10 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 2nd to 5th September

Next week on Neighbours, Terese distracts herself from her marital woes, Wendy betrays Andrew again, Krista stands up to Paul, and Cara gets some good news.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 2nd to Thursday 5th August.

1) Andrew grapples with Wendy’s revelation

At the end of this week, Wendy (Candice Leask) admitted to Andrew (Lloyd Will) that she and Quinn (Louis Lè) recently shared an ’emotional connection’.

While Andrew accepted that Wendy had forged a close friendship with Quinn over their shared cultural heritage, he had no idea just how deep their connection had become.

When Wendy offered to stay away that night and give Andrew some space, she was shocked when he agreed, and was left fearing that her actions had ended her marriage.

Next week, Wendy laments about her bad choices with Quinn, but Andrew admits that he may have overreacted.

After some soul searching, Andrew apologies to Wendy for not talking about their issues and sending her away for the night.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Wendy fully opens up, explaining that she hadn’t been searching for someone else, she had simply been looking for herself, and Uni offered her a chance to find her. She’s found a new part of her life where she isn’t judged, and is accepted for who she is.

While Andrew struggles to wrap his head around Wendy’s insight, she expresses her hope that they can work through this latest issue together.

Andrew agrees, but there’s a sense that it’ll be a bumpy road ahead…

2) Terese throws herself into work

This week saw a shock split for Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) and Toadie (Ryan Moloney), after a vision in the outback made Toadie realise that he kept on desperately seeking out love, without giving himself the time to process the losses of his two biggest loves – Dee (Madeleine West) and Sonya (Eve Morey).

Next week, still reeling from the breakup, Terese throws herself into work. As she meets with Harold (Ian Smith), Karl (Alan Fletcher) and Susan (Jackie Woodburne) at Eirene Rising, the trio are shocked to find that Terese has assigned almost all of their tasks to herself, and it’s clear that she’s pushing herself too far.

They encourage her to take time for herself, but they’re forced to hold their tongues when Terese discards their work on Eirene Rising’s intergenerational fitness programme, wanting to start from scratch herself.

Is Terese set to burn herself out as she tries to distract herself from her broken marriage?

3) Paul makes a grand gesture

With Terese struggling, Paul (Stefan Dennis) couldn’t help himself, as this week he reminded his ex-wife that he would always love her.

He returned from New York having seemingly turned a page and ready to move on, but has Toadie’s decision to leave Terese just reignited his desire to win her back?

Next week, Paul is offered a large stock of cheap floral arrangements, and decides to gift them to Terese. He makes it clear that there’s no ulterior motive, he simply thought that they could come in useful at Eirene Rising, and Terese is happy to accept.

However, Susan is suspicious of Paul’s gesture, especially when Terese seeks out Paul to express her gratitude for his ongoing friendship.

4) Krista stands up to Paul

With Paul and Krista (Majella Davis) now equal partners after Reece (Mischa Barton) signed over her part of the hotel to her sister, it was only a matter of time before the pair came to blows.

Paul initially resented Krista’s presence in Erinsborough, but the past few months have seen him warm to her after she proved herself worthy of her Lassiters role.

However, next week, Paul fears Krista is spreading herself too thin as she offers to help Haz (Shiv Palekar) with the sale of Harold’s, and advises her to take back her offer.

However, he’s caught off guard when Krista refuses, asserting that she and Paul are now equal managers and that he can no longer overrule her.

5) Cara gets some good news

Cara (Sara West) is currently awaiting her university disciplinary hearing, after Dex (Marley Williams) gave her some unwanted help with a coding assignment to ensure that she passed the difficult module.

As the morning of the hearing rolls around next week, Cara is noticeably quiet. Remi (Naomi Rukavina) calls her on it, prompting Cara to reveal that she won’t be going to the hearing as she’s decided to quit uni altogether.

Ben King / Amazon Freevee

Remi and Aaron (Matt Wilson) realise that Cara’s insecurities are holding her back yet again, and they remind her of her tenacity and how she thrives when she’s out of her comfort zone – as proven this week when she underwent a glamorous makeover.

While Cara initially felt insecure about showing off Sadie’s (Emerald Chan) work to her friends and family at her 40th birthday, she soon embraced it when Remi offered to take her back to No. 30 to return to her usual style.

Remi and Aaron’s words talk Cara off the ledge and give her a renewed confidence to attend the hearing.

She pleads her case to department head Leona, and is shocked when she’s told there won’t be any action taken against her. In fact, she’s offered the chance to resubmit her assignment under exam conditions.

6) Dex is a child prodigy

After the hearing, Leona asks Cara about Dex as she reveals that the solution he submitted on her behalf was genius level.

She advises Cara to enroll her clearly gifted son on an accelerated learning programme where he can put his coding skills to good use.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

It looks like Dex has a bright future ahead of him.

7) Felix returns

When Cara relays Leona’s revelation to Remi at The Waterhole, Remi gets an urgent call from the hospital – there’s been an emergency and the ED is filled with patients.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

When she gets there, Remi learns that there’s been a brawl at Warrinor Prison. A number of patients have suffered serious injuries, and one is in critical condition with stab wounds.

Ben King / Amazon Freevee

Ben King / Amazon Freevee

Ben King / Amazon Freevee

When Remi goes to check on the patient, she’s shocked to see it’s none other than Felix Rodwell (James Beaufort).

For those who need reminding, Andrew’s brother Felix was revealed to be JJ’s (Riley Bryant) dad, after donating his sperm to Cara’s friend Phillipa nearly two decades earlier.

After assessing him, Remi quickly asks if she can pass Felix’s care onto another doctor. She and Cara then face a difficult decision – do they tell JJ that his dad is in hospital?

Deciding that lying to their sons has never done them any favours in the past, they decide to tell JJ the truth. He tentatively agrees to go visit Felix, but at the last minute decides he can’t go through with it.

Ben King / Amazon Freevee

Will the estranged father and son get a reunion?

8) Paul and Krista continue to clash

In need of an income source, and learning that there’s a job going in Lassiters’ Day Spa, Sadie decides to apply for the position.

Despite Sadie not being trained in beauty therapy, Krista agrees to hire her and suggests that Lassiters will pay for the additional training she needs.

Sadie is thrilled, but when Paul finds out, he gives Krista a harsh serve, telling her that Lassiters doesn’t hire staff members without the necessary qualifications.

The two lock horns over the new shared power dynamic, and it looks like they’re in for a bumpy ride in the months to come.

9) Terese speaks fondly of Paul

Krista turns to Terese for advice on how to handle Paul, and she’s surprised when Terese speaks fondly of her ex, explaining that Paul sees business as a game and that Krista needs to embrace that and enjoy it.

Krista tells Leo (Tim Kano) that she senses there’s still a spark between the pair. However, it seems like she’s got it wrong when Terese rips into Paul for shooting down his new co-owner so soon into their new working relationship.

Yet, as was always the case, confrontation is Paul and Terese’s love language, and their argument seems to leave them both a little happier.

Is Krista right, is there still a way back for the troubled pair?

10) Wendy betrays Andrew

Despite nearly losing Andrew after admitting her connection with Quinn, Wendy makes another risky move at the end of next week.

Sadie organises a surprise date for her parents, feeling guilty about being the one to put doubts about Quinn in Andrew’s head, but the plans are scuppered when they learn that Felix is fighting for his life in hospital after his brawl.

Wendy asks Andrew if he wants to visit his brother, but Andrew refuses – he’s already cut Felix out of his life, and his medical dramas don’t change anything. He doesn’t want his family to have anything to do with him.

Yet Wendy can’t help but feel that Andrew is taking his grudge too far, and pays Felix a secret visit in hospital.

Will this latest betrayal be the final straw for their marriage?

11) Big news hits Ramsay Street!

Plus, what is the big news which bands a friendship group together?

What is Holly hiding?

And what are Mackenzie and Haz discussing with Susan?

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Here is the complete set of teaser spoilers and photos for the first two weeks of September:

Monday 2nd September (Episode 9104 / 201)

Waves of change ripple through Ramsay Street.

The Share House is thrown into turmoil.

Wendy and Andrew reach a tentative understanding.

Tuesday 3rd September (Episode 9105 / 202)

A friendship group bands together in the wake of big news.

Terese takes on more than she can handle.

Wednesday 4th September (Episode 9106 / 203)

Cara’s disciplinary hearing takes a surprising turn.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Remi makes a shocking discovery.

Ben King / Amazon Freevee

A couple frantically tries to pull together their future.

A secret stash causes one resident to panic.

Thursday 5th September (Episode 9107 / 204)

A familiar face stirs up conflicted emotions.

Ben King / Amazon Freevee

Krista is surprised by Terese’s behaviour.

Andrew’s hard-line stance fuels Wendy’s betrayal.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Monday 9th September (Episode 9108 / 205)

Nicolette’s past actions come back to bite.

Danger lurks for a hopeful couple.

Andrew is thrown by confronting revelations.

New beginnings hang in the air.

Tuesday 10th September (Episode 9109 / 206)

Byron wrestles with his impending loss.

Nicolette faces the consequences of her actions.

Jane Zhang / Prime

Terese finds solace in a familiar place.

Wednesday 11th September (Episode 9110 / 207)

A welcome return brings unfortunate news.

Ben King / Prime

Nicolette struggles to accept the new status quo.

Jane Zhang / Prime

A resident hides their illicit gains.

Thursday 12th September (Episode 9111 / 208)

Ramsay Street grapples with a resident’s seismic decision.

Wendy challenges a neighbour to come clean.

Andrew takes action to protect his family.