Home and Away Spoilers – Neve is arrested by the military police

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Neve finally faces her fate as the military police arrive in Summer Bay, whilst Theo opens up to John about his traumatic past…

Logan Bennett (Harley Bonner) knew it was going to be difficult to try and help ex-girlfriend Neve Spicer (Sophie Bloom) after she turned up in Summer Bay, but the time has come to finally admit defeat.

Logan got the shock of his life a few weeks back when he received a message from Neve, given that he’d presumed she was dead!

The two had been posted to Afghanistan together whilst serving as medics in the army, but, struggling to deal with the horrors of war, Neve had gone AWOL after they were removed to Germany over two years ago.

With Logan and Neve’s relationship known by fellow troops, Logan faced continued questioning over Neve’s whereabouts, despite his assurances that he was as clueless as they were. It was this that eventually led Logan to leave the army himself.

Neve had never given up hope of tracking down Logan as she continued to evade the authorities, and was upset to learn that he had moved on with new girlfriend Mackenzie Booth (Emily Weir)—she had envisioned them getting back together once they were eventually reunited.

Although romance was very much off the cards, Logan insisted that Neve stick around, as it was obvious to him that, despite her assurances to the contrary, she was suffering from PTSD.

Knowing that she wouldn’t voluntarily make herself known to the authorities in order to seek treatment, Logan had no choice but to try and help Neve come to terms with her mental health himself.

The decision almost came at a huge cost though, as Logan’s relationship with Mac came under threat. Although Mac had insisted that Neve stay with them at the apartment, figuring she should keep her ‘enemies’ close, the presence of Logan’s ex became too much and she gave Logan an ultimatum…. which backfired when Logan then moved into a motel room with Neve!

After a chaotic week which saw Mac nearly grass up Neve to the defence force, followed by Neve coming to the attention of local cop Cash Newman (Nicholas Cartwright) after she attacked Mac in the surf club, Logan realised that enough was enough. He admitted to Mac that he was out of his depth and Neve needed professional help.

Unfortunately when he returned to the motel room, he found Neve gone.

Next week, after Logan spends all night searching for Neve, he’s relieved when she returns to the apartment and finally admits that she does need help—she can’t keep running forever.

She begs Logan to help her as he’s the only one she trusts, but he knows that he can’t, there’s only one option.

Logan speaks to a friend who is a military lawyer, and the news isn’t good. Whilst Neve will be given the immediate treatment that she needs if she hands herself in, she’s likely going to be facing a minimum of 7 years’ imprisonment!

Neve begins to panic again, as Logan is forced to tell her that either she’ll have to call herself in, or he will. When Logan later admits to Mac that he can’t do it, it’s Mac that goes and talks to Neve, explaining that the whole situation has been torturous for Logan.

If Neve really cares for him, she needs to take responsibility and make the call herself—Logan would never be able to forgive himself.

That evening, Neve says a tearful goodbye to Logan as the military police arrive to detain her. Will Neve get the support she needs?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, an unexpected glitch with Theo Poulos’s (Matt Evans) community service paperwork leads to him making a shocking revelation to John Palmer (Shane Withington).

Last week saw Theo convicted of stealing the surf club buggy, after Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher) went on the warpath following Theo and Ryder’s (Lukas Radovich) failed attempt to film a buried alive challenge.

Alf was determined that Theo was the one responsible for Ryder almost dying, and wanted to make him pay. Learning that no charges could be brought against him—given that Ryder had gone into the coffin voluntarily—Alf realised that Theo could be nabbed for vehicle theft instead.

After Theo’s court appearance, he confronted Alf, telling him that he the only reason he had come after him was to deflect from his own failings as a grandfather. Alf realised that this rang true; he felt he had let Ryder down, and later went to apologise to both Theo and Justin (James Stewart) for the way he’d treated them.

This week, Theo is beginning his community service at the surf club, only to find that he doesn’t have the relevant paperwork to hand. Cash later finds that it’s actually been sent to Theo’s home address in the city.

Whilst he assures Theo it’s no problem, Theo immediately starts panicking. He’s desperate to call home, but John insists that it will have to wait until after they’ve finished the task at hand.

Later that evening, Theo finally gets hold of his mother, who assures him that she’s spotted the letter and hidden it from Theo’s father Dimitri (Salvatore Coco). Theo is clearly petrified at the thought of what would happen if Dimitri got wind about his criminal record.

John is nearby and can’t help but overhear as he sees the panic etched across Theo’s face—what is he scared of?

Upstairs in Salt, Theo opens up about his painful past. He explains that Dimitri had always been very strict on him, but when Theo started standing up to his father as a teen, Dimitri beat him.

From that point on, if Dimitri ever had a bad day, it would be Theo who would cop it.

John implores Theo to report Dimitri to the police, but Theo begs him not to say anything to anyone. He thinks it will break Leah’s (Ada Nicodemou) heart if she found out what her big brother was really like.

John reluctantly agrees, and as Theo returns home he makes his excuses to Justin and hides himself away, struggling to keep it together.

It’s clear the whole ordeal has opened old wounds, for Theo, and his low mood doesn’t go unnoticed by Justin, who asks John about it the next day…

Will a conflicted John keep Theo’s confidence?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 4th April (Episode 7736)

Jasmine and Cash hit a bump in the road. Logan can’t let go of Neve. Alf and Justin get a fresh start.

Tuesday 5th April (Episode 7737)

Mackenzie gives Neve a tough pill to swallow. Theo recalls his traumatic past. Cash and Jasmine find their rhythm.

Wednesday 6th April (Episode 7738)

Ziggy and Dean dig up dirt on Brett. Ryder clings to a grudge. Theo shuts Justin out. Mia gets a bittersweet delivery.

Thursday 7th April (Episode 7739)

Mia and Bella clash over wedding dresses. Karen gives Brett a brutal serving. Dean and Karen share their fears. Ari faces an emergency.

Friday 8th April (Episode 7740)

Is Ari facing a death sentence? Ryder and Alf make amends. Dean plays mediator.