Episode 284

Australian Air Date: 13th April 1989
UK Air Date: 19th March 1990
Writer: Jennifer Mellet
Director: Gaye Arnold
Cat No: HAW-284

Morag’s generosity shocks Summer Bay.

Twelfth appearance, last seen in #276. Reaffirmed Celia’s decision to evict Bobby, Frank, Phil and Stacey.

Extended Summary

Martin hasn’t noticed that Lance is gone.

Steven and Rebecca is near water in forest again where Rebecca practised flute the last time. They talk and swim. Rebecca starts crying because swimming in there reminds her of Alan since they used to swim there a long time ago. She talks to Steven about it. (Emotional music plays).

Nigel is shopping in Celia’s store and talks to Celia.

Morag asks Ailsa if she can rent the back room in the Diner from her. Morag plans to start the youth centre in the back room. Ailsa reckons that Morag is only using the idea of a youth centre in order to appear more “human” than she really is. Ailsa don’t say a definitely now however. She says she will think about it.

Celia tells Bobby and Frank that they can stay in their flat for as long as they wish. Stacey and Phil included. Celia wanted them to move out a while ago.

Bobby explains to Fisher that Rebecca is upset over Alan’s death. Bobby, Rebecca and Fisher go down to beach so Rebecca also can say goodbye to Alan since she couldn’t go to his funeral.

Rebecca reads a poem for Alan to say goodbye to him at beach. Bobby knows the poem too. Rebecca cries. (Emotional music plays)

Ola Carlsson, 1999