Emmerdale Spoilers – Is Chas putting herself in danger?

Next week on Emmerdale, Chas is unwittingly playing with fire as villainous Harry turns on the charm, whilst Charles tries to make amends at his father’s funeral.

As the anniversary of Grace’s death comes around, Chas (Lucy Pargeter) is continuing to struggle whilst estranged husband Paddy (Dominic Brunt) moves forward in his relationship with Mandy (Lisa Riley).

This week, with Eve being unsettled, the pair decided to break the news to Eve about her dad now being together with Aunty Mandy, in the hope that they could Paddy could now spend more time with Eve without causing her confusion. Whilst it wasn’t clear if Eve fully understood the new situation, she was excited by the fact she got to spend some time with Mandy.


As Paddy, Mandy and Eve had a fun day out, Chas felt she was being pushed to the outer. The situation had already been worsened when Mandy bought Eve a bike for her birthday and dropped it around to Tenant House, not expecting Eve to be there. Eve was thrilled with the present from Mandy, not knowing Chas had already bought one and leaving her to find another gift.

Next week, Chas is hoping Eve will join her and Paddy in visiting Grace’s grave, to commemorate the fifth anniversary of their baby daughter’s passing, but Chas is frustrated when she would rather go to the park to play on the swings.


At the graveside, Paddy observes that life is moving on, but Chas is quietly tormented, feeling that she’s well and truly stuck in the past. When Paddy passes up a drink with Chas to have lunch with Mandy, she’s left feeling more alone than ever.

So it’s a welcome distraction when a handsome stranger introduces himself to her, calling himself ‘Simon’, and offers to buy her a drink. However, viewers already know the man as Harry (Robert Beck), the man who has been shipping weapons through Caleb’s (William Ash) private hire business, and was last seen giving Caleb a brutal beating when he tried to put a stop to it.


The two seem to hit if off straight away, but we’re left wondering what his true intentions are. Chas invites him back to her place (i.e. behind the bar) and cracks open a bottle of wine, but as the two begin to bond over their late children Chas realises she’s made a mistake.


‘Simon’ agrees to sleep on the sofa, but once Chas has disappeared upstairs he proceeds to search through the living room, looking coldly at a photo of Chas and Caleb…


Early the next morning, whilst dropping off Eve, Paddy is unimpressed to find Chas in her dressing gown with ‘Simon’ getting ready to leave—but Chas refuses to entertain Paddy’s questions about him.



When Paddy later drops the bombshell that Eve has decided that she’d like to live with him from now on, Chas puts her foot in it by commenting on Mandy’s motherhood.

Leaving Eve at Tenant House with a worried Paddy, Chas heads outside and tearfully gives ‘Simon’ a call… but what is she getting herself into?


Meanwhile, Caleb and Cain (Jeff Hordley) return to the village with a phase of their enigmatic plan complete, but the mystery only deepens further when we later see the brothers visiting the abandoned Wylie’s Farm…


When a suspicious Moira (Natalie J Robb) discovers Cain at the farmhouse, will he finally come clean as to what they’re up to—and does it have anything to do with Harry?



Elsewhere in the village, having finally returned to Emmerdale amidst his guilt over his father’s death, Charles (Kevin Mathurin) presides over Victor’s (Eddie Osei) funeral.


At the time of his death, Victor had been ostracised by wife Claudette (Flo Wilson) after Manpreet’s (Rebecca Sarker) missing necklace was found in his jacket pocket, only for Charles to later confide to Manpreet that he had framed his father in the hope of driving him away.

After fleeing the village with the plan of avoiding the funeral, it was Claudette’s announcement that she wasn’t going to attend that forced Manpreet to leave a stern voicemail for Charles, telling him that it would be unforgiveable to let Claudette snub the funeral based on a lie.


Charles reluctantly returned, but proceeded to get drunk in The Woolpack. When Tom (James Chase) tried to talk to him, Charles was riled and ended up making an offhand remark about Laurel’s alcoholism. Tom took Charles to task, but the vicar attacked Tom by pinning his face down onto the bar in front of the shocked pubgoers.

As a conflicted Claudette watches her son give the emotional eulogy his father deserves next week, will she find it in her heart to forgive her son?



Later in the week, Charles finds himself with Tom in The Woolpack again and attempts to apologise, but is it too little too late?