Episode 1219

Australian Air Date: 22nd April 1993
UK Air Date: 29th October 1993
Writer: Ray Harding
Director: Russell Webb
Cat No: HAW2-309

Sarah is furious at Tug’s possessiveness over Shane’s role in the musical. Shane finds himself in debt due to Adam’s ineptitude.

Extended Summary

At the beach house, Tug’s nervous about the auditions and Sarah tries to assure him that he’ll be okay. Adam’s off to the Diner to see Shane, after getting two more orders for the encyclopaedias and hopes Shane’s having the same success. Just as he arrives, Shane comes like a bat of hell on Damian’s bike, but as they talk about a rep visiting them tonight, the bike topples over and scratches Fisher’s new car. Adam tells him to keep quiet about it and Shane’s taken aback. Inside, Angel has struck up a business deal with Bobby for washing cars and her first customer is Fisher. As she goes off to get her cleaning materials, Adam comes in and boasts about having sold two more sets of encyclopaedias, but Fisher’s not impressed. Fisher retorts that tomorrow, he might not sell any, had he thought of that! Adam just pulls a face. Outside, Angel’s just about finished when Fisher comes to inspect her work but when he sees the scratch, he accuses her. Ailsa tries to calm the situation down but they continue arguing over it, inside. Angel accuses Fisher of trying to avoid paying her but he’s more concerned about who’s going to pay for it to be repaired. Nick arrives and when he finds out what the problem is, he tells Angel she can’t set up her car cleaning business because it’s against Council Rules. She storms out but not before telling Fisher, he can sing for his money!

At the school, Tug arrives for the auditions and waits nervously for Luke to arrive. Luke comes in and is concerned about Tug’s nerves and questions his motives for wanting to be in the play but Tug says if he gets the part, he won’t drop out, because when he has to kiss Sarah, he’ll be ‘hot’. Tug gets through the audition and he goes to the Stewart house to tell Sarah about it. Alf listens and comments that he thinks Tug’s taking on too much, what with all his other commitments but the lad retorts, he can handle it. Sarah is not sure. Meanwhile, Luke returns the keys to Fisher and when he and Nick ask how Tug got on, he says the acting was fine but the singing was lousy. Just at that precise moment, Shane comes in and Luke and Nick, emphasis that he mustn’t repeat what he’s just heard, to Tug. He agrees but he’s got other things on his mind and he tells Fisher he was responsible for the scratch on his car but Adam gave him some special polish and he’s removed it. Fisher feels bad about accusing Angel and goes looking for her. He ends up at the Diner and when he tells Bobby and Ailsa about it, they can’t stop laughing about the predicament he finds himself in.

As arranged, Terry Wells, the rep, arrives at the beach house to discuss Adam and Shane’s performance and he’s pleased with them. That is, until Adam tells him that he’s given the promotional set to the local school, as a way of getting more sales. The Rep’s furious. He tells them they are supposed to return it, when they finish the job! Adam and Shane are horrified to learn they now owe the company 800 bucks. The good thing is, with the sale of the two sets, they now owe just 400. The Rep leaves and Shane blames Adam for not reading the contract but Adam doesn’t seem phased by the problem, for some reason. They go to see Fisher and Adam spins him a yarn about taking the books back because he didn’t want them in the first place, but Fisher’s not interested. Adam’s then forced to tell him the truth and Fisher tells him he hopes he’ll learn from it but the books are staying at the school. Fisher and Nick find the situation funny but Adam and Shane don’t.

Luke goes round to the Stewart house to tell Tug he hasn’t got the part because his singing is bad. Tug blames Fisher but Luke tells him Fisher has nothing to do with the musical society, but he decides to give him another go. He tests him on the spot and even Alf can’t believe what he hears. Tug gets upset and goes to storm out, but Sarah stops him. She tells him, even if Shane does get the part, she’s only interested in him. She gives him a peck on the cheek but he’s not a happy chappie! Luke sees Shane outside the Diner and tells him he’s got the part but adds, he hopes it’s not because of this power play that’s going on between him and Tug. Shane says it’s not and goes inside where he sees Sarah and tells her the good news. He suggests they do extra rehearsals but she’s suspicious of him but he assures her, it’s nothing to do with Tug. So she agrees but he has that glint in his eye!! Angel comes in and tells Bobby she tried to get a permit from the Council but they made it quite clear, they don’t want someone like her, hanging around and Bobby’s disgusted. She then tells Angel that Fisher was looking for her, so she goes round to see him. He pays her for cleaning his car and apologises for falsely accusing her. She then tells him about the permit and persuades him to try and change the Council’s minds. Back at the Diner, Sarah and Shane discuss the play but his interpretation is way off base, so Sarah suggests he should read it again. She leaves, as Adam arrives. Adam and Shane argue over the 400 bucks but when Shane tries to renege on the deal, Adam tells him, they’re in it together and that’s the way it’s going to be.

Back at the beach house, Tug’s furious to learn from Sarah, that Shane’s got the part and he’s none too happy when she tells him about the extra practice and that it was Shane who suggested it.

It ends when Sarah accuses Tug of not trusting her and telling him she’s had enough. She storms off, leaving Tug stunned!!!

Avril M Harrison