15 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 7th to 10th October

Next week on Neighbours, Andrew is suspended, Victor’s return turns worlds upside-down, Aaron has a new love interest, and Paul pushes Terese away.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 7th to Thursday 11th October.

1) Melanie’s mystery man is unmasked

The past couple of weeks have seen Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) chatting to a man online as she takes her first tentative steps back into dating.

This week, after revealing to Krista (Majella Davis) that her crush lived in Sydney but was planning on being in Melbourne for business, she plucked up the courage to invite him on a real-life date.

Next week, Mel is a bundle of nerves as she psyches herself up for her date with ‘Vic’, and confesses to Krista that she hopes he’ll be the one.

Neither of them have any idea that Vic is actually Victor Stone (Craig Hall), Jane’s (Annie Jones) ex-husband who returned earlier this year after discovering he had cancer, only to bail on Jane and the kids when he learnt he was in remission.

Leo (Tim Kano) realises the identity of Melanie’s date when he spots a picture of Vic on Mel’s laptop, but by then it’s too late – Melanie has already left to meet him!

As the pair meet in The Waterhole, their date gets off to an awkward start, but they soon hit their groove and their connection grows. Then, disaster strikes as Jane and Nicolette (Hannah Monson) head to the pub for a drink, catching Victor red-handed!

Melanie is devastated when she realises who Vic really is, and they both agree that they can’t possibly see each other again. However, they’re both left with private regrets… is this really where their romance ends?

2) Victor’s return sees accusations fly

After Jane and Nicolette catch Vic at The Waterhole, the accusations begin to fly. Why is he back, and why was he on a secret date with Melanie after abandoning his family?

Victor insists on waiting for Byron (Xavier Molyneux) before explaining why he’s back, and when the family are finally all together, they’re thrown when Vic admits that he made a huge mistake abandoning them after discovering he was in admission.

He’s back to earn their forgiveness, but Byron fiercely tells his dad that there’s no way he’ll ever be forgiven.

Nicolette stays quiet, and Byron later points out that she’s always been too quick to forgive and forget when it comes to Vic, but she insists that this time will be different…

3) Paul opens up on his feelings for Terese

This week saw Terese (Rebekah Elmaloglou) and Paul (Stefan Dennis) find comfort in each other after the dramatic siege at The Waterhole.

They bonded as they watched new episodes of their favourite Icelandic crime drama ‘Glugginn’ together in Paul’s penthouse apartment, and Paul later comforted Terese at No. 22 after she struggled with being alone in her and Toadie’s former martial home.

Next week, Terese can’t help but be drawn to Paul, and she invites him to lunch as a thank you for looking after her.

Jane warns Paul off getting so close to Terese and he attempts to keep his feelings in check, but when Terese lightly touches his arm, he feels an undeniable pull towards his ex-wife.

Troubled, he admits to Leo that he’s getting close to crossing the line with Terese. Knowing that it’s not the right time to pursue anything while Terese is still getting over Toadie, he vows to keep his distance from now on.

4) Byron finds his groove

This week, Mel and Krista managed to talk Byron into performing at their upcoming ‘Boylesque’ event.

With only a few weeks to go, they need to pin Byron’s act down, and Aaron (Matt Wilson) encourages him to show off his skills.

Byron comes up empty, until he remembers an act he used to perform for one of his clients in his days as an escort…

5) Victor begins his apology tour

Victor seemed like he genuinely wanted to win his family round last time he was in Erinsborough – but after betraying them when he skipped town, he’s got a much bigger battle on his hands this time around.

Jane Zhang / Amazon Freevee

As he begins his apology tour next week, he seeks out Leo, where he apologises for backing out of the deal to buy into the vineyard, but Leo is in no mood for forgiveness.

Next, he reaches out to Jane, hoping she might understand the emotional overload he experienced after learning that death was no longer imminent – but she isn’t ready to trust him again either.

Moving onto Byron, Victor tells him that he wants to give him and Nicolette $100,000 – a much smaller figure than he promised them last time around, but still enough to make their lives easier.

Yet Byron has no interest, telling his dad that he doesn’t want to rely on another promise which will most likely be broken. However, when Victor tries a heartfelt plea, Byron begins to soften to the tiniest degree…

When Vic seeks out Nicolette, he’s hoping that she’ll be the most open towards him – but he’s wrong. She’s offended to be last on his apology tour and feels taken for granted.

She also can’t understand how he abandoned his kids so easily, considering she can’t bear to be separated from Isla (Hana Abe-Tucker) for even short periods. She’s not willing to let Vic off the hook for his selfishness any more, and wishes he’d just leave down.

6) Paul pushes Terese away

After deciding to give Terese space, Paul approaches Susan (Jackie Woodburne) and asks her to make sure Terese is okay in his absence.

Karl (Alan Fletcher) is wary of Paul’s agenda, but Susan assures him that she will be there for Terese.

Paul then begins to deflect Terese’s attempts to spend time with him, as he forces himself to ignore her text messages, despite them pulling at his heart strings.

Terese feels stung by his rejection, but tries to keep up her strong façade. When Susan suggests going for brunch as a way of offering Terese a diversion, Terese accepts, but with Paul on her mind, she’s thought of a way to use Susan’s offer to her advantage…

7) Aaron is injured

As Aaron ramps up his Boylesque rehearsals and begins practicing an array of dance moves, he falls down clutching his hamstring!

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

He initially tries to hide his injury, claiming it’s just a stubbed toe, but Byron soon sees through his cover story and makes Aaron admit the truth – his injury will probably take a long time to recover from.

Aaron knows that the male revue event will fall apart without him and he doesn’t want to let everyone down.

Byron then has the suggestion of turning Aaron’s solo routine into a duet, with Byron himself handling all of the difficult dance moves. Does Byron have what it takes to save the day?

8) Byron accepts Vic’s offer

After Victor’s heartfelt plea, Byron cautiously decides to accept his offer of $100,000 – it’ll reduce his debt, and it doesn’t mean he has to forgive Vic for his disappearing act.

When Nicolette learns of Victor’s proposal, she refuses to have anything to do with it, not wanting to feel beholden to their father. However, she soon begins to waver when Jane encourages her to think about the financial implications of turning the money down – is it worth taking his offer just for her own benefit?

Jane then meets with Vic and makes sure he knows that even if their kids do take his money, it doesn’t mean they’ve forgiven him.

Vic is left deflated, and a sympathetic Melanie soon takes pity on him, offering to join him for a consolatory drink. It’s just as friends… for now.

9) Wendy rejects Andrew

Andrew (Lloyd Will) pushed Wendy (Candice Leask) away after she was revealed to be in The Waterhole with Quinn (Louis Lè) during last week’s siege.

When Felix (James Beaufort) encouraged Andrew to talk to his wife, it was Wendy who then pushed Andrew away, telling him that he no longer felt like the ‘superhero’ husband she once had, after he failed to even check she was okay after the life-threatening situation she’d endured.

Next week, after taking a few days to contemplate Wendy’s frustrations, Andrew tries to reach out and talk. However, Wendy is now angry at how long it’s taken him to approach her, and rejects having the conversation on his timeline.

Unhappy at being shut down, Andrew becomes increasingly frustrated and short-tempered with everyone in his life.

With Sadie (Emerald Chan) fed up of being in the middle, Wendy is forced to download to Remi (Naomi Rukavina) instead. Remi is sympathetic, but points out that nothing will get better until she can bring herself to talk to Andrew…

10) Holly and Felix keep secrets

As Holly works a shift at The Tram next week, a backfiring car and some clattering cutlery triggers her anxiety.

Felix, who is completing his first shift alongside her, notices her jumpiness and is sympathetic, and tries to comfort her. However, Holly quickly shuts him down, telling him that she’s completely fine and he has nothing to worry about.

As she keeps her escalating PTSD close to her chest, that night sees her stumble upon Felix in the tram at night, where she learns that he’s sleeping there instead of the half-way house.

It looks like both of them are keeping troubling secrets…

11) Has Aaron got a new love interest?

With Krista and Melanie doing their best to coax the men of Erinsborough into performing at their Boylesque night, Leo is desperate to find a final performer to ensure that he’s not forced to take the stage himself.

He and Aaron pitch the event to local real estate agent Rhett (Liam Maguire), who happily agrees when he learns that Aaron will be the one teaching the choreography.

Leo thinks that Rhett’s enthusiastic response is evidence of romantic interest, but Aaron laughs off the idea. However, as rehearsals begin, it seems like Leo might be right…

12) Terese’s plan fails

Having realised that Paul is ignoring her, Terese tries to pin him down by dragging Susan to the Day Spa when she knows he’s likely to be there.

When she ends up missing Paul again, Susan realises what Terese was planning and reveals exactly why Paul is staying away – his feelings are too strong and he doesn’t trust himself around her.

Susan hopes that this will convince Terese to keep a distance between them, but it only makes Terese more miserable, as she admits that nothing feels as good as Paul’s attention at the moment…

13) Holly pushes Felix away

When Holly reveals to Karl that Felix has been sleeping at The Tram to avoid getting mixed up with the dodgy crims at the half-way house, she’s frustrated when Karl agrees to let him continue to stay.

Jane Zhang / Prime

Susan is surprised that Holly is being so negative towards Felix after his heroic actions at the siege, and Holly is forced to cover the real reason – that he’s pushing her to face up to her trauma.

Later, she tells Felix that she doesn’t want to hear another word on the subject, so he decides to gift her a book on surviving trauma.

Unwilling to listen, Holly promptly jams it in the dishwasher!

14) Dex gets an amazing offer

Dex (Marley Williams) was recently revealed to be a child prodigy, after his computer programming skills caught the attention of the head of Cara’s (Sara West) university course.

Dex had given his mum some unsolicited help with her uni assignment, and while Cara faced a disciplinary hearing as a result, department head Leona revealed that Dex’s solution was “genius level”.

Leona encouraged Cara to enrol her gifted son on an accelerated learning programme, where he could put his coding skills to good use.

Next week, Cara is delighted to learn she’s successfully passed her uni course, after re-doing the assignment which Dex originally submitted for her.

The uni then offers Dex a chance to start doing Computer Science subjects early while he finishes high school. Dex is reluctant however, wanting to just be a normal kid and hang out with his friends.

Cara and Remi can’t help but agree that the social implications might be difficult, and after consulting with the uni, they decide to enrol him on a course at an independent college, which holds classes a few times a week outside of school hours.

15) Andrew is suspended

After Remi’s words of wisdom, Wendy decides it’s time to talk things through with Andrew, and she prepares a special meal for the occasion.

However, after a disastrous Boylesque rehearsal, Andrew is in a foul mood and this time he’s the one unwilling to engage.

As his frustrations spill over into his work, he receives a warning for yelling at a junior officer. Later, when an arrogant suspect rubs him up the wrong way, Andrew charges up to him and shouts in his face, earning himself a suspension!

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 7th October (Episode 9124)

An unannounced return throws a family into turmoil.

Melanie’s hopes are dashed.

Paul realises he’s too close to the edge.

Tuesday 8th October (Episode 9125)

An apology tour makes its way through Ramsay Street.

Paul approaches Susan and Karl with a heartfelt request.

Aaron’s grand plans hit a snag.

Wednesday 9th October (Episode 9126)

Jane steps up to protect her children.

Holly keeps her escalating trauma close to her chest.

Boylesque takes an unexpected turn for Aaron.

Thursday 10th October (Episode 9127)

Terese sets out on a controversial mission.

Andrew’s frustrations reach boiling point.

Holly takes annoyance with a concerned co-worker.

Dex gets a surprising offer.

Monday 14th October (Episode 9128)

JJ and Remi are shocked by an accidental discovery.

Terese feels the pull of old habits.

Holly faces the truth.

Tuesday 15th October (Episode 9129)

Terese’s resolve is tested.

Jane heralds in a new chapter.

Melanie’s forbidden affection grows.

Krista’s win is short-lived.

Wednesday 16th October (Episode 9130)

Jane is confronted by an anonymous gesture.

Aaron finds himself in a compromising position.

Thursday 17th October (Episode 9131)

Terese struggles to hide her secret.

JJ is caught out.