Sophie decides Blake is not mature enough for her. Wendy finds out about Bobby’s pregnancy, placing Bobby’s life in danger.

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Karen sends an anonymous love letter to Steven. Chris disappears, taking young Susie with him.

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Wendy and Susie are reunited. Steven believes Sophie is his anonymous admirer.

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Carly receives a surprise inheritance from her grandmother. Adam is jealous of Marilyn’s new boyfriend.

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Marilyn dumps Vince in the hope that she and Adam will get together. Carly’s inheritance is worth thousands of dollars.

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Carly discovers a way to buy a boatshed. Ailsa realises Karen is Steven’s anonymous admirer.

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Karen becomes physically ill at the thought of being discovered as Steven’s secret admirer. Carly fears Bobby may be leading on an admirer.

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Steven discovers the identity of his anonymous admirer. Alf’s cousin Jennifer arrives in town under mysterious circumstances.

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Jennifer reveals the reason for her sudden arrival in Summer Bay. Blake and Sophie confront an awkward issue.

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Geoff’s mother wants Bobby to stay away from her son. Adam and Marilyn reach the point of no return.

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Sophie is determined to find a boyfriend for Karen. Marilyn never wants to see Adam again.

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Carly loses her inheritance. Marilyn asks Adam to move out.

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Grant is suspicious of a newcomer to Summer Bay. Karen decides Blake and Sophie need to be taught a lesson.

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Steven misses school to visit Jennifer. Grant is concerned about Alan Stone’s classroom manner.

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Ben thinks Carly is trying to defraud the insurance company. Pippa discovers Steven is taking days off school.

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Matt decides who will move out of the beach house. Karen humiliates Blake.

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Karen has a run-in with Mr Stone. Ben discovers the identity of Steven’s new love.

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Blake continues to be suspicious of Alan Stone. Steven realises he must reveal his true age to Jennifer.

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Carly faces a dilemma. Steven deceives Pippa to avoid a confrontation with Jennifer.

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Pippa makes Carly’s dream come true. Geoff’s hard work pays off.

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