Home and Away Spoilers – Mackenzie puts Salt up for sale

Coming up this week on Home and Away in Australia, as she begins to run out of options to save Salt, Mackenzie is thrown a lifeline—but is she too proud to take it?

After miraculously managing to avoid jail time following the illegal poker evenings at Salt, Mackenzie Booth (Emily Weir) is on the lookout for an investor to save the business.

Whilst Mac was grateful for the judge’s leniency, the substantial fine she’s received alongside her good behaviour bond has only worsened the situation, adding to the debt which tempted her to put on the evenings in the first place.

If that wasn’t enough, Mac has been forced to move in with brother Dean (Patrick O’Brien) and his girlfriend Ziggy (Sophie Dillman), after she was evicted for being months behind with the rent on the pier apartment—only weeks after also losing her boyfriend Logan (Harley Bonner) after he found out about her deception.

Mac was at a particularly low point when employee Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) came along and told her that she had another idea to get the business out of debt.

Given the poker nights were Flick’s idea in the first place, Mac was quick to shut Flick down before she’d even heard her out, with Flick insulted that she’d just presume that her idea was dodgy.

Mac later admitted to Dean that it was more a case of she didn’t want drag people into her mess again, but she later saw the error of her ways and apologised to Flick, asking her for her help.

Flick pointed out that they simply needed one rich investor, and when she asked Mac if she knew of anyone, Mac told her that she was on good terms with an ex-boyfriend who had done well for himself and now owned a number of places in the city. Mac later asked Flick to accompany her to the city to help pitch her business proposal to a number of potential investors.

This week it seems that the trip to the city was in vain, with no apparent interest from any of the high-fliers. As she talks with Flick, she admits that the idea of having a third-party buy into the business doesn’t really appeal anyway, particularly with it meaning that she’d have to relinquish some control to a potential stranger.

Feeling she has no other option, Mac puts Salt up for sale, which is met with disappointment by Flick, Dean and Ziggy.

She needs to fight for it, she loves this place!” Dean comments, as he and Ziggy watch Mac placing the sign on the balcony.

Ziggy points out that maybe that’s why she wants to sell, cutting her losses and doing things her way before it’s ripped out from underneath her.

But Flick then comes up with a plan, and rushes off to find her brother Cash (Nicholas Cartwright).

Mac is shocked when Flick later puts a proposition to her—she could invest herself, with the two becoming equal partners!

It’s a world away from having a stranger on board, but whilst Mac was willing to have Flick run Salt in her absence if she was jailed, sharing ownership is another story.

With so much that could go wrong, will Mackenzie be willing to let Flick buy into Salt? Or will pride get the better of her?

Elsewhere in the bay, despite Rose (Kirsty Marillier) agreeing to stay put in Summer Bay with Xander (Luke Van Os), and attempt to put her disagreements with Cash behind her, tension continues to build between the three this week.

Rose and Cash haven’t seen eye to eye since they spent a night drinking together, which ended with them sleeping it off in Rose’s car. Although nothing happened between them, Cash has chickened out of telling girlfriend, and Rose’s sister, Jasmine (Sam Frost).

The situation hasn’t been helped by the fact that Rose has admitted her attraction to Cash, and she was embarrassed when he assured her that nothing would happen between them, something which annoyed Xander.

To avoid further awkward situations, Rose told Cash they weren’t going to socialise except at family events—they would work together and that was it.

Last week, Rose attempted to distance herself further by asking her boss to put her and Cash on different shifts, something which he wasn’t able to guarantee. As a result, Rose considered leaving the bay altogether.

It was Cash that eventually admitted that he’d been an idiot, and was upset that his actions were driving Rose away when he’d promised Jasmine he’d look out for her and Xander.

Rose agreed to stay and move into the pier apartment with Xander, and took handyman Tex Wheeler (Lucas Linehan) up on an offer of a drink.

But this week old wounds are reopened again, when Cash learns about the request that Rose had put in to their boss before they worked things out.

Cash is furious that Rose has put him in a potentially bad light—what will the sarge think now that Rose has asked not to work with him?

When the three meet up for lunch the following day, Rose brings Tex along, perhaps in an attempt to show Cash that she’s over him.

I think it’s very serendipitous that Tex enters Rose’s life. He offers her an ‘out’ from the confusion around Cash and Jasmine,” Kirsty told Yahoo Lifestyle. “I think this could be the start of something great, but you’ll have to wait and see how this new Summer Bay romance plays out…

But when Cash and Rose start bickering again, Xander’s had enough.

Rose and Xander are very close,” Luke told TV Week. “They love to argue, like all siblings do, but deep down there’s nothing Xander wouldn’t do to protect his big sister.”

Here’s the full spoilers for this week’s Home and Away episodes in Australia:

Monday 27th June (Episode 7825)

Mac gets thrown a lifeline – will she take it? Nikau spends an unexpected night with Naomi. Felicity launches a secret mission to save Salt.

Tuesday 28th June (Episode 7826)

Could Mackenzie and Felicity make a good business team? Rose finds romantic distraction in Tex. Cash and Rose clash.

Wednesday 29th June (Episode 7827)

Cash loses his appetite for family lunch. Rose brings an unwelcome guest. Tex charms his way into a job. Has Justin sabotaged Theo’s apprenticeship?

Thursday 30th June (Episode 7828)

Rose admits her secret feelings. Ziggy and Dean plan a road trip. Theo’s exam success is cut short. Roo and Marilyn are Team Tex.