Home and Away Spoilers – Marilyn cracks the whip on newcomer Tex

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Marilyn is unimpressed with Tex’s work ethic as she continues to rule with an iron fist, while Theo faces losing his apprenticeship thanks to Justin’s meddling.

Justin’s (James Stewart) determination to help Theo (Matt Evans) with his TAFE assignment comes back to bite him this week, when his actions end up getting Theo accused of plagiarism!

Faced with some written coursework, which he always struggles with, having mentor Justin breathing down his neck wasn’t helping Theo last week as he battled on through. In the end, Justin convinced Theo to give him the laptop so he could put down a basic outline, but ended up taking over and writing the full assignment.

Whilst Justin was pleased with his handiwork, Theo had to put on a brave face to hide his disappointment. There was no way his conscience would allow him to submit someone else’s work—he’d have to start from scratch!

Luckily, girlfriend Chloe (Sam Barrett) proved to be supportive, as she helped Theo see the assignment from a different perspective and made him realise that he knew more than he thought. Once started, Theo was on a roll, and was able to submit an assignment that was all his own work.

Not wanting to hurt Justin’s feelings, Theo chose not to tell him about the rewrite.

This week, a blissfully unaware Leah (Ada Nicodemou) is perplexed by Justin’s excitement, as he waits to hear about Theo’s grade.

When Theo calls to say that he got 82%, a distinction no less, Justin drops himself in it as he celebrates after hanging up—”Yes! I knew aced that!

Leah’s quick to pull him up on what he just said, and he’s eventually forced to admit that he’d written Theo’s assignment for him.

Leah is shocked that Theo would be dishonest enough to submit somebody else’s work, and scolds Justin for letting him do so.

Justin concedes that he did get carried away, but Leah is determined that Theo has to be taught right from wrong, and the only way to do that would be for Justin to call TAFE and tell them what happened.

Justin knows that Theo would get in a lot of trouble if they found out, but Leah in her wisdom decides that it’s the right thing in the long run, and she instructs Justin to call without consulting Theo first.

Theo in the meantime is stoked to have genuinely aced his assignment, and Chloe couldn’t be prouder as he tells her the good news.

But the smile is soon wiped from Theo’s face when he gets a call from his tutor, Mr Fernandez…. his assignment has been put under investigation!

Feeling betrayed after learning of Justin’s phone call, Theo confronts him—how could he forcefully take over Theo’s assignment and then dob him in for it? Leah points out that Theo shouldn’t have handed it in, before he reveals that he’d actually completely rewritten it.

Justin and Leah are mortified, what have they done?!

Justin offers to call his tutor back but Theo thinks it will only make matters worse, he’ll do it himself.

After speaking with Theo, the tutor calls Justin back explaining that he doesn’t know who to believe, so at this moment the assignment is being categorised as plagiarism.

Unless Theo can prove otherwise, it’s going to be a fail with potential disciplinary action.


Having deleted Justin’s original essay, Theo is eventually able to find a copy of it in the cloud, and he sends it to Mr Fernandez in the hope that it will back up his story.

The next day, Theo is told that it doesn’t prove anything, but Mr Fernandez is willing to give him one last chance to prove he knows his stuff… by sitting an exam!

Theo’s immediately under pressure—if there’s anything worse than a written assignment, it’s one with a time limit. Justin tries to reassure Theo that he’ll ace it, but Theo isn’t so sure…

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, Marilyn is becoming frustrated with new handyman Tex (Lucas Linehan).

Employed to help out at the bait shop and caravan park in Alf (Ray Meagher) and Roo’s (Georgie Parker) absence, Tex has so far impressed Marilyn with his work, but his timekeeping is leaving a lot to be desired.

When Tex is caught up helping a surfer, who came off his board and hit a rock, he misses his planned shift at the caravan park. Marilyn spends the entirety of her afternoon at the diner trying to chase him up, much to Irene’s (Lynne McGranger) frustration.

As Tex bumps into Rose (Kirsty Marillier) again, he manages to convince her to have a drink with him, and when a dressed up Tex drops by the diner on his way to meet Rose at Salt, Marilyn isn’t impressed—those don’t look like work clothes!

Tex promises to call round the caravan park later to finish off any jobs that need doing, but Marilyn later complains to Irene that she’s being taken for a ride and she obviously misjudged him.

Tex calls in again later that evening to offer to walk Marilyn home, but she abruptly tells him that she has to carry on working, pointedly telling him that she doesn’t leave jobs unfinished.

With Marilyn out the way, Irene tells Tex that they’re not impressed with his work ethic, having not turned up at all that afternoon.

It’s at this point that John, overhearing the conversation, admits that it might be his fault—Tex had helped out at the beach earlier during a rescue, he’s a hero!

Irene wonders why Tex didn’t say anything, but he modestly says that it’s not his style.

Irene warns him that he’ll have to reconsider that stance if he has any hope of getting around Marilyn…. that’s if he’s not already too late!

Is Tex’s job over before it even started?

NOTE: From Monday 1st August onwards, the afternoon airing of Home and Away on Channel 5 will be 30mins later at 1:45pm.

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 1st August (Episode 7821)

Felicity becomes the boss. Is Mackenzie facing prison? Justin gets busted by Leah.

Tuesday 2nd August (Episode 7822)

Mac refuses Felicity’s help. Theo snaps at Justin’s betrayal. Chloe follows the money trail.

Wednesday 3rd August (Episode 7823)

Is Rose planning an escape? Theo must perform under pressure. Chloe discovers a big family secret.

Thursday 4th August (Episode 7824)

Rose and Xander land a new pad. Marilyn cracks the whip on Tex. Rose gets a hint of romance. Nikau suffers an injury at work.

Friday 5th August (Episode 7825)

Mac gets thrown a lifeline – will she take it? Nikau spends an unexpected night with Naomi. Felicity launches a secret mission to save Salt.