Episode 550

Australian Air Date: 1st June 1990
UK Air Date: 3rd April 1991
Writer: Mary Dagmar Davies
Director: Michael Ailwood

Fisher is a sore loser when it comes to competitive sports. A misunderstanding puts a stop to Emma and Paul’s budding romance.

Extended Summary

Paul returns to the surf club to look for the music for “Emma’s Song” that he left behind. Steven appears and asks what he’s looking for but they’re interrupted by Adam. Paul stomps off and Adam asks Steven for a hand moving his stuff. Steven asks what it’s for but Adam hands him a magic wand and says a good magician never gives away his secrets!

Adam brings all his magic stuff into the beach house. He needs all the practise he can get to impress Emma. Marilyn is counting the rent money. They’ve made it, but there’s nothing left for household expenses and they wonder what they’re going to eat.

At Summer Bay House, Ben and Grant are getting ready to go and play tennis. Sally convinces them to let her come by offering to be ball girl. Ben doesn’t want Sally taking Dag Dog as well but Carly tells him not to be mean. Pippa finds a tennis racket for Ben but Grant is amused by how old it is. Pippa says it’s autographed and is a collector’s item.

Marilyn gets off the phone from Ernie Jacobs who isn’t in a hurry for the rent. Marilyn thinks they may have judged him unfairly and she’s considering voting for him! Adam tells her she has to vote for Bobby but Marilyn says she doesn’t even use the oval and she can vote for whoever she likes.

Emma is waiting for Adam at the Diner and tells Carly it’s not a date; they have to practise the magic act for the amateur night. She shows Carly Paul’s music and tells her about him running off. Carly says it’s romantic; she was right about Paul liking Emma. Emma wants to get the music back to Paul without him knowing she took it.

Ben and Grant are warming up at the tennis court and Sally is already bored. Alf and Donald arrive to play; the court is double booked! Ben suggests doubles and Donald insists they play strictly by the book and he will be umpire. Ben suggests he partner Donald but Alf thinks he’s implying they’re over the hill.

Paul is at Summer Bay House talking to Steven. He’s worried someone might find his music and tell Emma. Pippa leaves to help Carly at the Diner. Paul thinks Emma must be back on with Adam or they wouldn’t be doing the magic act together.

Emma and Adam are practising the act at the beach house. Marilyn has put on an outfit (well, it’s more of a swimming costume with feathers) she thinks Emma could wear but Emma doesn’t look impressed. Marilyn sends Matt to give Ernie the rent money. Emma suggests Marilyn does the act instead but Marilyn tries to convince her she’ll feel fantastic when she hears the audience clapping.

Alf hits a ball into the net and bumps into Donald. Dag Dog runs across the court and Donald tells Sally he can’t stay here. Sally goes off in a strop with Dag Dog and Donald has a go at Alf for his lack of skill. Alf tells him to lighten up. Sally goes to the Diner and complains to Pippa about Donald being a grouch. Ben and Donald argue over whether or not Donald’s ball was in. Pippa arrives and they all try to convince her to be umpire.

Ernie is setting the surf club up for the election when Matt arrives with the rent. Ernie refuses to take it because he doesn’t have his receipt book with him. Ernie grins rather disturbingly about something.

Donald gets all high pitched and irate with Pippa, insisting a ball was out, but Pippa keeps her cool with him. Donald throws his racket down and kicks it so Pippa awards the set to Ben and Grant. Donald asks for Alf’s support but Alf tells him it’s only a game. Donald tells Alf it’s his serve and Alf says that’s what he’s worried about!

Paul meets up with Steven at the Diner and tells him he couldn’t even get into the surf club. Carly overhears and says she’d be thrilled if someone wrote her a song. Paul asks how she knows about it and Carly breaks the bad news that Emma found it.

Ben and Grant win the game and Donald blames Alf for not concentrating. Alf says if Donald hadn’t argued every five minutes they might have had a chance! Pippa tells Donald he’d be a good player if he could control himself. Donald apologises and blames his perfectionism. He suggests having a game with Pippa some time but Pippa doesn’t think she could cope if she beat him!

Paul arrives at the Stewart house and demands his music back. Emma says nobody has ever written her a song before. Paul is angry and says he bets her friends had a good laugh about it. He tells her she’s not the only Emma in the word and rips up the music. Emma tells him he’s got it all wrong and that she only told Carly because she knew she shouldn’t have taken it but Paul storms out.

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