynn went too so The Fletchers fostered her too. Living with The Fletchers Lynn was often led astray by the older, more rebellious Carly but she still went to Sally when she was upset. When she ran away after her dog was poisoned Sally was the one who put up posters and tried to find her. When Lynn eventually left to return to her family Sally was gutted and took a long time to get used to not having Lynn around.
When Floss and Neville left
It was Sally who discovered that Floss and Neville had left without saying goodbye and it was fair to say she was devastated. She sobbed until Tom and the family eventually agreed to go after them. They caught up with the McPhee's on the way out of Summer Bay and said a tearful goodbye. For Sally, their exit, not long after Lynn changed a lot of things in her life at the Caravan Park.
When Dodge made her admit that Milco wasn't real
When she contemplated leaving The Fletchers
When Sally's Uncle Ross came to town and fought Tom and Pippa for custody, Sally was initially very much against the idea. Spending time at Ross's farmhouse though and seeing the multiple presents, including a pony made Sally become a brat. With tom and pippa refusing to buy her a pony, Sally decided that they must not love her and she wanted to go live with Ross and his wife Louise. When it actually came to saying goodbye she was devastated that Steven and Carly weren't there and struggled to say goodbye to Pippa. She changed her mind and decided to stay with The Fletchers.
When Tom Died
Sally worshipped Tom. As a foster child himself he had always been there for her and supported her, allowing her to cling to Milco and including her in all key family decisions. With Tom and Pippa Sally found the stability she had been missing throughout her early childhood and his death of a heart attack shook Sally to her roots. It was Carly who broke the news of Tom's death to Sally and she was further upset by Pippa's seeming indifference. Running upstairs in tears she asked Ailsa if it was possible to love someone after they were dead and when Ailsa said it was she asked why Pippa no longer loved Tom because they had been fighting a lot. Ailsa explained that Pippa just couldn't handle it which was why she was acting normal but that inside she was as upset as anyone. Ailsa held her for a long time as she cried. That night Sally went into Pippa's room because she couldn't sleep and asked if she could sleep with Pippa. She asked Pippa if she was sad about Tom and Pippa broke down sobbing. Sally and Pippa held each other and cried themselves to sleep.
When Pippa got together with Michael
When she was teased about needing a bra
Sally was upset and confided in Sophie that she had been teased in school by guys telling her she needed to start wearing a bra. Sophie told Pippa who tried to convince her it was a natural part of growing up but Sally was embarrassed and hated the idea of her body changing. She was upset when Michael walked in on her changing her top and when he told Adam why she was upset. She later warmed to the idea and by the time she had bought a bra she had learnt to be proud of it.
When Dale died
When Bobby died
Bobby had become one of the key people in Sally's life as her foster sister. She had supported Sally through Tom and Dale's death and had always been like an older sister to her, someone she could turn to or go to for advice and help. She was delighted to be a bridesmaid at Bobby's first wedding to Frank and reacted angrily when she thought Frank had left Bobby for Roo. She stood for Bobby again at her wedding to Greg even reading out a poem about love. Bobby's death then, so cruelly in a boat accident rocked Sally to the core and she was genuinely devastated to lose someone so close to her when she was yet to fully come to terms with Tom's death.
When Pippa and Michael split up
When Joe bullied her
When Michael died
When she hated herself
Hating herself was a regular occurance of Sally's life but this particular instance came on the back of Michael and Shane Parrish's deaths and a succession of her friends leaving. She was increasingly vulnerable and after kissing a guy she didn't like, was disgusted with herself and broke down sobbing. Shannon and Selina found her and took her out on a raft to cheer her up. the raft collapsed and Sally was missing, later revealed to be held captive. Her family came to her rescue but Sally was on deaths door by the time she was found and her recovery was a slow and painful one.
When Scott told everyone they had slept together
When Pippa left
When she was shot
Sally was caught up in a seige at The Diner and after terri Garner attempted to get the gun there was a struggle and Sally was shot in the stomach. She made a fairly quick recovery in hospital but felt increasingly down about things. Jesse, also in depression over being involved in a hit and run was there to comfort her and they formed a close friendship.
When Adam Cameron made her life a misery
Adam returned to the Bay as Sally's new Bonza Burgers boss. Still feeling vengeful after being driven out of the bay following his involvement in Bobby's death he took his anger out on Sally as his employee and made her work life so miserable that she resigned. Vinnie was indignat on her behalf and sought revenge eventually pushing Adam into accepting a new job elsewhere.
When Gypsy revealed Kieran's true colours at Sally's wedding
Kieran was 'the one' in Sally's mind. It was fate that they met and their similar surnames meant that they were meant to be together. She had been happily planning her wedding for months not knowing that behind her back kieran had been flirting with Gypsy. Gypsy standing up in the middle of the ceremony to tell Sally that kieran was a liar was bad enough but Kieran then denied it and Colleen and Hayley had to add their weight to Gypsy's. Humiliated Sally raced from the church and promptly dumped Kieran who quickly showed his true colours. Her anger was initially focussed towards Gypsy for not telling her earlier and she sobbed to Pippa that she hated her but the humilation and being hurt once again by a man proved Sally's undoing and she fell victim to OCD.
When she thought Flynn had kissed Shauna
Sally and Flynn had made a tentative start to their relationship. Though she liked him she had been reluctant to get involved because her friend Shauna liked him too but Flynn persued her and broke down her defenece until Sally went on a date with him. After a setback regarding his sister they were starting to get back on track until Shauna admitted that she had kissed hiom despite being in a relationship at the time. Still insecure after everything that had happened with Kieran, Sally was devastated and called things off, feeling unable to trust Flynn. Luckily Flynn refused to give up on her and after some intervention by a guilty Shauna Sally and Flynn reunited.
When Sally got cancer and had a hysterectomy
Finding out you have cancer is bad enough but for someone like Sal who longed for children to be told she needed a hysterectomy was devastating. She underwent the operation but at one of the lowest points of her life, pushed Flynn away, believing he'd be better off with somebody who could give him a family. Luckily she beat the cancer and Flynn proved his love by proposing and telling her she was more important than any children.
When Sophie lost Sally's baby
Having finally got her head round the idea of surrogacy and found a suitable surrogate in foster sister Sophie, Sally was surprised to find out that Sophie was carring twins, one baby being Sally and Flynn's and another being her own with Blake's. When Sophie suffered a miscarriage and lost one of the babies Sally and Flynn faced an agonising wait before being told that their baby had died.
When Flynn and Leah kissed
Leah was carrying Sally and Flynn's child and Sally had already felt sidelined at the birthing classes when the focus had been on Flynn and Leah rather than her. Unknown to Sally, Leah had begun to develop feelings towards Flynn and acted on them with a kiss which Jesse witnessed. Assuming Sally knew, Jesse spilt the beans and Sally was devastated at having her trust broken again. She initially fled town but returned in order to work things out.
When Flynn was diagnosed with cancer
When Flynn died
Sally had known about Flynn's death for a few months but when it finally came around it was all too soon. Told by the Doctor that he had only hours to live his family took their turns to say goodbye and then it was Sal's turn. After an emotional farewell followed by one last dance to their wedding song, Flynn passed away in Sally's arms. His death triggered an onslaught of her OCD as she reacted in typical Pippa style and pretended to be strong but a video from Flynn allowed her to fully grieve and overcome her pain.
When she jilted Brad
Alf running over Pippa
When she said goodbye