Episode 1252

Australian Air Date: 8th June 1993
UK Air Date: 15th December 1993
Writer: Glen Stevens
Director: Michael Ailwood
Cat No: HAW2-342

Fiona tells Greg she finds him attractive. The musical fiasco has dire consequences for Tug.

Extended Summary

The fight brought the curtain down on the musical forever and as the repercussions sink in, the feuding twosome are still blaming each other for the mess. Alf’s after Tug for a new pair of trousers, to which Tug doesn’t take very kindly to and tells him so, forcing Bobby to step in and take him home. Shane’s the only one who is enjoying it all because what he set out to do to Tug, worked, even though he’s now having to take the flak for his action from Nick and Fisher. Luke is furious that three months work has been ruined and must now face the audience, to apologise. Meanwhile, Roxy and Angel go in search of Sarah and find her outside, in tears. She refuses to go back inside and says she feels humiliated, thanks to Shane’s action and then attacks Tug’s action for doing what he did. She storms off into the dark and they feel utterly useless, as they watch her disappear. At the Beach house, Greg and Sam are engrossed in a game of snap, when Bobby and Tug come in, still arguing about his behaviour. When Greg hears about the rumpus, he wishes he had been there which doesn’t impress Bobby, when she’s trying to set Tug an example on how to behave. Back at the Surf Club, Luke makes an tells the audience the show is off and to see Roxy at the door, for a refund. Ailsa feels bad about not listening to Sarah’s warning, to which Alf agrees because he reckoned if he knew about it, he would have stopped Tug from going on stage, even if it meant sitting on him…A dejected Luke reflects on the night’s fiasco, as Alf goes to collect Duncan and Nick goes looking for his idiot brother, who is outside, looking sorry for himself. He asks him why he did it and although his reasoning is a valid one for getting back at Tug for setting him up and sending him to prison, Nick can’t condone his actions because it effected so many others and tells him to take a good long hard look at himself and ask what has he really achieved. Back inside, Fisher leaves, as Luke and Roxy talk about all the hard work they’d put into the show, only to have it all ruined, by one act of violence. Sarah’s back home and tells Angel and Ailsa she can’t forgive Tug and thinks about splitting up with him. Shane finally arrives home and Angel’s waiting for him and a few well chosen words from her, hit home.
Next morning, as Bobby and Tug take a walk along the beach, he’s convinced that last night’s fiasco has worked in his favour, as he reasons it showed Shane’s true colours but Bobby doesn’t share in his optimism. He goes over to see Sarah but Alf refuses to let him in and shuts the door in his face. Inside, Sarah is in no mood to face anyone and decides to stay home, refusing to help Roxy down at the Surf Club. Shane is still getting flak from home, in particular from Angel, who has an uncanny knack of getting right under his skin and she knows it. Fiona arrives to get on with the ironing and Fisher leaves her to it. At the Diner Tug’s angry that he couldn’t see Sarah and is beginning to get worried that she’s planning to dump him. Bobby and Nick fail to pacify him and he would happily throttle Shane, just to get back at him. He leaves and Bobby turns to Nick, to ask him about the argument he had with Greg the previous night and he puts his foot right in it. He tells her they were arguing about football, which wasn’t what Greg told her and now she’s starting to get suspicious again. Greg brings in Sam later and she tackles him about what Nick said and when she questions his answer, he gets annoyed and storms off. Ailsa comes out of the kitchen to enquire what’s going on and Bobby tells her something’s up and she intends to find out what it is. He goes over to finish the shelves for Fisher and tells Fiona about his argument with Bobby. Then he admits he has feelings for her and wants to know how she feels. While they talk about their true feelings for one another, Ailsa tells Bobby there could be a number of reasons why Greg and Nick argued but Bobby thinks her marriage is in trouble. After telling Angel that she is finishing with Tug, Sarah goes over to the Diner to look for him and Bobby tells her, he’s down on the beach.

Alf goes over to the Surf Club to help clear the place up but finds Luke and Roxy have already done it. When he jokes about putting on another show, Luke grimaces and says he’ll never do anymore.

Sarah meets Tug on the beach and he brags to her that Shane won’t be bothering her again and she sees red over that remark and tells him off. She tells him she doesn’t like being fought over and because of this, she’s finishing with him.

It ends with him trying to protest but she walks away, leaving him stunned…

Avril M Harrison