A list of the various Changes to the 2004-2005 Season Credits.
Version 1
Sally and Flynn holding a flower
Hayley, Kim and Scott mucking about with a hose
Beth, Barry and Irene with a bunch of flowers
Robbie and Tasha with a butterfly
Alf throwing his hat with Jesse behind him
Ric, Matilda, Cassie and Henry in a photograph
Colleen gossiping with a bored-looking Josie
Dan and Leah holding a picture frameVersion 2
Sally and Flynn holding a flower
Hayley, Kim and Scott mucking about with a hose
Beth, Barry and Irene with a bunch of flowers
Robbie and Tasha with a butterfly
Alf watching Martha and Jesse hugging
Ric, Matilda, Cassie and Henry in a photograph
Colleen gossiping with a bored-looking Josie
Dan and Leah holding a picture frameVersion 3
Sally and Flynn holding a flower
Hayley, Kim and Scott mucking about with a hose
Beth, Barry and Irene with a bunch of flowers
Robbie and Tasha with a butterfly
Alf watching Martha and Jesse hugging
Ric, Matilda, and Cassie in a photograph
Colleen gossiping with a bored-looking Josie
Dan and Leah holding a picture frameVersion 4
Sally and Flynn holding a flower
Hayley, Kim and Scott mucking about with a hose
Barry getting sprayed by Irene's watering can after she sees a bird
Robbie and Tasha with a butterfly
Alf watching Martha and Jesse hugging
Ric, Matilda, and Cassie in a photograph
Colleen and Beth gossiping
Dan and Leah holding a picture frameVersion 5
Sally and Flynn holding a flower
Hayley, Kim and Scott mucking about with a hose
Barry getting sprayed by Irene's watering can after she sees a bird
Robbie and Tasha with a butterfly
Alf hugging Martha
Ric, Matilda, and Cassie in a photograph
Colleen and Beth gossiping
Dan and Leah holding a picture frameVersion 6
Sally and Flynn holding a flower
Hayley, Kim and Scott mucking about with a hose
Barry getting sprayed by Irene's watering can after she sees a bird
Robbie and Tasha with a butterfly
Lucas, Tony and Jack playing footie on the beach
Alf hugging Martha
Ric, Matilda, and Cassie in a photograph
Colleen and Beth gossiping
Dan and Leah holding a picture frameVersion 7
Sally and Flynn holding a flower
Hayley, Kim and Scott mucking about with a hose
Beth, Barry and Irene with a bunch of flowers
Robbie and Tasha with a butterfly
Lucas, Tony and Jack playing footie on the beach
Alf hugging Martha
Ric, Matilda, and Cassie in a photograph
Amanda twirling in front of Colleen
Dan and Leah holding a picture frameVersion 8
Sally and Flynn holding a flower
Hayley (new actress), Kim and Scott mucking about with a hose
Beth, Barry and Irene with a bunch of flowers
Robbie and Tasha with a butterfly
Lucas, Tony and Jack playing footie on the beach
Alf hugging Martha
Ric, Matilda, and Cassie in a photograph
Amanda twirling in front of Colleen
Dan and Leah holding a picture frame |
Bold Listings indicate New Characters /
Added Shots Italic Listings indicate
changed shots for already present characters |