Luke has a premonition about his missing brother’s welfare. Shane reveals his true feelings to Angel.


Angel sets Shane up as bait for an aggressive Tug. Despite his guilt, Luke refuses to give up on the search for his brother.


Angel’s set-up pays dividends when Tug tries to warn Shane off Sarah. A huge fight erupts when Greg demands access to his son.


Luke and Bill are finally reconciled. Nick warns Bobby not to shut the door on future happiness with Greg.


Bobby sadly tells Greg that their marriage is over. Disaster strikes when Damian pulls a hamstring a week before the big race.


The way is paved for a romance between the hottest teenagers in Summer Bay. A last minute hitch at the slave auction means public humiliation for Alf.


Donald effectively pulls the plug on Shane’s and Angel’s new romance. Laura tells Damian the tragic secret that has turned her into a hermit.


Fighting her own desire, Angel tells Shane to keep his distance. Damian is shocked when Laura suddenly ends their friendship.


Tug is shattered when Sarah gives back the friendship ring. Angel and Shane end up kissing despite themselves.


Greg’s hopes for a reconciliation are dashed. Shane and Angel decide to play a dangerous game.


Sally decides to join the cool gang to get a boy’s attention. Greg backs down to Bobby’s demand that he moves out of their home.


A distraught Sam blames Bobby for sending his dad away. Sally is determined to get her man, but it could prove risky.


Roxy and Luke clash when she tries to tell him she is no longer interested. Sparks fly when Tug appoints himself Bobby’s protector in Greg’s absence.


Fisher sees through Angel and Shane’s charade and realises they are lovers. Getting into the cool gang isn’t proving as easy as Sally thought.


Sally’s initiation pays off when she gets the boy of her dreams. Greg’s aggressive tactics to see Sam only serve to win him Bobby’s disgust.


Greg turns a corner in the quest to win back his wife and son. Shane admits to being the Summer Bay Snowdropper to get the heat off his affair with Angel.


Bobby breaks down and admits her confusion about her marriage. A stroke of luck may find Adam considerably richer.


Greg has new hope for reconciliation with Bobby. Shane discovers the true identity of the underwear thief.


Angel finds a new place to live – or does she? Adam is faced with a seemingly impossible task.


Greg is delighted to receive a peacemaking offer from Bobby. Adam has a windfall – and gets to keep it.