14 Neighbours Spoilers for Next Week – 21st to 24th October

Next week on Neighbours, Melanie and Jane both try to woo Victor, Cara clears Felix’s name after a shock accusation, and the Rodwells’ marital woes continue.

Here’s everything coming up on Neighbours next week, from Monday 21st to Thursday 24th October.

1) Terese lies to Nell and Susan

The end of this week saw Nell (Ayisha Salem-Towner) turn up unexpectedly on Terese’s (Rebekah Elmaloglou) doorstep, just as Terese was preparing to crack open another bottle of wine.

Returning to the scene next week, Terese lies to her step-daughter, telling her that she’d been thinking about drinking, but hadn’t yet acted on her urges.

She asks Nell to keep her secret, in exchange for not telling Toadie (Ryan Moloney) that Nell has skipped school and jumped on a bus to Erinsborough without permission.

Nell reluctantly accepts Terese’s deal, but when she next sees JJ (Riley Bryant), she asks him to keep an eye on Terese – it’s clear that she’s worried about her.

Soon after, Susan (Jackie Woodburne) pays Terese a welfare check, after she promised Paul (Stefan Dennis) that she’d keep an eye on her so that Paul could pull back and not cross a line with the woman he’s still in love with.

Terese had told Susan that she was unwell, and almost slips up when she momentarily forgets her lie. Susan’s suspicions are aroused, but Terese manages to placate her by agreeing to accompany her to Boylesque.

Yet when Terese overhears Susan telling Karl (Alan Fletcher) that a bottle of wine has gone missing from Moira’s (Robyn Arthur) recent delivery, her guilt surges. Can she keep her theft a secret?

2) Cara agrees to give Felix a chance

Since Felix’s (James Beaufort) return, everyone has seemed willing to give the reformed crim a second chance – everyone, that is, except for Cara (Sara West).

Next week, as JJ defends Felix in Harold’s, Remi (Naomi Rukavina) suggests to Cara that they need to change their approach towards him, as JJ will one day want to get to know his biological father better.

Cara is reluctant, and Remi decides to drop the matter, allowing them to instead focus on Cara’s upcoming fertility test, as they press forward with plans to have another baby.

Yet Remi’s words have the desired effect, as later that evening Cara agrees to give Felix a chance, even agreeing to Remi’s idea that they should get used to being in Felix’s company, starting with breakfast at The Tram the following day.

Remarkably, things start off well, and it seems that Felix and the Varga-Murphys will finally start playing happy families – but a shock accusation is about to change all of that…

3) Felix is accused of theft

Felix has been trying to help Holly (Lucinda Armstrong Hall) in recent weeks, after noticing that she appears to be suffering from PTSD after her recent ordeals.

Ray Messner / Prime

Holly had been pushing Felix away, refusing to accept that she was struggling, but after her jumpiness caused her to accidentally injure Susan earlier this week, it finally made her realise she had a problem.

Next week, as Felix helps Holly with breathing exercises for her panic attacks, Karl catches them together and seems concerned – while he’s happy to give Felix a job, is he worried about her growing friendship with the former bad boy?

Later that night, Holly visits Felix at the tram after suffering another panic attack. He successfully manages to calm her down, and presses her to open up to Karl about her issues.

Holly remains reluctant, but tells Felix that she now believes he’s a changed person.

The next morning, JJ too seems to be warming to Felix, as he thanks him for not telling anyone he skipped school to be with Nell.

Yet when Karl discovers that some money has gone missing from the tram, it seems people haven’t fully forgotten Felix’s past, as Karl immediately assumes that Felix must be the one responsible.

Unfortunately, just after their successful breakfast, Cara and Remi witness Karl accusing a stunned Felix of stealing from his new job! Has Karl’s accusation just undone all of their hard work at rebuilding their relationship?

4) Dex fears he’s becoming a burden

A couple of months ago, when Dex (Marley Williams) ‘improved’ Cara’s programming assignment without telling her, Cara was hauled in front of Eden Uni’s disciplinary council and faced being kicked off her course.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

In the end, she was given the chance to resubmit the assignment under test conditions, but department head Leona told Cara that Dex’s submission was genius level, and suggested that Cara enroll her gifted son on an accelerated learning programme where he could put his coding skills to good use.

In the end, Dex didn’t want the added pressure of uni at such a young age, and felt that he’d be seen as an outsider. Instead, the family came up with the idea of him enrolling in a nearby collage, which would be easier to juggle with his existing schooling.

Next week, Dex reveals to his family that he’s decided to do the programming course, and his mums appear to be excited.

Yet when he overhears them talking about their money worries – which are more to do with their plans to have another baby than his course – he begins to feel that he’s becoming a burden on them.

5) Love is in the air at Boylesque

After weeks of planning, Krista’s (Majella Davis) Boylesque event finally gets underway next Tuesday.

Krista is still fearful that it might be derailed by the senior citizens’ protest, but Susan saves the day when she manages to undermine the oldies’ righteous anger.

As Andrew (Lloyd Will) gets into the flirty spirit, his and Wendy’s (Candice Leask) troubled relationship is enthusiastically, and publicly, rekindled.

Sadie (Emerald Chan) is publically appalled by their PDA, but inside she’s thrilled that her parents are back on track.

Meanwhile, real estate agent Rhett (Liam Maguire), who has been pretty blatant in his flirting with Aaron (Matt Wilson), finally makes his play, but Aaron leaves him hanging…

As the crowd laps up the raunchy entertainment, Byron (Xavier Molyneux) and Nicolette (Hannah Monson) are disturbed by the growing spark between their parents, despite Jane’s (Annie Jones) protests that nothing is going on between her and Vic (Craig Hall).

Jane eventually cracks and admits to Susan that she really is falling for Vic again.

However, she has no idea that Victor and Melanie (Lucinda Cowden) are head over heels for each other, and Jane has inadvertently become the third wheel in a love triangle.

6) Cara clears Felix’s name

After Karl’s accusations, Felix vows that he didn’t take the money from The Tram, and despite his past mistakes, he finds Andrew and Holly in his corner.

Karl remains unconvinced, however, and things go from bad to worse when Remi vows to make this a police matter. Felix fears that he’s going to spend his whole life being judged by his past mistakes.

Ray Messner / Amazon Freevee

Remarkably, it’s Cara who doubts Felix’s guilt, and her niggling suspicions lead her to dig deeper. She manages to prove Felix’s innocence, and both Karl and Remi are quick to apologise to Felix for being so quick to judge.

Felix is happy to accept their apologies, and just wants a clean slate and the opportunity to move forward.

7) Vic catches Terese drinking

While everyone else is readying themselves for the party at The Waterhole, Terese can’t escape her demons, and tries to get out of attending the Boylesque event so she can stay home and drink on her own.

Oblivious to what her friend is going through, Susan pushes, and Terese is forced to turn up. Surrounded by alcohol, the temptation to drink is overwhelming.

After a heartsick run-in with Paul, she’s pushed over the edge and sneaks a drink, only to be busted by Vic. Of course, Victor has no idea of Terese’s chequered history with alcohol so doesn’t give it a second thought, but Terese is rattled, fearing that she’ll soon be caught.

She makes her excuses to her worried friends, and starts planning a trip away – a chance to drink in peace without anyone watching over her. Things are getting bad.

8) Karl gets a tempting offer

This week saw Jane put Mike’s (Guy Pearce) motorbike up for sale, as she ties up loose ends after their recent breakup.

Karl was sorely tempted to buy it, but Susan immediately shot him down as she told him there was no way she was letting him buy a bike!

After getting stuck in his leathers, Karl was forced to admit that he was 20 years too late for such an adventurous new hobby, but it seems the story doesn’t end there.

Next week, as the Kennedys entertain Jane and Vic at No. 28, Karl gets a mysterious phone call. Once the pair are gone, he reveals to Susan that the call was from Mike, who invited him on a free motorbike tour of Scotland!

Karl didn’t want to mention the offer in front of Jane, in case a mention of her ex-fiancé was too sensitive, but with Jane having developed feelings for Victor, there are no issues there.

So the only thing standing in the way of Karl’s motorbike trip is Susan’s reluctance – will she let him go?

9) Who will woo Vic first?

After getting some encouragement from Susan, Jane decides to be honest with Vic and tell him how she feels, but the right moment seems to elude her.

Meanwhile, Melanie feels like Vic is interested in her, but fears that she’s got it wrong. The other half of her fears that she’s right – even if he does like her, should she really be going there?

Krista eventually gets fed up with Victor being Melanie’s sole topic of conversation, and encourages her to tell him how she feels.

With both women after the same man, who will get to Vic and admit their feelings first?

10) Is Rhett moving to Ramsay Street?

With Mackenzie (Georgie Stone) and Haz (Shiv Palekar) gone, it’s crunch time for Nicolette and Byron to find a new housemate at No. 32.

At Rhett’s suggestion, the siblings decide to hold an open house – that way they can save time by interviewing people en masse.

Yet when Aaron turns up to find out how the event is going, he’s shocked to discover that Rhett himself has expressed an interest in moving into the sharehouse.

After rejecting Rhett’s advances at Boylesque, and with the memory of Logan’s (Matthew Backer) obsession with him still fresh in his mind, Aaron can’t help but feel that history is repeating itself.

11) The Rodwells are back to bickering

After all of their recent issues, it was Andrew’s saucy performance at Boylesque that finally brought him and Wendy back together. Their physical and emotional relationship appears to be back on track, and nobody is happier than Sadie.

Yet underneath nothing has really changed. Andrew ignores Sadie’s advice about a questionable birthday surprise for Wendy, while Wendy ignores her daughter’s warning about reacting graciously to the surprise, and before long they’re back to bickering!

12) Sadie decides to move out… ish

Fed up with her parents’ emotional rollercoaster, Sadie declares that she’s moving out. She shows up at No. 32, announcing to a shocked Byron that she’s moving in with him to escape her parents’ dramas.

Sadie quickly settles in, but Byron braces himself for an awkward conversation – as much as he loves Sadie, he doesn’t want to take such a big step in their relationship just because she’s bickering with her parents.

Nicolette urges Byron to be honest with his girlfriend, but his first attempt at honesty is a disaster and Sadie is left offended.

Eventually the pair manage to get back on the same page, with Byron assuring Sadie that he sees a big future for them.

13) Sadie comes up with a plan

Sadie agrees that it’s best for her to move back in with her parents – but that doesn’t mean she has to tell them straight away!

Andrew and Wendy are stunned by Sadie’s blow-up and subsequent decision to move out, and while Wendy is determined to put things right, Andrew worries that his latest bad decision is just one more sign that his judgement is suspect right now.

Jane Zhang / Prime

His confidence shot, even news that he’s allowed to return to work doesn’t cheer him up. Yet Wendy assures him that he’s the only person she wants in his corner right now.

They go to see Sadie as a united front and promise her all is well, but Sadie doesn’t believe them and tells them that she won’t be returning.

Jane Zhang / Prime

Sadie reassures Byron that she does plan on moving back in with her parents, but wants to use her absence to motivate them to get their act together. Byron agrees that she can stay at No. 32 for a couple of weeks, and Nicolette – always a fan of a bit of mischief – is happy to play along as well.

14) Jane kisses Vic!

With Jane now hoping that she and Victor have a romantic future together, she’s disappointed to learn that he’s looking to buy a pub in Gippsland, a four-hour drive away from Erinsborough.

She’s eager to make her feelings known, but she struggles when he fails to take the hint. In a massive turnaround, Nicolette is supportive of her mum’s wish to rekindle their romance, and pushes Jane to be more overt.

Jane then invites Vic over for dinner, unwittingly foiling Melanie’s plans. Mel has been planning a dinner of her own for Vic, looking to find out once and for all if there’s a possible romantic future for the two of them.

Unaware of Jane’s intentions, Victor promises Mel that he’ll be over for dessert. But as dinner winds down at No. 24, Vic still fails to take the hint, prompting Jane to shock herself by making a bold move – she grabs Vic and kisses him!

New episodes of Neighbours air Monday–Thursday on Network 10 and 10 Peach in Australia, and on Amazon Freevee in the UK.

Here are the Neighbours spoilers for the next two weeks:

Monday 21st October (Episode 9132 / 229)

Cara resolves to do the right thing by JJ.

Dex worries he’s becoming a burden to his family.

Karl’s accusation causes shockwaves. Terese’s lies snowball.

Tuesday 22nd October (Episode 9133 / 230)

A raunchy performance leads to a spark of romance.

Cara acts on her suspicions.

Terese can’t escape her own demons.

Wednesday 23rd October (Episode 9134 / 231)

Melanie and Jane find themselves on a crash course to collision.

Karl entertains an exciting offer.

The Share House searches for a new housemate.

Thursday 24th October (Episode 9135 / 232)

Sadie puts Byron in an awkward position.

Melanie takes charge of her romantic future.

Jane makes a bold move.

Monday 28th October (Episode 9136 / 233)

Holly’s assessment has Karl fuming.

Terese hides an embarrassing discovery.

The race of love bears a winner… and a loser.

Tuesday 29th October (Episode 9137 / 234)

Terese continues down a destructive path.

Paul’s alarmed by a revelation.

Karl struggles to connect with Holly.

Remi and Cara are thrown for a loop.

Wednesday 30th October (Episode 9138 / 235)

The Varga-Murphys reckon with a shocking offer.

Paul’s concern lands him in the firing line.

Disaster strikes Eirini Rising.

Thursday 31st October (Episode 9139 / 236)

Paul makes a horrifying discovery.

Cara contemplates a new approach.

The Share House lets loose for Halloween.