UK Air Date: 1st November 1993
Writer: Boaz Stark
Director: Russell Webb
Cat No: HAW2-310
Angel refuses to be pressured into going to school. Tug finds it hard to keep his cool when Shane moves in on Sarah.
Extended Summary
It’s pouring with rain as Adam and Shane are trying to recoup their losses on the encyclopaedias, as they go door to door, but it doesn’t help their cause, with their constant bickering.
As Duncan plays with his bricks at home, Alf and Ailsa reflect on the lucky escape they had with the Sands Resort and try to image what Pippa and Michael are going through, because they weren’t so lucky. Sarah storms in but she’s too upset to talk and goes into the kitchen.
Poor old Bobby’s having a stressful time at the Diner. First Tug comes in and moans to her about not wanting Sarah to do the play because it means kissing Shane. And whatever she suggests, he knocks it back because he thinks he’s right to object. Then there’s Sam playing his saxophone out in the kitchen and it’s driving her mad, so she tells him to stop. Then as Tug storms out, Adam comes in and he has a moan to her about how useless Shane is. He goes on to relate how they got kicked out of a potential client’s house because Shane ended up insulting them, thus losing a sale. At the same time, Shane’s over at the Ross house, moaning to Damian about being fed-up with Adam but Damian seems to have other things on his mind – like trying to open a drawer, that’s stuck. It doesn’t help, when Shane teases him, as he struggles with the task but he eventually succeeds. Then Shane starts going on about kissing Sarah in front of the whole school and, of course, Tug because he wants revenge.
As Alf helps Duncan with his meal, Ailsa tells Sarah that Tug is insecure and that’s why he’s reacting like he is and whatever Shane’s intentions are, it’s Tug, who’s the problem. A knock at the door ends the conversation and as Sarah goes to see who it is, Alf comments that perhaps Sarah and Tug should split up. Sarah answers the door and it’s Damian, looking for Roxy, who’s not in, but before he goes, Sarah asks him if Shane’s on the level about wanting to do the play. Damian tells her he is and she’s relieved but as he leaves, he feels bad about lying to her. He goes straight over to tell Shane that he hated doing that to Sarah but Shane says he’d feel different, if it was him, that Tug set-up. He also reckons he’s doing Sarah a favour, if it results in her and Tug splitting up.
Angel’s cock-a-hoop when she returns to the Diner, with Fisher in tow, with a form from the Council to get her car washing business started but he warns her it might still not happen. She doesn’t see any problem for when she hands it in, he’ll be there as well because she still hasn’t quite forgiven him for the ‘car’ business. She sits down, to fill the form in and Fisher goes over to the counter and talks to Bobby. Sam wants to play his saxophone but can’t because Bobby’s put it out of reach, so he has to settle for a glass of orange juice instead. When Adam starts hassling him about the encyclopaedias, Fisher once again tells him, he’s not giving them back and takes Sam down to the beach with his saxophone.
Damian goes to the Diner and ends up helping Angel fill in her form. When Fisher and Sam return, he is relieved to find that Adam has left because he couldn’t bear anymore of his harassment and then asks how Angel’s getting on. She hands him the form and he glances through it and he’s impressed with what she’s done. He has to go because he’s got an appointment with his accountant about his retiring in a few weeks time and tells Angel he’ll drop the form in on the way. Before he goes, he gets her to agree to meet him at school later, to discuss something!
Tug calls in on Sarah but she’s gone shopping with Ailsa. He asks Alf to tell her when she gets back, he’s on the beach. When Tug asks if Sarah has told him anything, Alf invites him in and tries to give him some advice on the way to handle ‘Shelia’s’ but the idiot won’t listen and just repeats his message for Sarah, then leaves. Alf just shrugs his shoulders.
Back from his meeting, Angel turns up at the school and Fisher tries to get her to sit for a test because he was impressed with what she wrote on the Council form. He tells her she has potential and a way with words and even if she didn’t stay at this school, he could send her records onto her next one. She tells him she has no intention of going to school here or anywhere else and storms off. He goes home and Shane’s very critical of Angel’s motives because she ripped him off when she first arrived in Summer Bay. But as Fisher points out, she did pay him back, as soon as she got some money because it’s the way she survives and she’s basically honest. The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of Adam who appears to be wearing Fisher down, as he once again tries to get the books back, but this time, he’s got a different angle. Shane goes off to the beach, and Adam tells Fisher he’s worried about Shane and the pressure all this is having on the guy and that it must be affecting his school work. He carries on in this vein, until Fisher relents and says, he’ll think about it. When Adam makes no attempt to leave, Fisher asks him, if he wants it in writing but Adam just laughs and says he trusts him!
Down on the beach, Sarah finds Tug and when he tells her he want to try and sort things out, she stuns him when she says she doesn’t think they can. She tells him that all her life her father told her what to do and when she came to Summer Bay, she got some freedom and now he’s trying to control, her. She appears to have finally got through to him because he apologises and they hug, just as Shane arrives but they don’t see him.
Angel turns up at the Diner to talk to Bobby about what Fisher said and when Bobby says she agrees with what her Dad’s trying to do, Angel gets defensive, so she backs off. Sam’s driving her mad again with his saxophone playing, so when Ailsa comes back, she takes him over to Fisher’s because he does not appear to mind the noise! Before they go, Ailsa tells her and Angel, that Sarah and Tug have talked and they appear to be back together again. Angel tells Ailsa that she’s going to make a fortune with her car washing business but when Ailsa offers her credit, so she can have something to eat because she’s low on funds, she refuses and leaves. At Fisher’s, Bobby has a quick word about Angel’s reluctance to returning to school and then leaves Sam with him. She goes back to the Diner. When Fisher get a jar of honey out of the pantry, Sam lets slip what Adam said earlier on in the Diner, about using honey to trap flies. He rings Adam to tell him he’s not a fly and no amount of honey is likely to change that, then goes on to say the encyclopaedias will be staying at the school. Fisher then asks Sam if he would like some peanut butter!
It ends with Tug calling for Sarah, to ask if she would like to go on a picnic to Stewart’s Point but before she can answer, Shane appears. When he tells him they are rehearsing and having a good time and would he like to watch, Tug is devastated!!!
Avril M Harrison