15 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 24th to 27th June

Next week on Neighbours, Victor makes an enemy, Melanie’s new friend makes a beeline for Aaron, Wendy embraces the party lifestyle, and JJ is in trouble.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 24th to Thursday 27th June.

1) Victor makes a bid for the vineyard

Despite Leo (Tim Kano) selling No. 32 to Vera Punt (Sally-Anne Upton), his financial woes are ongoing. He’s still saddled with debt, and the main stockist of his Yorokobi gin has just returned a batch, no longer wanting to stock the tainted brand.

There’s a glimmer of hope next week, when Nicolette (Hannah Monson) shows Victor (Craig Hall) around the vineyard.

Vic has been looking to buy a business to set Nicolette and Byron (Xavier Molyneux) up after he’s gone, and he quickly starts to see Yorokobi as the business opportunity he’s been looking for.

Both Nicolette and Byron think that Leo wouldn’t consider a partnership, but Vic proves them wrong when he floats the idea with Leo, and he agrees to consider it.

2) Victor turns ruthless

With Leo willing to consider a deal, Victor warns his kids not to communicate with the businessman while they begin negotiations.

Nicolette, Byron and Jane (Annie Jones) are all concerned – after all, Leo’s their friend. But Vic reminds them that the investment is about their future, and he’s not afraid to ruffle a few feathers to get the best deal possible.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

3) Vera Punt makes her mark on No. 32

At the end of this week, Vera was revealed as the new owner of the sharehouse, when Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) and Haz (Shiv Palekar) found her enjoying a cocktail while floating in their beloved pool.

Next week, the residents of No. 32 are stunned when Vera makes it clear that she’ll be using their pool on a regular basis now that she ‘owns’ it.

When they go to kick up a fuss, Vera initiates that she’s not afraid of finding new tenants if the current ones aren’t amenable to her regular basis.

Mac and co eventually devise a plan to extract her, deciding to go on the charm offensive. But Vera is immovable, and Mackenzie eventually loses her cool, forcefully demanding she leave and pointing out that landlord/tenant rules mean she has no entitlement to the pool.

The housemates breathe a sigh of relief as Vera heads home – but Vera gets the last word as she informs them that they’re about to cop a rental increase as a result of their actions!

4) Melanie makes a new friend

Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) left Erinsborough in May, heading for a 5-week trip around the music festivals of Australia, selling her signature cocktails from the Drinks Diva van.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Next week, we see her on her final day on the road as she works one last festival. Needing help with the morning rush, she spontaneously asks helpful stranger Logan (Matthew Backer) for help and he’s happy to assist.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

As the two share stories from their travels around Australia, Melanie sees what a kindred spirit Logan is. When he makes it clear that he’s in search of somewhere to settle down, she suggests that he returns to Erinsborough with her.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

He accepts, but as he stares at the image of David (Takaya Honda) on the side of the van, we’re left feeling that there’s more to Logan than he’s letting on…

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

5) Jane’s doubts grow deeper

Victor celebrates the fact that Leo’s willing to do a deal, but Jane encourages him not to get ahead of himself – negotiations have only just begun.

Yet Sam (Henrietta Graham), Nicolette and Byron are also excited by the new business venture, mainly as they’re already planning for Jane and Mike’s (Guy Pearce) wedding to be the first big event.

Vic notes Jane’s discomfort over the plans, and urges Jane not to fall into her old patterns of ignoring her own needs.

Last week, Jane admitted that she’s worried that Mike is staying away as he no longer wants to marry her.

Victor urges Jane to talk to her fiancé, but Jane puts her walls up and assures him that everything’s fine – yet it’s clear that her doubts are growing.

6) Victor makes an enemy

After heading to the hospital for a radiology scan at Remi’s (Naomi Rukavina) urging, Victor heads back to the vineyard for Leo to give him a full tour.

Victor assures Leo that while he knows about the business’s recent troubles, he knows that Leo is blameless, and he can view the financials through a big-picture lens.

Later, Nicolette and Byron tell their dad that they want him to put in an offer for the business, but Vic reveals he’s already done so.

Although Vic is confident that Leo will accept his proposal, an incensed Leo soon tells Victor that his low-ball offer is an insult. Yet Vic counters that the only alternative is for Leo to lose his business altogether.

Victor gives Leo an ultimatum – he’s got to days to decide, then the offer is off the table for good.

7) Eirene Rising faces more trouble

After this week’s Eirene Rising thefts left Susan (Jackie Woodburne) injured, next week sees her return to work, and she’s hoping that her accident will have scared the thieving teens straight.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

Sadly, it’s not to be. Harold’s tuba has been stolen, and another resident Moira soon reports that someone’s been making unauthorised purchases on her credit card.

JJ (Riley Bryant) is still trying to reset his friendship with Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner) after rejecting her last week, but she’s still feeling hurt. Rather than hang out with JJ, she focusses on her friend Jasmine (Frankie Mazzone), who shows off an expensive new jacket.

When JJ overhears Moira mention that the scammer bought from the same brand that Jasmine was flaunting, he realises that Nell’s friend may be behind the thefts.

Although Nell baulks at the idea, JJ believes that it’s worth investigating. He goes to Jasmine with his suspicions, but she denies it and points out that he has no hard proof.

With Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou), Susan, Karl (Alan Fletcher) and Jane unable to solve the crimes, it seems Eirene Rising is in serious jeopardy.

8) Logan’s connection is revealed

Melanie arrives back in Erinsborough with her new friend Logan. Karl and Susan are nervous at Mel having picked up a stranger on her travels, but the charming new arrival impresses them at a welcome dinner.

When he later stumbles upon Aaron teaching Sam to dance at Lassiters, he seems oddly intrigued. When Melanie later introduces Aaron to Logan, he offers his sympathy to Aaron for his recent loss.

When Logan suggests that he and Melanie kick on after dinner, Mel invites Aaron to join them. As their night ends, we see Logan pull out his phone and pull up a photo of himself 10 years ago, with his arm around David!

9) Holly snoops on Dr Bowman

Despite Holly (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) falsely accusing Liv (Cece Peters) of being behind the recent poisonings this week, narrowly avoiding arrest, she continues to wear her detective hat next week.

She listens to the latest edition of Crimesborough where she hears Dr Gavin Bowman (Cameron MacDonald) being interviewed about his role in the saga.

When she learns that Gavin is the one pushing the publicity, she becomes suspicious of the sleazy doc. She finds out from Karl and Dex (Marley Williams) that there’s some issue with Gavin at the hospital, but is unable to ascertain exactly what.

Following her new lead, she steals Karl’s old hospital pass and heads to Erinsborough Hospital to access his personnel record. She brings up Gavin’s file, just as someone enters the room…

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

10) JJ gets caught with stolen goods

The Eirene Rising thefts get worse when Harold (Ian Smith) reports that someone’s stolen his credit card details but he admits to JJ that it’s his stolen tuba which has upset him the most.

JJ decides to track down Jasmine and manages to talk her into returning the tuba anonymously, which perks Harold up.

With one win under his belt, JJ sets about trying to retrieve more of the stolen merchandise.

Yet when he takes them back to Eirene Rising, he’s busted by Terese, who wants to know what he’s doing with the residents’ stolen belongings!

11) Melanie gets the wrong impression

Logan does his best to connect with Aaron, first engineering a meeting between them as they head out on separate jobs, then stealing Aaron’s earbuds to justify another meeting.

Melanie senses that something is going on, but when she sees how keen Logan is to be around Aaron, she assumes that it’s romantic.

What she doesn’t see is Logan mysteriously peering at a photo of Logan at No. 24. Just what is his agenda?

12) Holly has a theory

Holly is forced to cover when she’s busted by Remi in the hospital records room, pretending that she’s there to return Karl’s ID.

She later tells Karl, Susan and Remi that she thinks Dr Bowman is the poisoner, but the trip shut her down, and Haz and Mackenzie are equally dubious.

Determined to prove that she’s right, Holly keeps a close eye on the doc…

13) Wendy embraces Uni life

Wendy (Candice Leask) has started her education course at Eden Hills University, but admits that she’s struggling to find her social groove.

She’s too scared to speak up in class for fear of sounding too “Wendy,” and as a result she’s not made any friends – nobody even knows she’s alive.

Andrew (Lloyd Will) encourages her to just be herself, and with nothing to lose, Wendy gives it a go.

She soon makes friends with Parker and his mates, and Parker invites her to drinks after class. She’s nervous, not sure she’ll be able to keep up with the youngsters, but Andrew encourages her to give it a go.

Wendy soon lets her hair down, embracing the university life that she missed out on in her twenties.

14) Jasmine comes clean

With JJ being accused of stealing from the residents of Eirene Rising, Cara (Sara West) and Remi are struggling to believe he’s innocent – after all, he’s already built up quite a track record.

When Nell learns that JJ has pointed the finger at Jasmine, she calls her friend and encourages her to own up to the thefts.

JJ is relieved when Terese informs him that Jasmine has come clean – he’s off the hook, and normality is resumed in the Varga-Murphy household!

15) JJ and Nell fight their attraction

When JJ thanks Nell for her help, the spark between them is quickly re-ignited. They both want more than friendship from each other, but both know they need to fight it because of Dex’s crush.

Will they continue to spare Dex’s feelings, or finally admit they like each other?

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 24th June (Episode 9064 / 161)

Leo is presented with a tantalising offer.

The Share House battle an unwelcome interloper.

Out on the festival circuit, Melanie befriends an intriguing stranger.

Tuesday 25th June (Episode 9065 / 162)

Melanie brings a mysterious new friend to Ramsay Street.

Vic stoops to a shock move.

JJ makes a game-changing discovery.

Wednesday 26th June (Episode 9066 / 163)

Holly’s fascination with crime leads her to dangerous territory.

JJ makes a disastrous decision as Harold is hit by a loss.

A handsome newcomer sets his sights on a Ramsay Street resident.

Thursday 27th June (Episode 9067 / 164)

Wendy embraces uni life.

JJ makes a selfless sacrifice.

Holly’s quest for the truth brings her face to face with terror.

Monday 1st July (Episode 9068 / 165)

Holly’s peril reaches new heights.

Wendy attracts an unexpected admirer.

Leo faces a tough decision.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Tuesday 2nd July (Episode 9069 / 166)

Vic reaches a crossroads.

Toadie and Terese reignite the spark in their marriage.

Aaron grows closer to Logan, unaware of his true agenda.

Wednesday 3rd July (Episode 9070 / 167)

An unexpected visitor arrives at Eirini Rising.

Byron and Nicolette grapple with a betrayal.

Melanie lays down the law.

Wendy and Cara hide their double lives.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Thursday 4th July (Episode 9071 / 168)

Jane puts a plan into action to keep a beloved resident home.

Cara makes a secret smart move.

A familiar face returns to Erinsborough.