First Episode: 2416 (29th June 1998)
Last Episode: 2455 (21st August 1998)
Added: Vinnie, Will, Joel, Natalie, Gypsy & Tom
Removed: Lachlan
In this set of titles introduced in June 1998, all character shots were refreshed, with a number of new additions.
The Nash family had been introduced over four months previously, and only now were they added to the titles, with solo shots for Joel, Natalie and Gypsy. The fourth member of the family, Tom, was put into shared shot with Aaron.
Vinnie Patterson was also added in a shot with Jesse, having been reintroduced as a regular in November 1997, whilst Will Smith was also added in a solo shot, having first appeared on the show in February.
Lachlan Fraser was removed, following his exit from the show the previous week.
It’s also worth noting the rather unsightly blue blob in the top left corner of Sam’s shot, which we can only presume was the result of a masking error in the colour grading.