Dale Jenkins

Dale Jenkins (2007)
Blair Cutting
Episodes: 4429/4515
Occupation: Editor of the Coastal News
Dale Jenkins was the Editor of the Coastal News, and a friend of Alf’s, who arrived at the Surf Club to announce the winner of the newspaper’s ‘Search for a Historian’ competition. The entrants had to write a factual piece on Summer Bay history and Dale announced it was won by Madge Wilkins, much to Colleen’s dismay. However, Alf told him that there were errors in the piece she had written so he then accounced that the only other entrant had won the competition instead, Colleen.
Dale was next seen months later when Belle invited him to her final year exhibition. Belle was worried as her final work had been ruined but when Dale saw it he was impressed as he thought what she had done was a brave statement. We later found out he had asked to see her portfolio and said she was the ideal candidate for a Cadetship at newspaper.