Home and Away Spoilers – Cash’s secret revealed as Lyrik play Salt

Coming up next week on Home and Away in the UK, Cash is in for a shock when Mackenzie agrees to let Lyrik play Salt, whilst Leah and Irene are forced to sack Chloe…
Felicity (Jacqui Purvis) is not impressed to find she has another battle on her hands in convincing Mackenzie (Emily Weir) to hold a music night at Salt.
Now officially the new co-owner of Summer Bay’s swankiest establishment, Flick is keen to put all her effort into turning Salt’s fortunes around, but so far Mac hasn’t been very receptive to her ideas.
The two have already clashed over Flick’s plan to change the menu, believing that a relaunch was the only way to move forward. Mac insisted that they had to stick to what they know is profitable, before Flick pointed out that it clearly hadn’t worked given the amount of debt Salt is in.
It was eventually Dean (Patrick O’Connor) that told Mac that she needed to be the changed person that she promised to be—Flick saved her skin, and Mac is being a control freak. Realising he was right, Mac apologised to Flick and reiterated that they were equal partners.
Meanwhile, Flick had some surprise visitors when her old mates from the city—Bob (Rob Mallett), Kirby (Angelina Thomson), Remi (Adam Rowland) and Eden (Stephanie Panozzo), who together form the band Lyrik—quite literally rocked up outside her house.
Flick invited them to crash at the house, as they took some time out from life on the road, but she soon came up with the perfect plan—she could have them play at Salt!
As we pick up the action next week, Mac is already walking out of the house after meeting the band.
“I cannot believe that you thought a bunch of couch-surfing, beer-for-breakfast bogans would set the right tone for Salt” Mac scoffs, as Flick accuses her of being a hypocritical snob.
It’s only when Flick explains that the band will do it for free, and they can use the opportunity to throw in a food and drink deal on the new menu, that Mac is finally worn down, insisting that she can do it for one night only.
But with that obstacle out of the way, another one soon rears its head. Not interested in hearing Flick’s news until he has had his caffeine fix, the band’s lead singer Bob begins to make his presence known in Summer Bay, turning his nose up at the diner as he immediately assumes he won’t get a ‘decent’ coffee.
Marilyn (Emily Symons) and Roo (Georgie Parker) find Bob’s patronising attitude highly amusing, as Maz reels off the organic, fairtrade, dairy free options on offer—no exploitation here!
As the band are about to agree to Flick’s offer of free booze and grub in return for playing the gig, given that she’s also putting them up at the house, the decision is apparently made for them when Bob waltzes back in and says no. Bob feels that they’re past ‘backwater’ towns like Summer Bay, there’ll be no-one of importance around here who will appreciate their music.
Not realising the drama going down, Mac and Dean are already at work promoting the band night, with Dean impressed with how his sister is embracing the idea, but Bob is angry when he sees posters put up around the surf club, feeling like they’re being forced into it.
Eventually it comes down to a vote between the band members, though Eden and Remi don’t hold out much hope considering Kirby always sides with boyfriend Bob. However there’s surprise all round when Kirby votes against Bob in wanting to do the gig, she feels they owe Flick as she helped them get where they are today.
Flick is relieved when the band arrive at Salt, but then begins to panic again—there’s still time for things to go wrong, and if they do Mac will never trust her again. She phones brother Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) to ensure he’s there for support, worrying that no-one else will show up.
Flick’s concerns are soon put to one side as the venue begins to fill up. Mac and Ziggy (Sophie Dillman) arrive in their finery, with Ziggy bringing Dean a change of clothes to ensure he doesn’t let the side down.
It’s the moment of truth as Lyrik begin the gig, which seems to go down very well with the punters.
Ziggy is hugely impressed by the band, and convinces Mac that, with Flick having everything in hand, she can afford a little time off for a dance.
Meanwhile, Cash arrives downstairs and is taken aback to see Lyrik’s name on the flyer. Dean clocks his surprise, but Cash denies there’s a problem as he agrees to join him upstairs for a beer.
Remi has his eye on Ziggy as she dances the night away, and he briefly hops off the stage to join her with his guitar, as Dean keeps a keen eye on them.
“What is it with women and guitars?“, he sighs to Tane.
Cash however is feeling distinctly uncomfortable, as he points out to Flick that she didn’t let him know the band were Lyrik.
As Cash tries to make a hasty exit, he’s spotted by Eden, who promptly shouts his name, and hops off the stage into his arms…
“Hello, stranger, long time no see!” Eden says seductively.
Cash doesn’t know where to look, there’s clearly some history between him and his sister’s old friend….!
Meanwhile, Chloe (Sam Barrett) is continuing to burn the candles at both ends as she tries to hold down her two jobs.
After working a full day at both the diner’s coffee cart and the gym, Chloe’s boyfriend Theo (Matt Evans) has already fallen asleep on the sofa by the time she arrives to spend the night. Exhausted, Chloe sleeps through her alarm the next morning, forcing Marilyn to take her shift as Irene (Lynne McGranger) tries to track her down.
An apologetic Chloe later shows up, but as Irene suggests that she should perhaps not take on so many shifts, Chloe finally cracks. Putting her apron back on the hook, Chloe announces that she quits.
Marilyn catches up with Chloe, who is already embarrassed about her walk out. She admits that she doesn’t want to let anyone down, particularly Leah after all she’s done for her recently. Chloe retuns to the diner and apologises, but continues to struggle throughout the day, particularly after receiving a message to say she’s messed up the gym’s payrolls.
Leah is worried for Chloe, and is disappointed that she won’t admit to her how much she’s struggling. Justin (James Stewart) points out that it must be awkward for Chloe, wanting to put a brave face on for Leah now that she’s part of the family.
Feeling there’s no other option, Irene and Leah sit down with Chloe and gently explain that they’re letting her go…. but how will Chloe react?
Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:
Monday 15th August (Episode 7831)
The Parata house has been invaded. Can Felicity pull off a band night at Salt? Lyrik’s bandmates face a clash of egos.
Tuesday 16th August (Episode 7832)
The crowd goes wild at Salt. Cash gets a blast from the past. Jealous Dean woos Ziggy back.
Wednesday 17th August (Episode 7833)
A highly-strung Cash snaps. Ziggy takes the driver’s seat. Is Tex who he claims to be?
Thursday 18th August (Episode 7834)
Nikau loses the courage for his bravery award. Someone is watching Chloe. Rose gets lovesick for absent Tex.
Friday 19th August (Episode 7835)
Heartbroken Nikau becomes the heartbreaker. Leah ends Chloe’s juggling act. Tane receives an anonymous threat.