Randy Evans

Randall Evans (1992)
Murray Bartlett
Episodes: 954970

Occupation: Electrician, Navy officer

Randy was first seen at the diner, asking Lucinda about how to join the surf club. Whilst playing pool, he met Finlay and instantly took a liking to her. He drove her home in his panel van and met an unimpressed Michael, hanging around for a coffee and a chat. He called her early the next morning and met Finlay and Sophie for a milkshake. Michael wasn’t impressed with the amount of time the pair were spending together, but Finlay refused to listen. Randy opened up to her that he joined the navy following his parents leaving for New Zealand, which upset his father who had put him on as an apprentice at 15. Since leaving the navy, he has been driving around Australia, doing casual electrician work. When Randy joined the family for dinner, Michael asked him to leave town, telling him Finlay would move on from him. Despite Michael’s pushing, Finlay refused to let him interfere in her relationship. Trying to convince Michael of Randy’s worth, Finlay took him down to the boatshed and the pair worked together on a boat. Michael offered him a job, but Randy decided against it. After telling Finlay that he was leaving on his next adventure, he kissed Finlay and left.

Randy returned a week later, wanting to take Finlay away for a weekend with his friends. Michael was dead against the idea, despite Randy and Finlay’s attempts to talk him around. Michael and Pippa told Finlay that if she went, she wouldn’t be welcome home, but she decided to go anyway. Randy introduced Finlay to his friend Scotty who made her feel uncomfortable. Scotty then drugged Randy, upsetting Finlay and she left with one of his friends before Scotty could put the moves on her, ending her relationship with Randy. He returned a few days later, shocked to learn that Finlay has moved out of the Summer Bay House. He tried to talk her around, but it ended in a fight. Randy decided to move on, but before leaving, visited Michael and Pippa giving them food for thought about forgiving Finlay, which led to them fostering her.