Sam Barlow

Sam Barlow (1988)
Jeff Truman
Episodes: 14–65
Marital Status: Kerry Barlow (pre-1988, deceased)
Children: Sandra Barlow
Occupation: Roadwork Foreman, Garbage Collector
Tom’s boss as a roadworker, he took an instant dislike to Tom. He later ws seen punishing his daughter Sandra and was furious to find out from Tom that Sandra had been spending a lot of time with Steven. He caught Steven and Sandra studying together and Steven introduced himself but Sam threatened him to keep away from his daughter.
Sandra turned up the next day with bruises and admitted her father hit her and Sam meanwhile taunted Tom about Carly having no morals hence why she was raped and the two men got into a fight ending with Tom quitting his job. Tom’s fellow employees walked out in protest though and Sam was fired and Tom given his job. He was forced to get a job as a garbage collector and got drunk before lashing out at his wife and daughter.
Steven guessed that he might be the one responsible for poisoning Nico’s cow and took a photo of him to show to Nico, who identified him as the person responsible. Sam was furious when Bob Barnett questioned him and took his anger out on his wife and daughter. Blaming The Fletchers for him losing his job and being a suspect in the poisoning case he turned up at Pippa’s house to torment her. He badly beat his wife to the point where she was hospitalised after finding out that she had given Sandra an alibi to attend Steven’s birthday party.
He cancelled a holiday when Sandra didn’t do very well on a history test and when Sandra gave him lip he beat her so badly that she ended up in hospital. He tried to claim she had fallen off a chair and tried sucking up to Bob Barnett but he didn’t believe him. He made Kelly trick Sandra into coming home and locked her in her room and sent a note to Steven telling him she had left town. Kelly took a huge risk in breaking Sandra out of the house and received a beating for her troubles but Sandra had gone straight to the Police and Bob Barnett turned up to witness Sam beating her. In the ensuing chaos Sam managed to grab Barnett’s gun and held them both hostage.
Tom and Steven turned up looking for Sandra and then Sandra herself turned up accompanied by Ailsa and told her father how much she hated him. Riled, Sam fired a shot. The victim was later revealed to have been his wife Kelly and Sam was not allowed to come to the funeral as he was in custody.