UK Air Date: 4th April 1989
Writer: Ray Harding
Director: Mark Piper
Cat No: HAW-037
Lance and Martin defy Barlow, while Carly faces her critics.
Girl who laughed at the thought of Fisher being abducted.
Extended Summary
Fisher talks to Carly in his office. He wants to mention in front of the class during assembly what happened to Carly when she was attacked to warn other kids of the risks of hitch-hiking. Carly does no want him to say anything about it even though most of the kids in the school already know about it. Bobby is waiting for Carly when Carly comes out of the office; Bobby’s about to go to Fisher when she is stopped by Carly.
Tom comes home and tells Pippa about the fight with Barlow. Tom has quit the job as a roadworker.
Martin and Lance and the rest of the roadworkers in the gang go on strike. They demand another worker on the gang since Tom left. Martin and Lance visit the fletchers and fill Pippa and Tom with the news of the strike. Tom is very pleased after hearing the news.
Martin and Lance are about to taste their first bottle of their homemade booze. They are doubtful to take the first zip in case it is bad. Celia comes along and they act innocently and lie that it is only lemon juice!
Celia apologises to Carly for telling everyone of Carly’s attack earlier. Carly gets angry with her instead of thanking her for the apology.
Martin and Lance want Bobby to take the first taste of their homemade booze. She doesn’t want to but Carly tastes it and thinks it’s OK.
Celia cries and talks to Ailsa about why Carly won’t forgive her.
Steven is at Sandra’s house after school and Barlow comes home earlier than expected. Sandra tells Steven he has to leave in order to avoid Barlow seeing him.
Tom checks out the newspapers to find a new job.
Carly tells Tom and Pippa that Fisher will talk about her in assembly tomorrow. They do not like the idea but Carly thinks it will be OK.
Steven tells Tom that Barlow often hit Sandra. Tom says it’s not so easy to stop it without real evidence and it’s hard if Sandra does not say anything about it.
Fisher has organised the talk at the assembly about the risks of hitchhiking. Carly takes a drink of Martin and Lance’s homemade booze and then steps in during Fisher’s speech. She says she wants to talk about it herself in front of the class. She speaks about it and everyone is very emotionally touched about it even the students who picked on Carly.
Ola Carlsson, 1999