Jane Wallis

Jane Wallis (2007)
Wendy Strehlow
Episodes: 4456-4457
Occupation: School Inspector
Jane was an Inspector from the Department of Education who came to Summer Bay High to investigate the allegations against Naomi Preston and Brad Armstrong. She started by interviewing Lucas Holden about his relationship with Naomi. She then asked Naomi about what happened when she arrived at Summer Bay High and discovered Lucas was a student. Naomi lied to Jane about Brad knowing about her relationship with Lucas from the beginning. When Jane interviewed Brad he told her Naomi was lying.
Later in the day, Jane wanted to talk to Sally and told her that she had found out that Brad was sacked from his last job by being caught on school premises with marijuana. Sally argued that it had no bearing on the case but Jane said it had compromised his credibility. Jane then said she would like to attend the P & C meeting that evening in case there were any questions about the case. Before the meeting Jane told Sally that she was impressed with the way she defended Brad. However, when she found out at the meeting that Sally was in a relationship with Brad, she wasn’t impressed. She said she was astounded that Sally had intentionally kept the information from her and that her statement regarding Brad had no credibility due to her conflict of interest.
The next day she called Brad in to discuss the situation regarding the marijuana. He explained that it was for Emily, to ease the pain of her cancer, but Jane didn’t believe him and thought he was using Emily to hide his habit. Brad asked Rachel to explain to Jane how marijuana could be used in medicine as pain relief. Jane was satisfied with the explanation and agreed not to include the matter in her report. She said that the case came down to Brad’s word against Naomi’s and that she would submit her report in the next few days. After Jane left the office, Sally caught up with her and told her what Lucas had said about Naomi sleeping with Tony. Sally didn’t want the information to go in the official report as she didn’t want it to become public knowledge. However, Jane said that she couldn’t consider the matter unless it was on the record. Sally told her that they couldn’t do that and hurt Lucas anymore than he had been already and Jane left without saying a word. We later found out that Brad was permanently stepped down to a teaching position and Sally replaced him as Principal.