Ali Edmonds

Ali Edmonds (2009)
Ashleigh Cummings
Episodes: 4970–4971; 4984
Occupation: Student
Ali was a Summer Bay High student in the same year as Xavier et al. She and her friend Rosie O’Connor were planning to throw a Halloween party at the abandoned and supposedly haunted Beckett shack and Xavier and Romeo agreed to accompany them in checking it out. Romeo tried to freak the others out by claiming to hear crying, before admitting he’d made it up, prompting the girls to leave. Ali ran into Romeo and Xavier the next day at the surf club and they told her they had found Bambang Rahardjo hiding in the shack and the police had cordoned it off, meaning they would have to find somewhere else for the party. Ali was flirtatious towards Xavier, who tried to tell her he wasn’t over Ruby after their break-up. However when Ruby came in with new boyfriend Geoff, Xavier responded by kissing Ali in the middle of her suggesting it was the best way to get over a break-up.
Ali ended up having to miss the party after her parents wouldn’t let her out, and as a result, both she and Rosie were left convinced they were dating Xavier. After spending time with him at the surf club, Ali invited herself along to dinner at his house, bringing apple pie, in an already tense evening where Gina was forcing Xavier to spend time with her new boyfriend John. The tension level was upped further when Rosie also turned up for dinner, and the two girls ended up sitting either side of Xavier and sniping at each other until Gina finally brought an end to things and the girls left.