Pat Jenkins
Pat Jenkins
Lachlan Buchanan
Episodes: 4655 – 4670
Pat was first seen passionately making out with Ruby. Ross Buckton quizzed Pat on what he did for a living and was unimpressed to find that Pat was the maintenence guy at Ruby’s school and that Rub was expelled over her relationship with him. He was further unimpressed when Ruby announced that she and Pat were using a double swag.
The next day they were kissing in Noah’s but Pat pulled back and told Ruby that he thought she was only using him to get a reaction from her father but Ruby insisted that she really loved him. He later informed Ross that Ruby intended to stay in Summer Bay and enroll a Summer Bay High and Ross told him he was unimpressed wih Pat’s relaionship with Ruby. Pat insisted that he cared for Ruby and was there for her because nobody else was.
Pat told Ruby about his clash with Ross but before Ruby could lay into Ross, Ross apologised to Pat. Charlie though wasn’t so forgiving and pointed out that sleeping in Pat’s car was illegal and that there weren’t many emploment opporunities in town. Pat checked the paper for jobs but found nothing and remarked to Ruby that he didn’t even have a reference. He later told her he was leaving the bay because he doesn’t think their relationship would work in the long run and that evenually she’ll ditch him. Ruby thanked him for being there for her and the shared a passionate kiss before he departed for good.