Home and Away Spoilers – Alf learns the shocking truth about Evan

This week on Home and Away in Australia, Roo struggles with keeping Evan’s secret from Ryder, and has to tell somebody…

When Evan Slater (Cameron Daddo) turned up at Summer Bay house two weeks ago and revealed that he was Ryder Jackson’s (Lukas Radovich) long-lost father, Ryder’s world was turned upside down.

The 19 year old had grown up without any sort of father figure in his life, after Evan abandoned Ryder’s mother Quinn whilst he was still a baby, and Ryder certainly wasn’t ready to just let Evan walk back into his life.

It wasn’t until Evan was waiting at the bus stop to leave town that Ryder finally decided to give Evan a chance, and the pair had a drink at Salt.

Although Ryder was glad he spoke with his father before he left town, he felt that was the end of the matter and didn’t intend to take things any further. But he was taken aback when Evan suddenly returned to the caravan park and announced his intention to stick around for a couple of weeks.

As the week went on, Ryder tried to gain information from Evan as to why he’s suddenly decided to get in touch, but became increasingly frustrated with the amount of meaningless small talk as Evan avoided opening up to him. Ryder feels that it’s very much been a one-way street of information with Evan holding back, and told Roo as such.


Roo (Georgie Parker) confronted Evan and he was eventually forced to admit that the real reason he came to find his son—he is dying.

Evan told Roo that he was suffering from asbestos poisoning, probably the result of playing in so many dives with his band in his younger days, and the doctors had confirmed it was terminal.

Roo was then placed in an impossible situation as Evan asked her to keep his secret.

Evan knows his excuses are thin, at best,” Cameron Daddo told TV Week. “But he wants Ryder to know him without a cloud over his head.

As Roo continued to push Evan to tell Ryder the truth, Evan met up with Ryder with the full intention of coming clean, but bottled out at the last minute. As Ryder began to walk away, Evan shouted after him “I’m sick….” before adding “…..of living with regret“.

He asked Ryder to consider whether his turning him away would ever cause him to live in regret, which seemed to be enough to bring Ryder around.

As Roo caught up with Evan, she chastised him for not being honest with Ryder, with Alf (Ray Meagher) then walking in on their arguing. Having only just returned from his honeymoon to find out that Ryder’s dad had turned up, Alf wanted to know the full story about why they were arguing, but Roo told him that she’d promised Evan she wouldn’t say anything.

This week, Ryder springs a surprise lunch on the whole family at Salt in order for Alf to meet Evan properly. Although Alf tries to make excuses, Martha overrules him.

The lunch goes well and even Alf begins to warm to the idea of Evan being around, as Ryder admits to him that he’s finding it awesome to finally have a dad.

Keeping Evan’s secret is beginning to take its toll on Roo though, as she watches the relationship forming between father and son, and she excuses herself during lunch and asks Evan to come outside with her.

Roo has been facilitating the coming together of Ryder and Evan, and through that, he revealed that he is ill,” Cameron continued. “But he doesn’t want Ryder to feel sorry for him, or get to know him because he thinks he has to, or is obligated to. Roo struggles with that.

A tearful Roo blasts Evan and tells him that he’s going to break Ryder’s heart, but Evan is adamant that he doesn’t want Ryder to know.

What happens when you can’t hide that you’re sick anymore?” she asks. “I don’t know” replies Evan, as he too becomes emotional.

WIth neither of them returning to Salt, Alf later asks Roo what’s going on, and Roo knows she’s can’t keep it to herself any longer.

Alf is shocked by what Roo tells him, and whilst he and Roo discuss what they should do next, Ryder arrives home and immediately notices the tension.

Will Roo and Alf finally tell Ryder the truth, or try to protect him further?

Here’s the full spoilers for this week in Australia:

Monday 1st June (Episode 7343)
Marilyn’s heart breaks for John. Colby refuses to let Jasmine push him away too. Are Dean and Ziggy heading into the friend-zone?

Tuesday 2nd June (Episode 7344)
Dean wants to take Ziggy away. Can Roo tell Ryder the truth about Evan? Maggie doesn’t know how to move forward.

Wednesday 3rd June (Episode 7345)
Ryder deals with the news of his father. Maggie’s heart is crushed. Nikau worries when his mum doesn’t come home.

Thursday 4th June (Episode 7346)
Ben and Gemma’s friendship stirs up more than just their emotions. Evan is torn between revealing the truth and letting Ryder down.