Episode 1239

Australian Air Date: 20th May 1993
UK Air Date: 26th November 1993
Writer: Kit Oldfield
Director: Russell Webb
Cat No: HAW2-329

Sarah is concerned when Tug’s possessiveness rears it’s head again. Hostilities between Shane and Angel continue to escalate.

First episode. Donald’s housekeeper. Had an affair with Greg.
First episode. Fiona’s infant son.

Extended Summary

Bobby goes over to talk to Fisher about Greg’s reaction to her trying to find him work and he says he didn’t realise he wasn’t supposed to say anything. She apologises for sounding off at him and then asks how his first day with Angel went. He admits it was hard going and at the moment she’s giving him the hard shoulder. She just needs time to adjust and they’ll get on a lot better when she stops challenging his every move.
At the end of the running session, Damian’s still trying to convince Angel that Fisher is a good teacher. When they get back to the caravan park, Colin, a student from school, is waiting to check out the boots he’s selling. They go inside and after trying them on, they agree a price and he leaves. Damian puts the money to one side for Michael and Pippa, much to Angel’s surprise and points out he needs a good pair of running shoes, because his one are falling apart. He says he can save up for them, but at the moment, they need the money, more than he does. As she leaves, he reminds her to take it easy with Fisher and she says she’ll try, as long as he doesn’t treat her like a kid.

Down at the Surf Club, Tug and Sarah are enjoying a game of pool but she can’t stay because she has a costume fitting at home. She tells him to come over later and he heads over to Shane and starts winding him up about Angel decking him. Adam tells them to cool it and Tug leaves but Shane tells Adam that if she tries it again, he’ll forget she’s a lady and hit her. As he leaves, Pippa comes in to take over from Adam, so he can have his lunch break. It’s the first opportunity he’s had to express his condolences to her about Dale and she makes it very awkward for him and he can’t wait to get out of there. At home, he finds Bobby hard at it, trying to sort out the accounts and Greg asleep on the couch. He tells her she should get Greg to help her because if the boot was on the other foot, he would expect her to help him.

Ailsa’s pleased with her dress making skills and gets Sarah to show the boys the finished results. Tug, who has been waiting for her is shocked at the skimpy outfit but Alf thinks she looks pretty. Ailsa says it’s what Roxy wanted and they go to show her but Tug looks at Alf in horror. As Duncan plays with his toys, Alf tells Tug to play it cool, otherwise there will trouble.

Over dinner, Fisher and Angel discuss books and Shane tries to get into the conversation, but it’s way above his head and she calls him a moron. When they start talking about one particular author, Shane makes a fool of himself because he thinks they were talking about a man but it was a woman writing under a pseudonym. At the Surf Club, Shane is going on and on about Angel to Damian and Angel is going on and on about Shane to Sarah. They both come to the conclusion, that Shane and Angel like one another but are to pig headed to admit it. Damian goes over to the kiosk and gives Pippa the money from the sale of his boots and although she protests, he convinces her to keep it.

Back at the beach house, Bobby takes over the drying up so that Adam can get back to work but as he passes Greg, still asleep on the couch, he whacks him on the head and slams the door on his way out. It stirs him but he gets short change from Bobby because he’s forgotten that Ailsa’s coming over later to fix the costumes for the musical.

The Surf Club’s a hive of activity as costume fittings, rehearsals and scenery work goes on and but a shortage of cups means no drinks can be served. When Ailsa tells Adam to send someone over to the Diner for some, Shane volunteers and drags Damian off with him because he has a plan to get Angel interested in him. Tug’s jealous streak is rearing it’s ugly head again as he goes on about the dress she will be wearing in a scene with Shane and she gets annoyed with him.

Pippa goes over to Fisher’s and talks about how people try to avoid her because they feel awkward, as did Adam earlier on. He changes the subject and when he mentions Damian’s taken up running again and that Angel had told him, his shoes aren’t quite up to scratch, she says he seems to know more about him these days, than she does. They are about to go into the next room to drink their coffee, as Damian and Shane arrive, to scrounge the paper cups left over from the picnic. Shane tells Damian it’s revenge time for Angel, for calling him a moron and explains the cups in the Diner wouldn’t work because they don’t have handles. Back in the Surf Club, Shane puts his plan into action and tells Damian when she drinks from her cup, it will spill down her dress. But she turns the tables on him and switches the cups when he goes to get some sugar and he ends up with a messy T-shirt and Tug’s first to poke fun at him.

Next morning, at the beach house, Tug and Adam are still laughing at Shane making a fool of himself in the Surf Club and Tug says he can’t understand why he keeps dropping himself in it with her. Adam says it can only mean one thing – it’s love. Bobby comes in and she’s in a bad mood because she’s got a busy day ahead of her and Greg promised to help her but he’s still snoring his head off, after spending the night watching late night movies. As Adam and Tug leave, Greg’s up because Sam’s making a din on his saxophone and starts arguing with Bobby.

Shane’s furious he can’t remove the coffee stain from his favourite T-shirt and looks daggers at Angel. After Fisher leaves he tells her he’ll get even with her but she tells him to quit while she’s ahead, which he doesn’t find funny.

At the Diner, Bobby tells Ailsa about the problems between her and Greg and wonders how people on the dole manage to survive. Ailsa tries to assure her, that once Greg finds a job, things will get back to normal. Angel and Sarah are having something to eat and Sarah teases Angel about her fancying Shane which she vehemently denies. Sarah doesn’t believe her.

As Damian’s about to leave for school, Pippa gives him the money back and tells him to put it towards his trainers. He tries to refuse but she’s insists he takes it and she goes off to do some chores as Shane arrives. He’s still fuming over his ruined T-shirt and says he’s going to pay her back. He doesn’t take Damian’s comment well about him being sweet on her.

It ends when he declares war on her and says by the time he’s finished with her she won’t know what’s hit her…

Avril M Harrison