2000 to 2002

A list of the various Changes to the Blue Underwater Credits  which aired from 2000 until 2002.

Version 1

Hayley, Sam, Gypsy, Will, Justine, Vinnie, Sally, Harry, Shauna, Tom, Peta, Mitch, Duncan, James, Natalie, Joel, Irene, Don, Ailsa, Alf, Edward, Judith

Version 2

Hayley, Sam, Gypsy, Will, Ken, Vinnie, Sally, Harry, Shauna, Tom, Peta, Mitch, Duncan, Colleen, Natalie, Joel, Irene, Don, Ailsa, Alf, Edward, Judith

Version 3

Hayley, Nick, Gypsy, Will, Ken, Vinnie, Sally, Harry, Shauna, Leah, Peta, Mitch, Duncan, Colleen, a boat, Joel, Irene, Don, Ailsa, Alf, Edward, Judith

Version 4

Hayley, Nick, Will, Irene, Sally, Shauna, Leah, Vinnie, Gypsy, Harry, Ailsa, Alf, Duncan, Mitch, Don, Joel, Judith, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade.

Version 5

Hayley, Nick, Will, Irene, Sally, Shauna, Leah, Vinnie, Gypsy, Harry, Ailsa, Alf, Duncan, Mitch, Don, a boat, Judith, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade.

Version 6

Hayley, Nick, Will, Irene, Sally, Shauna, Leah, Vinnie, Gypsy, Alf, Duncan, Don, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Brodie, Noah, Jude, Mitch.

Version 7

Hayley, Nick, Will, Irene, Sally, Shauna, Leah, Vinnie, Gypsy, Alf, Duncan, Don, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Brodie, Noah, Jude, Alex.

Version 8

Hayley, Nick, Will, Irene, Sally, Shauna, Leah, Vinnie, Gypsy, Alf, Don, Seb, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Brodie, Noah, Jude, Alex.

Version 9

Hayley, Nick, Will, Irene, Sally, Flynn, Leah, Vinnie, Gypsy, Alf, Don, Seb, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Brodie, Noah, Jude, Alex.

Version 10

Hayley, Nick, Irene, Sally, Flynn, Vinnie, Leah, Alex, Alf, Don, Seb, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Brodie, Noah, Jude, Charlotte, Josh.

Version 11

Hayley, Nick, Irene, Sally, Flynn, Leah, Alex, Alf, Don, Seb, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Brodie, Noah, Jude, Charlotte, Josh.

Version 12

Hayley, Nick, Irene, Noah, Sally, Flynn, Leah, Alex, Alf, Don, Seb, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Max, Brodie, Charlotte, Josh.

Version 13

Hayley, Nick, Irene, Noah, Sally, Flynn, Leah, Alex, Alf, Don, Seb, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Max, Brodie, Josh.

Version 14

Hayley, Nick, Irene, Noah, Sally, Flynn, Leah, Alex, Alf, Don, Seb, Colleen, Shelley, Rhys, Dani, Kirsty, Jade, Max, Jesse, Josh.
Credits Centre > Credits List > 2000 to 2002
Bold Listings indicate New Characters / Added Shots

Italic Listings indicate changed shots for already present characters