Jenena Palmer

Jenena Palmer (2009)
Anna Lise Phillips
Episodes: 4866-4910
Children: Trey Palmer
Marital Status: John Palmer (divorced)
Occupation: Bank manager
The mother of Trey and wife of John Palmer, Jenena was first seen being followed around town by Gardy. When she got home, a balaclava-clad Gardy forced his way into the house, held her and Trey at gunpoint and tied them up.Unknown to Jenena or Gardy, Nicole was hiding in Trey’s room and managed to call Roman, who chased Gardy off without any of the others learning his identity.Afterwards, Jenena was questioned by Charlie along with the others but was unable to give any useful information.When Roman confronted Gardy about the incident, he explained that Jenena was the manager of a bank and he had wanted her to take him there and open the safe.
Jenena was next seen when Alf and Martin Bartlett saw her in the Diner after the school trek, which Trey had been on and John had been driver for, and learned the party weren’t back yet.Jenena went to the hospital when Trey was brought in, claiming that he’d run off after an argument with John and then collapsed from exhaustion.She was horrified when she learned that, in fact, he had placed a bomb under the bus containing John, Kirsty and the rest of the school party and that it would have already gone off.(In fact, John had directed Hugo and Martha to defuse it.)He insisted they deserved it for the way they’d treated him and begged her to help him.She was seen in the hospital corridor when Constable Watson arrived to find Trey gone.
Jenena went home to find Trey packing his bags and told him to do what she said.She smuggled him past a road block in her car, telling Charlie Trey had been home but run off when she asked him to turn himself in.She then drove him to the city, saying she could only live with herself if she gave him a chance to get away.She was interviewed by Charlie and Angelo and didn’t tell them where Trey was but said that she blamed herself for his behaviour, since she should have realised the strong hand that John, Trey’s stepfather, had offered wasn’t what he needed.
A few days later, Jenena received a phone message from Trey saying he wanted it to be over.She hurried to the hospital to see John, who had suffered minor injuries from a secondary explosion, and wasn’t comforted by his assertion that the police would find Trey soon.She left the hospital when Kirsty arrived to see John, unaware that Trey was lurking nearby.She was last seen at the police station after Kirsty had talked Trey into turning himself in, where she thanked Kirsty for what she’d done.A few months later, John revealed that he and Jenena had split up and she’d moved to the city to be close to the institution where Trey was.