UK Air Date: 4th June 1991
Writer: Maureen Ann Moran
Director: Michael Offer
Cat No: HAW-594
Fisher wonders if he was wrong to expel Emma. Paul gives Steven an ultimatum.
Extended Summary
Pippa has a heated discussion with Emma in the kitchen in the Diner. Ailsa comes in and isn’t happy.
Emma explains that she only wanted to get back at Vicki. She is sorry for getting Pippa involved in it (since Emma wrote ‘Pippa + Fisher’ on the board). Steven feels sorry for Pippa’s sake as there will probably be a nasty rumour going around about Fisher being involved with Pippa.
Emma apologises to Fisher. She owns up about the graffiti and explains that she only wanted to get back at Vicki. Fisher is angry.
Sophie and Sally come into the Diner. Sally is a bit sad since some kids at the school are giving her a hard time about Pippa and Fisher. The kids also joked around and said that Fisher is going to be her new dad. They explain it all to Pippa and Ailsa. Pippa explains to Sally that it is just a nasty rumour.
Sally and Sophie are collecting soft-drink cans at the beach. Emma comes by. Sally yells at her and says that she hates Emma.
Emma is in Alf’s house (among all the mess in the living room, since the house is being renovated) and is feeling miserable. Ailsa talks to her. Emma is crying. Ailsa tries to cheer her up a bit (music plays).
Paul speaks to Vicki. He is talking like he is impressed about the fact that Emma had the guts to spray graffiti on the blackboard. (Paul is talking in that way just to try to get Vicki to admit that she also has the guts to do something like that and that she did set Emma up with the stolen exam papers). Vicki doesn’t own up about the exam papers anyway but it was pretty close.
Vicki deliberately walks into Marilyn in the school corridor, knocking her books down. Marilyn is offended.
Fisher speaks to Vicki in his office. He saw that she pushed Marilyn deliberately. Fisher yells at her.
Fisher speaks about Emma and that she is still saying that Vicki set her up with the stolen exam papers. Vicki still denies it of course.
Paul tells Steven that he nearly got Vicki to admit that she did set Emma up with the exam papers.
Alf tells Marilyn about the false rumour that Pippa is involved with Fisher. Marilyn is a bit surprised.
Sophie and Sally drop off the collected cans in Alf’s store since they get money for it. Sally is feeling that they earn a bit too little money for all the work they put in. Alf gives them an idea that they can ask Blake and Karen if they can help them and thereby they will be able to collect a lot more cans. Sally and Sophie will think about it.
Alf is giving Sally a little bit more money for the cans so Sally is happy even though it isn’t much money.
Pippa is proud of Sally earning some money and understanding the value of money. After that, Sally is teasing Sophie about Sophie fancying Blake.
Fisher speaks to Pippa. He is sorry for before when he wanted their friendship to develop into something more. Pippa is OK with it and feels that they should leave it behind them and that she wants to continue being friends with him.
Paul practises a piano piece in the surf club. Vicki comes by and speaks to him. Paul tries to get her to own up about setting Emma up. Vicki still won’t admit it.
Emma talks to Steven. Emma apologises for involving Pippa in the graffiti incident.
Emma talks to Paul in the surf club. Emma is very upset and sad that Paul is an item with Vicki. Paul is feeling miserable since he is only an item with Vicki just to get her to own up about setting Emma up so Emma’s name would be cleared. Paul still loves Emma and the plan was to get back with Emma after Vicki has admitted that she really did set Emma up with the stolen exam papers.
Fisher speaks to Marilyn as she is having a few problems in keeping up with the schoolwork because she is also working in Alf’s store. Fisher will give her an extension on time on the school work that has to be done from now on so Marilyn will be able to keep up. She is very grateful.
Paul is practising more with the piano in the surf club. Steven talks to him. Paul is feeling miserable since Emma is so upset. Steven admits to Paul that his plan backfired and that they should stop going ahead with the plan. Steven wants Paul to tell Emma the truth. Paul says that he won’t give up in clearing Emma’s name.
Ola Carlsson, 2000