Neighbours Spoilers – Paul’s life hangs in the balance, again!

Coming up next week on Neighbours, it’s a case of ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ for Paul Robinson, as nobody believes him when he takes a turn for the worse. Will his manipulative ways cost him his life?

These scenes air in the UK from Monday 21st February, and in Australia from Thursday 3rd March.

Paul has sown the seeds of his own destruction in recent weeks.

He’s been longing to get back with Terese ever since she put their marriage on hold and ordered him out of No. 22 late last year. He tried everything he could think of to win her back, but to no avail.

It didn’t help that Glen’s (Richard Huggett) return gave Terese something else to keep her mind occupied, and she soon found herself developing feelings for Paul’s half brother.

Finally, after the Flamingo Bar accident left Paul with a perforated liver, things were looking up for the estranged pair. Terese moved into the Lassiters penthouse suite to take care of him, and their spark returned.

They appeared to be on a path to reconciliation, and just a few more weeks would probably have been enough to repair their marriage.

However, when Terese mentioned in passing that she would likely move back to Ramsay Street once Paul’s condition improved, the ruthless Robinson got spooked.

Rather than risk losing Terese again, Paul faked that his condition had worsened, sacking Karl (Alan Fletcher) as his doctor and employing dodgy Dr Oscar Russell (Adam Rowland) in his place.

Happily taking Paul’s bribe, the liver specialist diagnosed Paul with a subcapsular haematoma, and it was enough to convince Terese that she should remain in the penthouse apartment to take care of her husband.

Unfortunately for Paul, his plan backfired when his son David (Takaya Honda) figured out what he was doing.

David knows all too well the negative consequences of Paul’s meddling – a result of Paul’s misguided attempts to buy baby Isla off Nicolette (Charlotte Chimes) – and decided he wasn’t going to let Paul manipulate Terese. He revealed the truth, and all hell broke loose.

Paul was already on his very last warning, but Terese truly believed he had turned a page and that he was ready to put his manipulative ways behind him. The revelation that he’d been faking his illness to keep her close was too much, and she called off their marriage once and for all.

Rejoining the action over the next two weeks, and Paul is about to seriously regret his actions.

This week, he turns to Karl and Susan (Jackie Woodburne) for help. They’ve been through plenty of heartache in their decades together, and he thinks that their advice could be just what the doctor ordered.

Sadly, it goes worse than he could have imagined, and only ends with him pushing Terese further away.

However, his failed attempt at impromptu marriage counselling from the Kennedys is about to be the least of his concerns.

While his liver may have been recovering well, Paul wasn’t 100% out of the woods. The distraction of hiring a dodgy doctor means that he’s missing regular checkups from a legitimate one, and it’s a decision that could cost him his life.

In next week’s episodes, his health begins to decline – and this time for real!

Sadly for Paul, those closest to him no longer believe a word he says. He faked his illness once, and now that Terese has left him for good, what’s to say he wouldn’t try the same thing again?

As his condition deteriorates, nobody believes him. They put it down to anxiety at being left alone, or another pathetic attempt to get Terese’s attention.

Yet this time he isn’t faking a thing, and he needs medical attention, fast. As he’s left on his own, he falls unconscious, and every minute is costing him. Will anyone get to him in time?

Thankfully, his trusty half-brother Glen saves the day as he turns up in the nick of time. He finds Paul passed out and in a bad way, and rushes him to hospital.

Will Paul’s lies end with him paying the ultimate price?

Meanwhile, Terese is torn. She’s been distracting herself in the wake of her latest marriage breakdown, and a flirtatious paint-balling session with Glen helps to fill the void.

Yet despite this, she can’t keep Paul out of her mind. She’s distraught when she hears that her estranged husband has ended up in hospital once again, and it takes every ounce of strength not to rush to his side.

Yet she’s been here before, and this time she realises that, with their marriage well and truly over, Paul isn’t her responsibility anymore.

It seems she’s finally ready to move on. Paul and Terese are over.

Missed the news? As things currently stand, Neighbours will finish on Channel 5 in August 2022, with its final episodes expected to air in Australia in late October 2022. Read more.

Sign the petition to save Neighbours here.

Here are the spoilers for next week’s Neighbours:

8787 – Monday 21st February (UK) / Thursday 3rd March (Aus)

Levi is held at gunpoint by an agitated, paranoid stranger.

Glen is looking for ways to lift Terese’s mood when he discovers Ned and Harlow went paintballing and decides to give it a try.

Zara’s troublesome reputation spreads like wildfire across Ramsay Street.

8788 – Tuesday 22nd February (UK) / Monday 7th March (Aus)

Amy has played all her cards with Zara but nothing has changed. After searching for her, she contemplates sending her back to Cairns.

Levi is stuck on Freya. She’s caused him so much trouble, but he doesn’t want her in danger.

8789 – Wednesday 23rd February (UK) / Tuesday 8th March (Aus)

Leo is still torn over whether to give up Abigail. Determined to make Leo see sense, Chloe orchestrates an outing with Roxy and Kyle.

Levi rocks the Canning household with his decision to help Freya track down Gareth, no matter the risk.

8790 – Thursday 24th February (UK) / Wednesday 9th March (Aus)

Paul’s health has been declining, but his nearest and dearest think it’s anxiety.

Leo’s decision has thrown everyone for a loop, leaving Aaron devastated and his brother overwhelmed.

Aaron is heartbroken and blames Chloe for destroying his happiness, but Chloe is suffering too.

8791 – Friday 25th February (UK) / Thursday 10th March (Aus)

Freya and Levi visit the South Melbourne Market to chase up a lead on Gareth.

Confident the Sergeant wouldn’t like Levi’s side hustle with Freya, Roxy has a lightbulb moment.

Every minute that passes with Paul suffering the consequences of his lies costs him.

Also next week… Aaron and Leo battle for custody of Abigail

Leo’s friends try to talk him into keeping baby Abigail, while Aaron hopes he’s ready to give her up for good.

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