Home and Away Spoilers – Kahu scams Tane and targets Mackenzie

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, newcomer Kahu’s true intentions are revealed as he scams Tane out of $1500 before setting his sights on Mackenzie.

Tane’s (Ethan Browne) initial doubts about lending Kahu (Jordi Webber) money to enrol at TAFE are validated next week, when he discovers that his cousin has fleeced him!

In town from NZ on a surprise visit, Kahu was keen to take on a position at Summer Bay Fit when he learnt that Tane was advertising a position for a personal trainer, but initially neglected to tell him that he didn’t actually have the required qualifications.

Tane employed him anyway as a general dogsbody, desipte Felicity’s (Jacqui Purvis) doubts, and recently suggested that Kahu could work towards gaining his PT certificates at TAFE.

Kahu was all for it, but later told Tane that TAFE required him to pay $1500 upfront to enrol on the six-month course, and asked if he could lend him the money.

Alarm bells will have no doubt begun to ring for viewers who had earlier seen Kahu on the phone to his mother, making claims to be working on fishing trawler. He later took a very keen interest in assisting Tane with the gym’s accounts, his ears pricking up after hearing how well the gym was doing.

Tane was reluctant to lend the money at first due to Kahu being notorious for not sticking with things back home. Whilst he always shows enthusiasm at first, he has a tendency to lose interest and bail. This time however it was actually Felicity that stuck up for Kahu, suggesting that he may finally have found ‘his thing’, and so Tane agreed to the loan.

Next week, money isn’t the only thing on Kahu’s mind…

Tane catches up with Mackenzie (Emily Weir) on the beach as she comes in from a surf, and tells her how sorry he was to hear about Gabe’s death. Mac tells him that she’s doing okay, and that having Mali (Kyle Shilling) around as her new housemate has been a great help.

As Kahu approaches, Tane asks how his TAFE orientation went down—good apparently!

As Mac heads off towards the club in her bikini, Kahu’s eyes follow her.

Noticing the rapidly increasing size of Kahu’s… grin, Tane warns him not to go there. Mac’s been through a lot lately.

Kahu soon moves the topic back onto TAFE, explaining that the fees need to be paid today. When Tane promises to pay it directly, Kahu asks if he’d mind transferring the money to him so that he can pay the fees himself—he doesn’t want it to look like he’s relying on a handout. Tane agrees and Kahu later tells him that the fees have been paid.

Seeing Mac working at Salt, Kahu decides to have a crack by asking her to join them for lunch. As Tane throws his cousin a disapproving look, Mac simply replies that she’s not on the menu.

Kahu lets her off, figuring that she probably wouldn’t want to get in trouble with her ‘boss’ Felicity anyway for slacking off, as an amused Mac agrees.

After Mac leaves them, Tane explains that she actually co-owns Salt with Felicity, and you can almost see the dollar signs pop up in Kahu’s eyes.

So she’s beautiful… AND successful” Kahu observes.

…and still off-limits to you, remember?” Tane quickly adds.

When Tane later asks for details of his TAFE timetable so that he can organise the gym rosters, Kahu is cagey but soon manages to steer the conversation away after spying Mac nearby.

Explaining to Tane that he simply wants to apologise for the mixup earlier, Kahu heads over to speak to her… only to make another play.

Mac gives in to Kahu’s cheeky flirtation as he asks her for a second chance, her thinking being that perhaps he could be a welcome distraction at the moment.

But unbeknownst to Kahu, his lies are already beginning to unravel. When Tane takes it upon himself to phone up the TAFE, so he can get the timetable details he needs, he’s stunned to discover that they have no record of Kahu being enrolled.

In the meantime, Kahu is on the phone to his mum again, telling her that he’s sending over $1500 of the bumper profits he’s earned on the fictional trawler.

Back at home, Tane plays it cool as he asks Kahu again for his timetable. But when Kahu claims he’s still awaiting his login details, Tane confronts him. He knows he’s lying about TAFE, and demands to know where his money is…

What is Kahu up to?

Elsewhere in Summer Bay, Lyrik make their return to Summer Bay after some away gigs, but Remi (Adam Rowland) doesn’t receive the welcome he’d hoped for from partner Bree (Juliet Godwin).

Having nervously ignored a text from Remi announcing his arrival, Bree heads for a surf where Remi eventually tracks her down.

Remi is excited to see her after so long away (it’s been a week for those not counting), but whilst Bree tries her best to be enthusastic, it’s clear that she is on edge.

Back at the apartment, Remi tries to make small talk about what she’s been up to in his absence, but Bree is evasive before eventually suggesting they head out to Salt.

Remi is left confused as they stumble through conversation, wondering where their chemistry has suddenly disappeared to.

When he later admits that he asked Cash (Nicholas Cartwright) to keep an eye on her in his absence, having seen that she was uncomfortable with his going away, this only increases Bree’s anxiety, as she quickly heads home, making an excuse that she has some work stuff to do. Putting on a brave face, she assures Remi that they’ll get breakfast together in the morning.

It’s an attitude of Bree’s that we’ve seen before, but in very different circumstances…

The next morning, Remi heads over to the apartment and asks to talk with Bree, he can see something is wrong and he wants to help.

Bree finally acknowledges the elephant in the room and tells Remi that she’s already arranged to see her counsellor. Remi’s going away has brought up how Bree used to feel every time her abusive late husband Jacob (Alex Williams) went away for work.

As she dreaded Jacob’s return, Bree would always get a knot in her stomach as she prepared to put on her happy facade—not knowing whether she’d get the loving Jacob, or the one ready to beat her black and blue.

Bree knows that Remi would never do anything like that, it doesn’t make any sense to her whatsoever, but that knot in her stomach returned as Remi came home… and she doesn’t know what either of them can do about it.

With the band needing to earn money from frequent touring, will Bree be able to move past her trauma to carry on her relationship with Remi?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 19th June (Episode 8021)

Is there a second chance for Rose and Mali? Justin is desperate for answers. Bree can’t help a reluctant patient.

Tuesday 20th June (Episode 8022)

Marilyn is stuck in a web of lies. Mali gets Rose’s hopes up. Has Justin invited danger into his home?

Wednesday 21st June (Episode 8023)

Mackenzie has an admirer. Kahu is caught out in a lie. Marilyn’s problems are piling up.

Thursday 22nd June (Episode 8024)

Will Tane invest in Kahu? Bree’s trauma puts the brakes on romance. Distance makes Cash and Eden’s hearts grow fonder.

Friday 23rd June (Episode 8025)

Felicity keeps an eye on Kahu. Mackenzie’s business coaching turns steamy. Kirby’s video backfires. Remi makes a sacrifice for Bree.