14 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 20th to 23rd May

Next week on Neighbours, Abigail is hospitalised, Krista and Leo reunite, Karl has a disappointing final day, Victor’s secret is uncovered, and Mackenzie clashes with Haz’s sister.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd May.

1) Abigail is rushed to hospital

At the end of this week, Leo (Tim Kano) spotted Krista’s (Majella Davis) dealer hassling her at the Lassiters complex, and scared her off by threatening to call the police.

Despite trying to be there for his ex, Leo was shocked when Krista turned on him, explaining that he doesn’t need him to sweep in and ‘save’ her, especially as he’s made his feelings clear about not wanting to be with her.

When Shannon (Grace Quealy) later approached Krista again, Krista put her in her place, but neither of them spotted that Shannon had accidentally dropped a small bag of pills on the grass.

Later, as Paul (Stefan Dennis) and Leo chatted, they failed to see that Abigail (Nikita Kato) had stumbled upon the pills.

Next week, Leo is shocked to discover that Abigail has eaten some of the pills, and rushes her to hospital, where Remi (Naomi Rukavina) explains that without being able to identify them, they’ll have to pump Abigail’s stomach.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Thankfully, a guilt-ridden Krista pipes up and reveals what they were. Abi is soon back to full health after Remi administers a reversing agent, but Leo remains out for blood.

2) Leo and Krista get back together

Leo confronts Shannon, telling her that he’s passed the bag onto the police and they’d find her fingerprints all over it. He warns her that if if she ever comes near his family or friends again, he’ll personally finish her.

While Krista is glad to hear that Shannon will be staying away, she’s full of self-loathing and guilt for having put Abigail in danger.

However, Leo reassures her that he doesn’t blame her, and is thankful that she supported him and her daughter when they needed her.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

The event has made him realise that he and Krista just fit. Assuring her that he still wants her, they move in for a kiss, happily witnessed by Paul.

3) Karl misses his party

It’s Karl’s (Alan Fletcher) final day at Erinsborough Hospital, as he prepares to start work as Eiriene Rising’s new on-site doctor and wellness expert.

He’s expecting a big farewell fanfare, telling Susan that “there will be something, there has to be,” but is left disappointed when nobody but Remi even acknowledges his final day.

His hopes are raised when Remi asks him to join him for a meeting in a treatment room, but it’s only for an excited Remi to announce her successful promotion to his former post.

He agrees to meet up with Remi for a post-work drink, but later shows up at Aaron’s doorstep instead, admitting he doesn’t feel like meeting Remi after his disappointing final day.

What he doesn’t realise is that Susan and his colleagues are setting up a surprise party at The Waterhole, and his drink with Remi was a way of luring him there.

Equally unaware of the surprise party, Aaron agrees to go on a bike ride with Karl, and it seems the party plans are under threat.

4) Toadie and Terese take a step backwards

Toadie (Ryan Moloney) and Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) may be back together, but they’re taking things slowly, still sleeping in separate rooms in No. 22.

This week, Toadie manages to save the day as Terese tries to convince a wealthy resident to buy a unit at Eirene Rising, but soon misreads the signals and puts his foot in it.

When Terese learns that wealthy widow Shirly Burchmore and her friends have agreed to tour the complex, she tries to get Karl to attend the tour, knowing that Eirene Rising’s health focus is a major selling point.

Yet with Karl busy feeling sorry for himself, Terese insists that Susan comes along in lieu. With site tours not part of Susan’s precious job description, the grumpy Operations Manager can barely muster the enthusiasm, and Terese is left unimpressed by her straight-laced approach.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Thankfully, Toadie steps in and saves the day by offering Shirley and her posse free legal services via Rebecchi Law if they sign on the dotted line there and there.

Later, he enters Terese’s bedroom to let her know they need to get going for Karl’s party. As Terese thanks Toadie, she gives him a grateful hug, but he misreads the moment and leans in for a kiss.

As a startled Terese steps away, has he just set them back a step?

5) Susan and Aaron save the day

With everyone waiting for Karl at The Waterhole, Remi and Susan are dismayed when Remi gets a text from Karl cancelling their catch-up drinks.

Thankfully, Susan manages to call on Aaron for help, and she manages to convince Karl to join her for ‘dinner’ at the venue.

As Karl finally arrives, he’s thrilled to be welcomed into the celebration in his honour, and gets the big sendoff he was hoping for.

Lapping up the appreciation, he makes a speech, expressing gratitude that he’s able to hand the baton on to someone as skilled as Remi.

6) Dr Gavin has a proposition for the Varga-Murphys

Another Erinsborough Hospital doctor has been popping up a lot in recent episodes.

Dr Gavin Bowman (Cameron MacDonald) was Haz’s (Shiv Palekar) doctor as he was rushed into the hospital following his accident, and this week saw Gavin offer to help Remi write a pros and cons list for her new job opportunity.

Next week, as drinks flow, an unfiltered Gavin reveals to Karl that he’d like to get physical with Remi and Cara (Sara West), making Karl extremely uncomfortable.

While Karl decides to report Gavin’s comments to HR, he decides it’s best if Remi remains unaware.

Will he regret his decision to keep Remi in the dark?

7) Toadie and Terese come to an agreement

After Toadie’s kiss faux pas, Terese wants to hold off discussing her feelings until after Karl’s surprise party.

At the party, Susan, who’s secretly hoping to address her simmering work tension, puts her own needs on hold as she encourages Terese to be patient in allowing Toadie to win back her trust.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Later, Terese admits to Toadie that she isn’t yet ready for physical affection, and is grateful when Toadie agrees to move slower and follow her lead.

8) Mackenzie is locked out of Haz’s care

Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) hasn’t left Haz’s side since his accident, other than to keep his beloved Harold’s Cafe running.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Despite them breaking up shortly before the crash, she’s promised him that she’ll be there for him every day until he wakes from his coma.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Next week, as she heads back to the hospital, she’s stunned to learn that Haz’s sister Amira (Maria Thattil) has arrived.

When Amira realises that Mackenzie is the ex who landed her brother in a coma, she flips out, restricting Mackenzie’s access to Haz’s room.

When Mackenzie states her case, Amira pushes back, clearly harbouring guilt for abandoning her brother after she learnt about his shady IT past.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

As their fight escalates, the pair are thrown by an unexpected interruption as Haz wakes from his coma…

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

9) Haz is torn by his sister’s offer

While Dr Gavin assesses that Haz is recovering well, Amira maintains that only family can see him from now on.

Haz is overwhelmed by his sister’s arrival but is also keen to see Mackenzie. She manages to steal a moment with him later, and admits that while she’s still processing his past, she still has feelings for him.

Haz declares his love and asks if they still have a chance to be together again, but Amira interrupts before Mackenzie can respond, and orders her out.

Alone with her brother, Amira explains that his accident has made her and their parents see the light, and they want him to move back to Western Australia to be with them!

Haz is torn – on one hand, he’s elated that his family have forgiven him, but he’s also surprised by how much Mackenzie and his friends have cared for him while he’s been unconscious. They obviously don’t hate him as much as he thought they would.

It seems his decision to stay or go rests on one question – can Mackenzie forgive him and stop comparing him to Hendrix (Ben Turland)?

10) Has Karl unmasked the public pooper?

Earlier this week, Karl and Aaron met a rival cycling contingent – the YAHMIL boys, or Young And Hot Males In Lyrca.

The cocky group of lads left Karl embarrassed as they revealed they were an under-40s group, and while Aaron was free to join them, Karl’s membership was out of the question.

Next week, on a casual solo bike ride, Karl catches a glimpse of the real public pooper, and while he can’t see their face, it’s definitely a cyclist in a striking yellow YAHMIL jersey.

Determined to clear his “Dr Pooper” name and bring the true culprit to justice, Karl asks young and hot male Aaron to don his lyrca and infiltrate the YAHMILs.

Aaron does his best but fails to uncover any information, forcing Karl to go to greater lengths to clear his name…

11) Sadie struggles under the burden of Victor’s secret

This week, Sadie (Emerald Chan) discovered something shocking about new arrival Victor (Craig Hall) when she accidentally snooped on his laptop.

Sadie begged Victor to come clean to his family, but he insisted he wasn’t ready to do so. Next week, Sadie struggles under the burden of keeping the secret, especially when the whole family comes together for brunch.

Wendy’s (Candice Leask) interest is piqued when Sadie randomly mentions that she still thinks about the damaging consequences of the secrets she kept for Paul Robinson.

Finding Sadie’s comment strange, she brings it up with Byron and Victor. While Byron has no idea what it’s about, it makes Victor realise the unintentional burden he’s placed on Sadie’s shoulders.

Later, when Byron becomes suspicious of Sadie’s discomfort around his father and suspects it’s down to his “overly charming” personality, Victor decides to come clean before his son thinks he’s making a move.

12) Nicolette and Byron struggle as the truth comes out

While the true nature of Victor’s secret is being kept under wraps until next week, Byron and Nicolette (Hannah Monson) both struggle with the massive news.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

While Nicolette rushes to support her dad, Byron disappears. Sadie is left concerned that he’s upset with her for keeping it a secret, but he eventually admits that he’s not handling the news well.

After a chat with Aaron, who encourages him to open up, Byron heads to see his dad.

Unable to hold everything in, he explodes at him, angry at everything he’s done.

13) Leo offers JJ a job

Leo (Tim Kano) nearly finds himself with a storyline next week, as he struggles to find staff for Yorokobi, the winery he’s apparently still running.

When Cara learns of his staffing woes, she offers up JJ (Riley Bryant), wanting to keep him busy until they find him a place in a new school.

Leo isn’t keen, understandably concerned that the tearaway teen will cause more trouble, but after a conversation with Toadie and Terese, who assure him that troubled teens often turn into successful adults, he agrees to give JJ a shot.

However, when Toadie arrives home to find Nell avoiding her homework and hanging out with JJ, he worries he may have spoken too soon…

14) Haz makes a big decision

Haz makes the decision to leave Erinsborough and return to WA to reunite with his family.

Mackenzie is doing her best to hide her sadness, but despite Holly’s (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) insistence that she fight to make him stay, Mack isn’t convinced that it’s the right move.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

However, when Mackenzie steps in and takes Trevor to the hospital to visit Haz, it gives Amira a good view into their relationship.

After a spray from Holly about splitting the couple up, Amira concedes that the couple have a strong bond.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

While Amira is coming to this realisation, Mackenzie tells Haz that she wants him to stay in Erinsborough. It’s exactly what he wants to hear, and he comes clean to his sister, admitting that he wants to stay and make things work.

Amira gives Haz her blessing, but announces that she’ll be sticking around until she’s sure he’s okay.

It seems Ramsay Street is about to get another new resident…

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 20th May (Episode 9044 / 141)

A mistake puts Abigail’s life at risk.

Karl’s last day doesn’t go to plan.

Toadie crosses a boundary.

Tuesday 21st May (Episode 9045 / 142)

Karl is twice surprised.

Toadie confronts an uncomfortable truth.

A surprise visitor challenges Mackenzie.

Wednesday 22nd May (Episode 9046 / 143)

Mackenzie works through her feelings for Haz.

Karl’s determined to clear his name of dirty business.

Sadie struggles under the burden of Vic’s secret.

Thursday 23rd May (Episode 9047 / 144)

Nicolette and Byron digest some shocking news.

Mackenzie is worried about her uncertain future.

Cara attempts to get JJ a job.

Monday 27th May (Episode 9048 / 145)

JJ and Nell are stuck in teen misery.

Byron struggles with his conflicting emotions.

Terese finds herself on the wrong end of an assumption.

Tuesday 28th May (Episode 9049 / 146)

A local celebrity makes their return.

Karl and Aaron make an unpleasant discovery.

A liquid threat looms large.

Wednesday 29th May (Episode 9050 / 147)

The residents of Erinsborough rally together after a tragic event.

Susan issues an ultimatum.

Vic bonds with his children.

Thursday 30th May (Episode 9051 / 148)

Susan and Terese give voice to their concerns.

The Share House deals with an awkward dynamic.

Vic’s meddling backfires.

Home and Away Spoilers – Who’s getting engaged?

Coming up on Home and Away, hot on the heels of Leah and Justin’s wedding, it looks as though another Summer Bay couple could be about to tie the knot.

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