UK Air Date: 24th January 1991
Writer: Maureen Ann Moran
Director: Michael Sergi
Cat No: HAW-501
Sally avoids the unwanted advances of a local boy and Ben tells Carly the wedding is off.
Extended Summary
Sally is out in the garden, using Tom’s binoculars. She tells Tom that a guy called Mullet Jensen is “pestering” her at school. She explains that she doesn’t like him.
Sally walks with Carly to school. Mullet turns up and walks with them as well. Sally is annoyed. Carly thinks the whole thing is funny and leaves the two of them to walk.
Celia is convinced that Grant is guilty of what Vicki accuses him of.
Grant meditates in his caravan. Alf turns up. He surprises Grant during his meditation. Alf asks him to join him to catch crabs. Alf manages to talk Grant into it.
Bobby is upset as Carly agreed to have the wedding in Perth despite Tom and Pippa’s feelings towards it.
Bobby hates the idea to have the wedding in Perth as Tom and Pippa will probably have a hard time to be able to afford the trip to Perth.
Ben tries to fix a broken toast machine that belongs to Tom and Pippa. Tom did have a look at it first but gave up.
Tom and Pippa are still upset about Ben and Carly having the wedding in Perth. They talk to Ben and Ben says that his family will pay for the wedding. Tom says that he and Pippa will be paying for it instead. He is upset and doesn’t like that the fact that Tom and Pippa are being excluded out of the wedding arrangements.
Ben and Carly talk about the wedding problems.
Alf and Grant are out fishing crabs in a boat. Alf shows Grant a large crab which he is feeding to get bigger.
Celia talks badly of Grant to Fisher behind Grant’s back. Grant walks in with Alf and overhears her talking. He is upset as he is totally innocent but Celia believes otherwise.
Sally walks into the Diner disguised with sunglasses to avoid Mullet. Ailsa sees her and talks to her.
Sally is angry with Carly and feels that she does not think about her family’s feelings anymore as she agreed with Ben to have the wedding in Perth.
Sally plays hard to get to make Mullet lose interest in her eventually since she doesn’t like him but he likes her. She talks to Tom and Pippa about it.
Sally talks to Mullet when he is out fishing. She tells him that he has to do what she says. He agrees to it. He explains that he really likes her. She says: “don’t get mushy!” and runs off.
Carly talks to Tom and Pippa. After a while, Carly says that the wedding will be in Summer Bay instead. She says she will talk Ben around as it means so much to Tom and Pippa.
Carly talks to Ben about it. They argue about it for a while. Ben lays down an ultimatum to have the wedding in Perth or the whole wedding is off! Carly is angry.
Ola Carlsson, 2000
Guest Cast
Grant Mitchell
- Grant has a younger sister Debbie, studying at university. His father runs a plastic garden-furniture business.