9 Coronation Street Spoilers for Next Week – 14th to 18th October

Next week on Coronation Street, Kit investigates as Joel’s body is discovered, Jesse is up to something, Sam tries to sort out Nick’s love life, and Stu plans to leave Weatherfield.

1) Joel’s body is found

The mystery of Joel’s (Calum Lill) disappearance is solved next week, but opens up a new line of investigation that could see several residents in the frame for murder!

Joel was last seen two weeks ago, when he had what appeared to be a drunken meltdown in Roy’s Rolls having failed to appear in court.


However, once he left the cafe and was out of view of Roy (David Neilson) and Carla (Alison King), Joel quickly composed himself, revealing to the viewers that it had all been an act.


That night, Joel had somehow acquired a head wound as he sat in his car and left an emotional voicemail for Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown), insinuating that he was preparing to take his own life.

It was clear to viewers that this was nothing more than a ruse, and whilst the police were quick to declare Joel was dead when his car was later found abandoned, Dee-Dee was also certain that there was more to it.


Meanwhile, Kit (Jacob Roberts) discovered that Joel had been sending threatening texts to Betsy (Sydney Martin), the teen daughter of lead investigator Lisa (Vicky Myers). As a result, and much to Lisa’s disappointment after several months of pursuing Joel, she was taken off the case which was handed over to Kit.

He doesn’t feel guilty at all because she’s been giving it to him for a while,” Jacob Roberts explains. “I know she’s his boss, but she thinks she’s a lot more superior, which she is in terms of the job, but he thinks he’s better than her.

“They constantly give each other sly digs so he’s glad that she’s off the case and he can hopefully prove himself.


Next week, Kit and Craig (Colson Smith) continue the investigation and find CCTV footage of both Joel and his father Gus (Chris Garner) making separate visits to a train station locker. Kit hauls Gus in for questioning over his son’s whereabouts.

Meanwhile, three teens on a riverbank some distance away are shocked when they spot a body floating in the water…


Craig later breaks the news to Kit and Lisa that Joel has been found dead, and Kit prepares to break the news to both Dee-Dee and Lauren (Cait Fitton) at the hospital.

The case takes a further twist however when Joel’s post-mortem reveals that there was no water in Joel’s lungs… Joel was dead before he hit the water. It’s now a murder investigation!

2) Mason comes under suspicion

Kit later reveals to Lisa that Joel was killed by two blows to the head from a blunt instrument, likely to be a crowbar. Whilst there’s no shortage of them on the street, viewers will immediately recall that we saw one only last week, hidden in Mason’s (Luca Toolan) backpack alongside a balaclava.


Mason’s older brothers had attempted to force him into taking part in an armed robbery, but Stu (Bill Fellows) eventually convinced Mason to refuse, despite possible repercussions.

Although Stu  had offered Mason a bed at his and Yasmeen’s (Shelley King) home, Yasmeen had later asked Mason to leave after Mason’s brother Logan (Harry Lowbridge) put a brick through their window.


Lisa is stunned to hear from Yasmeen that Mason had a crowbar on him that day, and knowing that Betsy has been hanging around with him, she warns her daughter to stay away from him.


Betsy later warns Mason that the police are onto him about something, and he later attempts to dump the crowbar in one of the bins behind the factory.


Unfortunately for him, Kit has been watching Mason and catches him in the act…


Kit knows someone is lying,” Jacob tells us. “Everyone is acting shifty on the street and there’s a few potential culprits. Kit usually likes to take the law into his own hands in order to get justice so I think we will see him do the investigation how he believes is right.

“Kit likes to justify his bad behaviour to get what he wants and if he can get the culprit at the end of it, I think he’ll turn a blind eye to how he gets the end result.


I think he does know who did it deep down, but there’s obviously complications in the way and various suspects who could be guilty.

3) Ronnie and Ed come under the spotlight

Whilst there’s no end of people who would want Joel gone, Dee-Dee’s dad Ed (Trevor Michael Georges) and uncle Ronnie (Vinta Morgan) soon come under the spotlight too.

The first signs come when Ronnie reacts strangely as Dee-Dee tells him that the police believe that Joel was attacked with a crowbar.


Ronnie later rumbles that Debbie (Sue Devaney) is organising him a surprise 55th birthday party, but his mood soon darkens when Kit approaches to question both him and Ed about their movements on the 27th, the night Joel died.


Ronnie explains that he was home alone, while Ed claims that he was home at No.3 alongside Dee-Dee and Michael (Ryan Russell).


When Debbie later spots that the satnav in Ronnie’s car was last set to the address of Joel’s flat, he reminds her that he and Michael had helped Joel move out of his flat several months ago.

But later, whilst talking to Michael at the party, Debbie brings it up in conversation, and Michael points out that they’d actually used his own car on that day, leading Debbie to realise that Ronnie has lied to her.


Did Ronnie pay Joel another secret visit?

4) What is Jesse up to?

Elsewhere on the cobbles, Sarah (Tina O’Brien) was stunned by the revelation that ex-boyfriend Damon (Ciaran Griffiths) had offered her the money to fund daughter Bethany’s (Lucy Fallon) medical costs. But she was left further reeling when a talk with Damon on the phone led them both to the realisation that the money has gone missing.



It was Adam (Sam Robertson) who had picked up Damon’s message and initially decided not to pass it on to Sarah, but when Damon received word that the money had disappeared from the lockup, he presumed Sarah had picked it up. That wasn’t the case however, with Gail (Helen Worth) having already taken out a bridging loan to bring Bethany home, committing her to putting the family home on the market.

Sarah immediately accuses Adam of stealing the money but he denies the accusation. With the only other person knowing the secret being Daniel (Rob Mallard), the pair agree that it’s more likely to have been Damon’s cousin who went to ‘check’ on the cash.


At No.8, David remains suspicious of Jesse’s (John Thomson) intentions with Gail, with it being revealed last week that the two have been seeing each other in secret for the past three years. Jesse tells David how he’s expecting a small windfall soon, which he is using to rent a flat in the plush area of Oakhill.

David in the meantime is desperately trying to work out if he can scrabble together enough finances to buy the family home himself. He’s dubious when Jesse offers to help, before he reveals that he’s taking Gail for a romantic break in Whitby.

The conversation is interrupted when David realises, to his horror, that an estate agent has arrived outside and is hammering a For Sale sign into the front garden.


Adam later reveals to Sarah that Jesse was nearby when he was discussing Damon’s cash with Daniel, and could well have overheard them. Sarah immediately begins to think that Jesse has managed to get his hands on it, which would explain his apparent windfall. Sarah goes to David and asks him to help her prove that Jesse is dodgy.

When Jesse takes the Platt siblings out for lunch at the Rovers, he is quizzed on his finances and reveals that he’s awaiting money from the sale of his marital home. David accepts the explanation and tells Sarah that they should probably forget about Damon’s missing money, but when Jesse later hurries out of the Rovers, Sarah opts to follow him.


As she stalks him down to the bottom end of Victoria Street, what will she discover?


5) Daisy visits Bethany

Meanwhile, Daniel tells Sarah about his recent conversation with Bethany, where she urged him to go back to ex-girlfriend Daisy (Charlotte Jordan) in the belief that he won’t want to be with her now that she has a permanent stoma bag.


Daisy is herself stunned when Jenny (Sally Ann Matthews) repeats what she heard, and Daisy finds herself heading to the hospital in the hope that she can put Bethany straight and assure her there has been nothing going on.

But will Bethany listen to her rival and be willing to take Daniel back?

6) Sam is injured in the name of love

Over at the bistro, Nick’s (Ben Price) love life could be looking up when an attractive customer starts flirting with him. After embarking on an affair with Toyah (Georgia Taylor) behind Leanne’s (Jane Danson) back, Nick ended up losing both sisters when the truth was revealed.


Nick’s son Sam (Jude Riordan) has taken the breakup particularly hard, and isn’t impressed to see his dad partaking in a bit of flirty banter. Sam is quick to point out to the lady in question that Nick is ‘engaged’.


In a desperate attempt to bring Nick and Leanne back together, Sam decides to prepare them a romantic meal. He’s not taking any chances as he pulls out all the stops and puts oysters on the menu.

The only issue comes when Sam needs to shuck the oysters with a sharp knife, and it’s not long before he’s woozily knocking on the door of trainee paramedic Asha (Tanisha Gorey) with a teatowel wrapped around his bloodied hand.


Asha takes Sam to the hospital where he needs to have stitches. Nick rushes to the A&E to meet them, but how will he react when the only reason Sam was injured was because he was trying to get Nick and Leanne back together?


Leanne later decides that both she and Toyah should move out of the flat to enable Nick to return home and help Sam feel more settled, but whilst Leanne has arranged to rent the salon flat, she tells Toyah that she should get her own place, not feeling ready to live with her again.

7) Max and Lauren are behaving oddly

Amongst the news of Joel’s death, there’s some good news for Lauren when she and Max (Paddy Bever) learn that baby Frankie is doing well enough to be discharged from hospital in only a few weeks’ time.

Bobby (Jack Carroll) is keen to remind Lauren that both he and Max will be around to help her as she faces life as a single mum, though Bobby later admits to Max that he still longs to be with her.


Knowing that Lauren stayed with Max at the Platt house the other week, Nick casually asks how she found the sofa… but how will she answer?

Shortly afterwards, when Bobby finds Max and Lauren in the Rovers, Max makes a hasty exit. Bobby asks Lauren why they’re acting so strangely, but Lauren makes her excuses and also makes a swift exit…


Just what is going on with the pair?

8) Hope falls ill

Over at No.9 it appears as though Hope’s vaping (Isabella Flanagan) has caught up with her, when Fiz (Jennie McAlpine) tells Tyrone (Alan Halsall) that their daughter is feeling under the weather.


Having planned to return to school that day following her suspension, Hope is forced to take the day off with Fiz taking the day off work to look after her. Dr Gaddas (Christine Mackie) confirms Ty’s suspicions that Hope has a chest infection and that her vaping will likely have played a part in that.

Will Hope stop before she does herself any further damage?

9) Stu looks to leave Weatherfield

At Speed Daal, Stu is still frustrated after Yasmeen forced Mason to move out, having hoped to provide a stable environment for the teen as he attempts to turn his life around after being released from the young offenders institute.


Whilst Mason claims that a social worker has found him somewhere else to live, Stu cannot help but show his disappointment with Yasmeen.


When Stu later announces to Yasmeen that he is thinking of moving to Germany to be closer to granddaughter Eliza, how will Yasmeen react?