8 Coronation Street Spoilers for Next Week – 27th October to 1st November

Next week on Coronation Street, Lisa and Carla come under suspicion, David is caught out by Jesse, Mason saves Liam’s life, and will Nick and Toyah get back together?

Note: Corrie will air an extra episode on Sunday 28th October as a result of it not airing last Friday.

1) Swarla come under suspicion

The tables are turned next week, as investigations (both official and unofficial) into Joel Deering’s (Calum Lill) death take further twists and turns.


There’s no shortage of suspects in the dodgy solicitor’s demise, with the past couple of weeks putting Joel’s ex-fiancee Dee-Dee (Channique Sterling-Brown) under the spotlight, together with her dad Ed and Uncle Ronnie (Trevor Michael Georges and Vinta Morgan) and local teen Mason (Luca Toolan).


DS Lisa Swain had been investigating Joel for several months at the time of his death, but was taken off the case when it was discovered he had been sending threatening texts to her daughter Betsy (Sydney Martin).

This was personal for so many reasons,” Vicky Myers explains. “On a professional level, the fact that Joel was a trusted professional, and he used that position of trust and abused it, obliterated it. Also the nature of the crimes that he committed, and the fact that it had been going on so long and it was under everybody’s noses.

But also because of who it concerned, obviously, Betsy first and foremost, and the nature of what he was doing to women. We know that Lisa has extremely strong views about that. She prides herself on the fact that she tries to change the system.


DS Kit Green (Jacob Roberts) is now acting as lead investigator, much to Lisa’s annoyance.

He’s headstrong, he’s stubborn, he’s arrogant, he thinks he knows it all, he’s confident,” says Vicky. “I think that Lisa can see a lot of herself in him, and that’s why they rub each other up the wrong way, because they are quite alike.

“They’re so dedicated to the work, they’re so passionate about it, sometimes that comes across in the wrong way. They commit all hours to it.

At the beginning of the week, Kit still has his sights set on Dee-Dee. When Dee-Dee talks to Joel’s father Gus (Chris Garner) about her attending Joel’s funeral, Kit is dubious of her claims that she believes in forgiveness as part of her faith.


Stuck with what looks to be a rather mundane report of car vandalism, Lisa realises that the incident could in fact provide key evidence for Joel’s case.

The damaged vehicle was parked on the very same street where Joel was assaulted, on the same night, and the owner distinctly remembers the sound of two men arguing outside his window.

Sharing her findings with Dee-Dee, Lisa confides that the car appeared to have been struck by a red vehicle. Lisa’s investigation soon leads her to Ronnie, whose red car had recently been in the garage for repair, and a tense confrontation at the Rovers ensues.


Later, at the bistro, Carla (Alison King) praises Lisa’s unwavering dedication and her ability to juggle motherhood with her demanding career. But when Carla lays a comforting hand on Lisa’s back, a sudden flinch followed by a hasty retreat leaves Carla feeling both hurt and bewildered.



It may not be down to the friends’ confused feelings for one another however, when we later see Betsy walk in on Lisa in the bathroom and find that her mother is covered in severe bruises.


Lisa quickly makes the excuse that she was bruised during a body combat class, but Betsy is not convinced.

She absolutely has something to hide,” Vicky teases. “Being a person in the profession that she’s in, there are different scraps and scrapes that you get into, but maybe not to the magnitude that would present with bruising like that.

“The fact that she has lied to Betsy adds more question marks to it. She’s been out of sorts for a few weeks and we’ve definitely seen her in pain.


Betsy later finds some packets of painkillers prescribed to Lisa on 27th September, which she then discovers from Mason just happens to be the same day that Joel was killed. When Daisy (Charlotte Jordan) later lets slip in the Rovers that Joel was involved in some sort of physical altercation before his death, Betsy is horrified…

Carla’s movements that night also come into question when Ryan (Ryan Prescott) queries whether she has been fully honest with her account of the evening.

Carla insists that she had only nipped out briefly to turn off the lights at the factory, and when she later repeats this to Bobby (Jack Carroll), it’s pointed out that the police actually believe she was at home the entire time with him and Ryan.



At the police station, Kit is annoyed when Lisa treads on his toes and suggests that if Joel was intending to flee on the night that he died, then surely he would have had more of his personal belongings with him. She points out that finding these items could be crucial in identifying his killer.


Lisa is fuming when she later learns that a formal complaint has been made about her, and she’s quick to point the finger at Kit and Daisy…

2) Will Nick and Toyah get back together?

Over at Victoria Court, Toyah (Georgia Taylor) returns to the flat to check in on Sam (Jude Riordan), whilst dad Nick (Ben Price) remains at the hospital awaiting news on Gail (Helen Worth).

Sam isn’t too happy to see her, given that his dad’s affair with Toyah was the reason for his break-up with Leanne (Jane Danson), but his stance softens when Toyah apologises to him.


By the time Nick returns home, he’s stunned to find the pair bonding over model-making. Impressed by Toyah’s ability to win Sam over, Nick declares that he is still in love with her.

I think the way he sees it is that he’s got one chance,” Ben Price tells us. “He knows if he doesn’t say it now, then he’s always going to think I wish I’d said it.


A passionate kiss follows, but the question remains as to whether the two could really make a go of things after the pain they’ve caused.

Toyah doesn’t respond that well, she’s not sure,” Ben continues. “I think Nick knows that she still has feelings for him, but it’s certainly not her running straight back into his arms. This is an adult relationship, it’s not like they’re 18, there is a lot to work out, this is Leanne’s sister and that’s also still in the mix.


Later in the week, Leanne tells Nick that she’s not sure she can face being front-of-house at the bistro following all the drama with The Institute, and tasks Nick with hiring someone new.


Toyah is surprised when Nick subsequently offers her the position of bistro manager, suggesting they make a formidable team and that it would gradually normalise their presence together in Leanne’s life. But how will Leanne react to such a bold move?

He doesn’t think Leanne will see it out but this is business and for Nick there’s part of him that just thinks it will be good for business,” Ben adds. “She’s good at the job. Toyah points out how awkward it’s going to be but I don’t think Nick’s that great at that stuff.

He’s good at compartmentalising his feelings. With his family, on the whole, Nick plays the middle ground. With this I decided when I was playing it, no, he’s done. Leanne did things that couldn’t be taken back, she doesn’t hold back with Nick and now he’s decided I’m just going to say it how it is, I’m going to say how I really feel.

3) David is caught out by Jesse

At the hospital, tensions are high amongst the Platt siblings following Gail’s heart attack, and as they sit at her bedside David can’t help but feel responsible after they argued over Gail’s relationship with Jesse (John Thomson).


After seemingly discovering Damon’s (Ciaran Griffiths) missing money in the cupboard under the stairs at No.8, Jesse is particularly suspicious of David, and when David later snaps at him Jesse appears to have his answer.

When David hears from Shona (Julia Goulding) that Jesse has gone back to No.8 alone, he panics.

David is worried about why Jesse has gone back to the house, when really he should be at Gail’s bedside,” Jack P Shepherd explains. “He decides he is going to go and see what Jesse is up to and whether he is on to him.


David realises the money is no longer there and Jesse appears behind him with a bag, and says, “Looking for this sunshine?”. David is frustrated that Jesse now has this over him and could tell everyone, after all it’s dirty money, isn’t it?

Meanwhile, it appears that the Platts are now in the clear with Damon’s brother Harvey (Will Mellor) over the missing cash, when Damon rings Sarah and tells her he’s managed to shift the blame onto one of Harvey’s associates, taking a beating in the process.

Sarah is relieved, but is then saddened when Damon declares that should now cease all contact, drawing a final line under their relationship.

Later in the week, Jesse has a shocking announcement for the Platts… Is he about to spill about David’s misdemeanour?

4) Cassie and Steve give in to temptation

At No.1, Cassie (Claire Sweeney) is excited for her upcoming trip to Portugal with Ken (William Roache).

Cassie had overheard Ken talking about a premium bonds win, and has successfully managed to persuade him that he should splash out on a flash holiday in Porto, and take her along as a companion.


Next week, the pair are planning their daily excursions before they head out shopping for some holiday outfits. Steve (Simon Gregson) tries to mask his jealousy about their trip, particularly since he’s still holding a torch for Cassie, and is stunned to see Cassie looking particularly fetching in a new jacket she’s bought.

Later in the week, Steve is quick to take the mickey when Cassie reveals that she’s going on a date that evening, but Cassie dismisses his petty jabs as jealousy.

However, when the date doesn’t go as planned, Steve is a disappointed Cassie’s knight in shining armour as he takes her out to the Rovers and gives her self-esteem a boost.



Their spark well and truly rekindled, the pair finally give in to temptation and end up spending the night together at No.1, with Ken completely oblivious the next morning.

When Ken explains to grandson Adam (Sam Robertson) that he’s forked out for business class tickets for himself and Cassie, Adam is concerned that Ken is running himself into debt. Still in the dark about Ken’s windfall, Adam shares his worries with Steve who agrees that an intervention may be needed…

5) Dev tries to win back Bernie

Over at Prima Doner, Chesney (Sam Aston) finally finishes the deep clean that Dev (Jimmi Harkishin) had ordered him to do in advance of the health inspector’s expected visit.

Unfortunately for them, the inspector just happened to arrive as Chesney had to step out and leave the shop in Kirk’s (Andy Whyment) less-than-capable hands.

The shop was ordered to close down for a month, and Ches is outraged next week when he learns from Dev that, due to his zero-hours contract, he will not be paid for that entire month.



With Gemma (Dolly-Rose Campbell) and five kids to support, Ches is forced to take on a minimum-wage second job as a delivery driver to make ends meet.

When Bernie (Jane Hazlegrove), Gemma and the quads return from their trip away to the Lakes, Bernie is furious that partner Dev would put her daughter’s family in that position, leaving their relationship on the brink.

When the quads’ birthday comes around later that week, things have not improved between Dev and Bernie, with Asha (Tanisha Gorey) suggesting that Dev needs to come up with a big romantic gesture to get Bernie back on side.


As Dev, Asha and Aadi (Adam Hussain) head over to No.5 to join the party, Dev follows Asha’s advice with a plan to surprise Bernie… but what does he have in store?

6) Billy makes a decision about his career

Dev isn’t the only one to be clashing with Bernie on her return, as son-in-law Billy (Daniel Brocklebank) continues to disapprove of Bernie’s plan to send Paul’s (Peter Ash) ashes into space.

Having been given a small box of Paul’s ashes by Bernie, Billy refuses to give them up in order for her to add them to the rest.


Meanwhile, Billy decides it’s finally time to resume work and meets up with the bishop to arrange his return, but as he begins to go through the mountain of paperwork, he comes to a big decision…

Later, Bernie receives word that Paul’s ashes have been released into space, and plans to hold a special screening of the video they are sending through.

The Rovers is picked as the venue, and Bernie is surprised when she receives word from Jenny that the buffet has been paid for by an anonymous donor… realising immediately that it’ll be Dev.


But when Billy hears word about the screening he is horrified, and rages at Bernie over the planned event.

7) Mason saves Liam’s life

Liam (Charlie Wrenshall) finds himself with an unexpected saviour next week, in the form of his former bully Mason Radcliffe. Mason’s tormenting of Liam had led him to despair last year, to the point where he had considered ending his own life.


Not long released from the young offenders institute, where he spent a few months incarcerated after Liam spoke up about Mason threatening him with a knife, Mason has been attempting to rebuild his life away from the influence of his older brothers.

On Friday, Liam is distracted listening to his headphones whilst on Rosamund Street, and doesn’t notice Chesney approaching at speed in his car as he steps out onto the road.

Luckily, Mason is nearby and grabs Liam, pulling him to safety just in the nick of time.


After Ches checks that Liam is okay, Liam is taken aback when Mason apologises to him for everything that happened between them, assuring him that he’s no longer the person he used to be.


Although they’re unlikely to become besties anytime soon, Liam is seemingly willing to accept that Mason is a changed man and thanks him for stepping in at the right moment.


But when Dev spots the pair talking from afar, he notes that the conversation seems intense, and fearing the worst he informs Gary (Mikey North). Will Gary take matters into his own hands and do something he may regret?

8) Kit uses Ryan’s knowledge to his advantage

Elsewhere, Ryan and Kit have a beer together in the bistro where they discuss Ryan’s recent decision to end his relationship with Daisy. Ryan feels it was the right decision, but is completely unaware that Kit is carrying a torch for his ex.


As Ryan tells Kit all about Daisy and her expectations in a relationship, Kit is secretly making mental notes in order to woo Daisy.



Daisy’s stunned when Kit later announces that he’s obsessed with watching The Real Housewives of Cheshire, and as he lays out her favourite chocolate he’s chuffed that his intel is working to his advantage.

When Ryan later lets slip to Kit that The Holiday is one of Daisy’s favourite films, Kit is quick to make it his suggestion for that evening’s viewing as they mark his final night living at the Rovers.

As Kit continues to work his charm with Daisy, Ryan is shocked when he realises what has been going on, and confronts Kit… how will he react?