16 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 3rd to 6th June

Next week on Neighbours, a love triangle builds, Jane disappoints her family, Mackenzie lands Karl in it, and Amira says goodbye.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 3rd to Thursday 6th June.

1) Byron and Nicolette blast Victor

At the end of this week’s episodes, Victor (Craig Hall) had managed to repair his fractured relationship with Byron (Xavier Molyneux) after the revelation that he was dying.

He took Byron and Nicolette (Hannah Monson) out for a game of mini golf, something he failed to do when they were kids, and the trio’s bond was firmly repaired by the end of the day.

However, soon after, Victor couldn’t help but interfere in his kids’ lives yet again.

After seeing how happy Nicolette was after spending the night with Amira (Maria Thattil), he approached the newcomer and told her to seize the day with his daughter.

He also got Byron to open up on his fledgling relationship with Sadie (Emerald Chan), and was overjoyed when he pressed Byron on whether he saw marriage and kids in his future, to which Byron nervously replied that nothing was off the cards.

When he bumped into Wendy (Candice Leask) at The Waterhole, Vic couldn’t resist telling her just how excited Byron was about marrying Sadie one day, leaving Wendy (and later Sadie) shell-shocked.

Next week, as Nicolette and Byron blast Victor for interfering in their love lives, Victor tries to justify his intentions, but it falls on deaf ears.

2) Nicolette is left feeling hurt

Nicolette is hoping for a repeat performance with Amira, and tells Victor to reassure her fling that he’s just a silly fool who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

However, this goes down like a lead balloon with Amira. She can’t believe that they’re talking about the issue again, reminding Victor that she lives in WA and that she and Nicolette were never going to end up in a relationship.

Nic is left bitterly disappointed that Amira doesn’t feel the same way she does – but where will it leave her relationship with Victor?

3) Byron and Sadie say “I love you”

Byron warns Victor against any more meddling, as he races to Sadie to reassure her that Vic took his words out of context.

He’s worried that Sadie is being distant with him, even after he explained that he’d not talked about getting married any time soon.

Sadie admits that the whole thing has her rattled, but she cares about Byron enough to move past it.

Byron is hugely relieved and the two get back on track. They admit that the crisis has made them realise that they don’t want to lose each other, and they exchange tentative “I love yous” for the first time.

4) Victor and Jane grow closer

While no details have been revealed about this part of the storyline, photos from the week show Jane and Victor growing closer, as the pair chat at No. 24.

Jane looks surprised as Victor takes her hand and kisses it, as Sam (Henrietta Graham) looks on in shock.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Victor has made a number of references to Jane’s relationship with Mike (Guy Pearce), pointing out how strange it is that Mike has decided to extend his trip around the UK rather than return to his fiancée in Melbourne.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Is Jane growing ever more conflicted by her ex-husband’s ongoing presence on the street?

5) Mackenzie becomes more frustrated by Amira

With Haz (Shiv Palekar) back on Ramsay Street and recovering at No. 32, all Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) wants to do is care for her boyfriend.

However, she’s growing increasingly frustrated as Amira continues to get in the way of her and Haz spending any quality time together.

Haz admits to Mack that he knows his sister can be overbearing and annoying, but that he wants to focus on rebuilding his relationship with her, and is determined not to sweat the small irritations.

However, when Mackenzie learns that she’s been shut out of Haz’s legal defence by his family, things reach boiling point. She confronts Amira, but Amira is dismissive of Mackenzie’s hurt and shocked feelings.

Holly (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) tries to calm Mackenzie’s frustrations, suggesting that she simply asks Amira for the time she needs with Haz.

However, Amira scoffs at the idea, not wanting to give up her own limited time with the brother she’s been estranged from for years.

Mackenzie retaliates by revealing that Haz criticised her and called her annoying, leaving Amira reeling. She escapes No. 32 only to bump into Nicolette and Victor again, and it’s the final straw.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

As Haz is horrified by Mackenzie’s actions potentially wrecking things between him and his sister all over again, Amira returns to the house and tells them that she’s leaving.

6) Leo’s vineyard troubles continue

This week, the big launch of Eirene Rising was disrupted when Dex (Marley Williams) collapsed, having drunk some of the wine which was poisoned by a mysterious figure.

JJ (Riley Bryant) had left Leo’s (Tim Kano) bottles of wine unaccompanied when Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner) paid an unexpected visit to the vineyard, giving the figure a chance to sneak into the storeroom and inject one of them with an unknown substance.

Next week, Dex remains in hospital and the Varga-Murphys anxiously wait for the results of the bottle analysis, hoping it’ll provide some answers to his condition.

Leo is forced to recall all of his vineyard products, hitting his business hard. When Andrew informs them that the bottle analysis is inconclusive, Leo feels guilty for not handing the bottle over sooner.

He asks his staff to search their dashcams for footage of the day, hoping to pick up on anything unusual. He discovers that there’s footage of Shannon, Krista’s (Majella Davis) former dealer, sneaking around the vineyard at the time the sabotage occurred, and he becomes convinced that she’s to blame…

Meanwhile, Aaron (Matt Wilson) learns that Crimesborough, a popular true-crime podcast, has picked up the story – will they help get to the bottom of things, or cause even more problems for poor Leo?

7) Amira heads home

After Mackenzie’s harsh words, Amira books a flight back to Western Australia.

Mack makes a sincere apology, admitting that her judgement was clouded by her desire to repair things with Haz, and Amira is touched by her genuine regret.

She even admits that Mackenzie wasn’t entirely wrong about her – she has been a bit overbearing, feeling guilty after cutting Haz out of her life for so long.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Despite the apology, Amira announces that she’s still leaving, thanks to a work emergency back home, but it’s on much better terms with Mackenzie and Haz.

8) Nell and JJ share an intimate moment

This week, Toadie (Ryan Moloney) banned Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner) from spending any more time with JJ, still seeing him as a bad influence on his daughter.

Nell obviously thinks the ban is unfair, assuring Toadie that JJ isn’t a bad influence, he’s just a friend going through a hard time. Yet Toadie sticks to his guns.

Later, after JJ and Haz share a conversation about moving on from past mistakes and building trust with others, JJ is inspired to go and help at the community centre, which delights Nell.

When Toadie catches JJ and Nell at the community centre, JJ makes an impassioned plea that he’s here to volunteer and prove that he’s trustworthy. Yet Nell is left humiliated when Toadie reiterates that JJ needs to stay away from his daughter.

When Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) questions Toadie on his harsh stance, he explains that Sonya (Eve Morey) was nearly the same age as Nell when she first started having issues and fell pregnant with Callum (Morgan Baker).

Terese understands where he’s coming from, but reminds Toadie that Sonya and Nell are two very different people, and the more uncompromising he is, the more it’ll make Nell rebel.

Meanwhile, as Nell and JJ vent to each other over the phone, Nell decides to ignore the ban and invites JJ over while her family are out.

Yet as the pair share a moment of intimacy, they’re sprung by Toadie…

9) Toadie gives in

After catching JJ in Nell’s room, Toadie doubles down on his ban, despite Nell’s protests that JJ is just a friend.

When Terese plays middleman and encourages her husband to understand where Nell is coming from, Toadie realises he may have taken things too far.

He extends an olive branch to Cara (Sara West) and Remi (Naomi Rukavina), and when they point out that JJ was simply trying to cheer Nell up, Toadie agrees that he was being too overprotective.

He agrees to lift the ban, on the proviso that Nell and JJ only hang out when other people are around.

10) Will Terese keep Nell’s secret?

Nell and JJ are delighted that they can finally spend time together without sneaking around, and Dex is happy to be their chaperone if it means that Nell will visit him in hospital more.

Later, Terese encourages Nell to open up to her, sharing that Toadie is convinced that there’s more than friendship between her and JJ.

When Nell reveals she has a small one-sided crush on JJ, Terese is left conflicted. She assures Nell that she’ll keep it between them, but she’s torn over whether she should tell Toadie.

And with Dex’s crush on Nell clearly growing, it seems the love triangle is just getting started…

11) Karl has his toy taken away

Earlier this week, Karl (Alan Fletcher) finally discovered the identity of the Erinsborough Pooper – a man named Jacob (Sam Ludeman), one of the YAHMILs (Young And Hot Men In Lykra) who he and Aaron recently encountered on a bike ride around the suburb.

Yet his happiness was short-lived when he learnt that Jacob was the grandson of Shirley Burchmore, the rich widow who has just purchased an apartment at Eirene Rising. Shirley warned Karl to keep quiet or she and her rich friends would all pull out of her purchases.

Karl later received a delivery of a fancy bike, and realised that he was being bribed into silence by Shirley. Suddenly believing that Erinsborough’s residents had poor short term memories and would soon forget all about the pooper scandal, he decided to keep the bike and stay quiet.

Next week, Karl is having a great time with his new bike. When Mackenzie asks him where it came from, he stays vague, but Susan (Jackie Woodburne) takes much joy in bringing her up to speed.

Later, Shirley and Jacob are pleased to see Karl enjoying his gift, but the mood soon shifts when Jacob is summoned to the police station. He’s charged with public indecency, and he and Shirly furiously accuse Karl of blabbing.

Despite Karl protesting that it wasn’t him, he’s left devastated when Shirkey takes his bike from him.

Later, Mackenzie confesses that she shared intel about Jacob’s pooping habits with a law school friend. What she didn’t know was that her friend was up against Jacob in a case and they shared the info to discredit him!

12) The crime podcast causes Leo more problems

Leo apologises to the Varga-Murphys for not handing the poisoned bottle over to the police right away. The family accept his apology, but he’s not out of the woods yet as his business begins to cop heat from the Crimesborough podcast, run by a woman named Liv.

Meanwhile, Andrew (Lloyd Will) questions Shannon on her part in the sabotage. She explains that she did go to the vineyard planning to vandalise it, but bailed when she saw a crowd of people.

She adamantly denies any involvement in the poisoning, but an unconvinced Andrew decides to charge her.

Leo is hopeful that Shannon will crack and admit to the bottle tampering so that he can salvage the remainder of his stock and put the situation behind him.

Yet his optimism doesn’t last long, when Krista reveals that Liv’s podcast has received an anonymous tip from an online post, and they’ve revealed that Leo held onto the poisoned bottle.

The podcast is making out that Leo has something to hide, causing Leo to be hit with a flurry of order cancellations. With his business and entire reputation on the line, Leo begins to spiral.

13) Who is the anonymous tipster?

As we’re left wondering just who has tipped off the Crimesborough podcast, their latest episode is having a devastating effect on Leo’s business.

With bookings being cancelled left, right and centre, his state of mind is suffering and his entire livelihood is at stake.

He spirals to the point where he blows up at Andrew for the lack of police action, and at Sadie for talking behind his back.

Finally, he admits that he’s left himself without a financial safety net, prompting Krista to suggest that he ask Paul (Stefan Dennis) or even Reece (Mischa Barton) for help.

Yet Leo stubbornly refuses both options, telling Krista that he’ll sink or swim on his own.

He’s also determined to work out the identity of ‘ILLEGALLY_BLONDE_07’, the tipster whose actions have caused him so many problems – is it someone he knows?

14) What is Harold hiding?

Harold (Ian Smith) is firmly back in Erinsborough and has settled into his new studio apartment in Eirene Rising.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Next week, Karl is loving his new role, and one of his first tasks is organising wellness assessments for all of the residents.

Harold is top of his list, but when Karl tries to find a convenient time for both of them, Harold is evasive, first claiming he doesn’t have his diary with him, then telling Karl he can’t find it.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Susan suggests that Harold might just not understand the benefits of preventative medicine, so Karl takes time to explain the programme to him.

Karl’s satisfied with Harold’s response, but alone in his studio, Harold drops his façade, and we learn that he’s definitely hiding something…

15) Jane disappoints her family

Jane (Annie Jones) has softened towards ex-husband Victor since he made a surprise appearance in Ramsay Street a few weeks ago.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

At first she suspected he was only in town looking for money, but she soon learnt that he’s dying and is back to reconnect with her and the kids before it’s too late.

Next week, encouraged by the positive mood in the house, Vic suggests the family take a day trip to Mount Dandenong.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Jane is clearly put out by the suggestion, and Vic explains that it was somewhere she always wanted them to go when they were married, but they never found the time.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

When Victor asks Jane to take the day off for the trip, she shoots him down, telling him that things are way too busy at school.

Nicolette then shows up at her office, urging her mum to change her mind and reminding her that Vic is dying.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Yet it only inflames the situation, as Jane reminds Nicolette that she’s engaged to another man, prompting Nic to accuse her mum of overthinking her life instead of living it.

Are Jane’s growing feelings towards Victor making her feel guilty?

The argument ends in a stalemate, and when Jane fails to show as the others prepare to leave for the trip, Vic is left feeling disappointed.

16) Jane enables an Eirene Rising prank

Jane’s preoccupaton with her family issues causes her to inadvertently leave the connecting door between the school and Eirene Rising unlocked.

The mistake leads to a smelly mess when a stink bomb is let off in the courtyard of the retirement courtyard, leaving Terese with yet another headache.

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 3rd June (Episode 9052 / 149)

Byron and Nicolette try to patch up their father’s mistakes.

Mackenzie’s patience wears thin.

Tuesday 4th June (Episode 9053 / 150)

Leo suspects a familiar face may be behind his troubles.

Mackenzie tries to make amends.

Nell embraces her rebellious streak.

Wednesday 5th June (Episode 9054 / 151)

Toadie doubles down, whilst Nell makes an admission.

Karl scrambles to clear his name.

Leo faces the prospect of losing everything.

Thursday 6th June (Episode 9055 / 152)

Leo spirals as his life continues to implode.

Karl is suspicious of an evasive Harold.

Jane disappoints her family.

Monday 10th June (Episode 9056 / 153)

Susan talks Terese off a ledge.

JJ seeks out a new opportunity.

Things take a dangerous turn for Nicolette and Byron.

Tuesday 11th June (Episode 9057 / 154)

The Share House crew speak too soon.

Holly does a little digging.

Jane’s confronted by conflicting emotions.

Wednesday 12th June (Episode 9058 / 155)

Leo takes drastic action.

Nell, Dex and JJ find themselves in a tangle.

Remi butts heads with a difficult colleague.

Thursday 13th June (Episode 9059 / 156)

A startling new development casts doubt on Leo’s theory.

Remi is faced with a moral dilemma.

JJ is disappointed to find that he and Dex share a common interest.