Home and Away Spoilers – Irene to be scammed by new arrival Bronte

Next week on Home and Away in the UK, as Irene returns to Summer Bay with a new friend, little does she know that the new arrival is a con-artist out to scam her.

Irene (Lynne McGranger) finally returns home next week, and she’s not alone.

Irene was last seen heading to the city for her annual health check four weeks ago, and with no further explanation for her continued absence, she presumably had to set up camp in the hospital waiting room. Thankfully, whilst there it seems she made a new friend.

Before Irene’s return, the diner customers find that Marilyn (Emily Symons) is being rather generous as they come in for their usual refreshments.

Roo (Georgie Parker) is given a free croissant as part of a ‘promotion’, Bree (Juliet Godwin) receives a complimentary Danish pastry, and Alf (Ray Meagher) is treated to a whole box of sweet treats as he heads off to Merimbula for his latest visit to wife Martha (Belinda Giblin).

When Roo comments that it’s a shame that Alf is going to miss Irene’s homecoming, Marilyn is under the impression that she won’t be back for ages. So it’s a bit of a shock when Roo confirms that she’ll be home that very afternoon.

Once Alf is out of the way, Marilyn confesses to Roo that she’s made a huge mistake and doesn’t know how to tell Irene, before showing her a massive pile of boxes in the diner storeroom.

The situation sounds extremely familiar, but there’s no Stunning Organics products in sight this time.

The diner has been somewhat manic in the past few weeks during Irene’s absence, as a film crew descended on Summer Bay. Marilyn had the forethought to order in lots more food, but has found herself in a pickle after the sudden shutdown of the production following the death of lead actor Stevie Marlow (Catherine Van-Davies).

Marilyn needs to shift the surplus stock, otherwise the diner profits will take a huge hit.

Roo quickly gets to work by adding burgers to the specials menu, and when Justin (James Stewart) and Theo (Matt Evans) come in, Justin suggests they could put on a community BBQ down at the beach.

With Roo, Justin and Theo taking care of that, Marilyn is grateful, but will still have to explain to Irene about the orders…

Irene finally returns home with Bronte (Stefanie Caccamo), a woman she met whilst in the hospital waiting room. Introducing her to Harper (Jessica Redmayne), Bronte explains that she had been in a bit of a state at the hospital and poured her heart out to Irene.

Irene later explains to Harper that Bronte is very illshe is suffering from some sort of autoimmune disease and is having to go through it all by herself with no family for support. Irene thought the sea air could do her some good.

Irene later takes Bronte to the diner, where she’s impressed by Irene’s business setup.

She’s quickly introduced to (a somewhat nervous) Marilyn who assures Irene that everything is back to normal in the diner following their rush of customers in previous weeks.

Irene offers Bronte something on the house, but she isn’t feeling too well and doesn’t fancy eating. The stress of waiting for her test results is getting to her.

But as Bronte heads out for some fresh air, she makes a secretive phone call, revealing to the person on the other end that Irene has her own home and business and is a total pushover… Bronte is a con artist!

As Bronte heads down to the beach and sees the BBQ, she asks Harper what’s going on. Harper explains that they’re just helping the diner out.

That’s just what Summer Bay is like,” Harper tells her. “If someone is struggling then the community really steps up.

It’s music to Bronte’s ears…

Back at the diner, Irene soon finds the invoices for the surplus food and quizzes Marilyn. She admits that she’d ordered extra to account for the film crew, but assures Irene that it’s all being used up as they speak.

Irene tells Marilyn that there was no need to panic, all she had to do was be truthful with her. If meeting Bronte has taught her anything, it’s that they shouldn’t sweat the small stuff.

Almost on cue, Bronte returns to the diner with tears streaming down her face. As Irene sits her down, Bronte explains that she’s had her test results and has been told there’s nothing more than can be doneshe’s dying.

Bronte later explains that she’s only been given a maximum of six months, and lays it on thick as she promises to get out of Irene’s hair.

Irene isn’t having any of it though, telling her that she is welcome to stay for as long as she needsshe doesn’t need to go through this alone.

Bronte of course gestures that she will help out where she can with money for rent and bills, but again Irene refuses. Bronte soon begins ramping things up with a short tumble down the stairs following a ‘dizzy spell’, and later moves in for the kill as she pointedly notes that there’s nothing the doctor can do for her “here”.

Irene asks what she means, and Bronte goes on to explain that there’s an experimental treatment in Canada, but it’s far out of her reach given that it would cost $100,000.

Bronte states that she’s happy to know there’s hope for others out there in any case, before heading to bed.

Irene has a restless night, and it seems that the seeds Bronte has planted in her mind are beginning to grow…

Is Irene about to be snared in Bronte’s trap?

Here’s the full spoilers for next week’s Home and Away episodes in the UK:

Monday 15th July (Episode 8271)

Nelson makes Bree an offer. Harper confides in Dana. Mali’s brother hits the Bay.

Tuesday 16th July (Episode 8272)

Bree must be honest with Nelson. Iluka takes a shine to a Summer Bay local. Eden tries to broker peace between Cash and Remi.

Wednesday 17th July (Episode 8273)

Marilyn panics. Irene’s new friend has a dark agenda. Can Bree win Remi back?

Thursday 18th July (Episode 8274)

John frets over debris on the beach. Levi’s marriage looms large for Mackenzie.

Friday 19th July (Episode 8275)

Mackenzie tries to return an unwanted gift. Levi comes clean. John and Dana clash over a mystery.