Chelsea Murphy

Chelsea Hutchins/Murphy (2009)
Georgia Gorman
Episode: 4839
Marital status: Liam Murphy (divorced)
Child: Ash Murphy
Occupation: Model
The first time we saw Chelsea Murphy was on the news where she was holding her son and trying to avoid the paparazzi who were following her to ask questions about Liam, his drug abuse and his admission to rehab.
Later that day, Chelsea came to visit Liam in rehab. They had an argument about a cosmetics deal she lost because of him and his drug abuse. She told Liam that if he didn’t stop taking drugs, their relationship would be over. A paparazzo who was hiding at the clinic took the opportunity to take some shots of the arguing couple. Liam lost it and threw a chair towards the paparazzo. This behaviour only made things worse between him and Chelsea. She left the place furious.
When Liam came back to the Bay for good, he mentioned that he had agreed to a divorce and that Chelsea and Ash were now living in Paris.